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Wharton psychologist Adam Grant: Here's my 'favorite advice to job seekers' -- it's the easiest way to learn about a company's culture
Wharton professor and organizational psychologist Adam Grant
If you ask, "What's your company culture like?" in a job interview, chances are you'll get a generic answer.
"Our team is really collaborative," the recruiter might say. "We're like a family here. We place a strong emphasis on open communication and working together towards a shared goal."
The problem is that these responses can feel
canned or rote. They don't end up giving you the information you need.
"My favorite advice to job seekers and career switchers is, Don't just ask people to describe the culture, because you tend to get a lot of platitudes and cliches," Wharton psychologist Adam Grant says. "What you want to do is anchor more in people's day to day experiences. And the easiest way to do that is to ask, 'Can you tell me a story about something that happens here but would not elsewhere?'"
Grant, who's a bestselling author and Glassdoor's "Chief Worklife Expert," has been a public speaker and leadership consultant for over 10 years. He says that asking this question helps you to truly get a feel for interactions at this particular company -- something many job seekers don't spend enough time analyzing.
"You want to spend as much time vetting the culture of the place as you do the nature of the work," says Grant. "Our opportunities are shaped as much by the people and values around us that they are by what we're doing day to day."
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Wharton psychologist Adam Grant: Here's my 'favorite advice to job seekers' -- it's the easiest way to learn about a company's culture
If you ask, "What's your company culture like?" in a job interview, chances are you'll get a generic answer.
"Our team is really collaborative," the recruiter might say. "We're like a family here. We place a strong emphasis on open communication and working together towards a shared goal."
The problem is that these responses can feel canned or rote. They don't end up giving you the information
you need.
"My favorite advice to job seekers and career switchers is, Don't just ask people to describe the culture, because you tend to get a lot of platitudes and cliches," Wharton psychologist Adam Grant says. "What you want to do is anchor more in people's day to day experiences. And the easiest way to do that is to ask, 'Can you tell me a story about something that happens here but would not elsewhere?'"
Grant, who's a bestselling author and Glassdoor's "Chief Worklife Expert," has been a public speaker and leadership consultant for over 10 years. He says that asking this question helps you to truly get a feel for interactions at this particular company -- something many job seekers don't spend enough time analyzing.
"You want to spend as much time vetting the culture of the place as you do the nature of the work," says Grant. "Our opportunities are shaped as much by the people and values around us that they are by what we're doing day to day."
Brianna Doe, founder of boutique marketing agency Verbatim, learned this the hard way. She once accepted an offer from a company that wasn't clear on what its culture was like, Doe said last year. After joining, she wished she had been better prepared.
Now, having led hiring interviews for over seven years, Doe advises professionals to learn about the culture by asking questions like, "What are the common themes that you find among your highest performers?" and, "What would the first 30 days look like for the person in this role?"
At a new company, your specific position matters, but so does the big picture.
"Everybody's job changes over time, and you might end up in a role that was a great fit for you today, and it's not such a good fit tomorrow," Grant says. "Ultimately, the best shot you have in improving that situation is having joined a culture where you know people are invested in your growth, success and well being."
When you ask the kinds of questions suggested by Grant and Doe, you can sift through the answers to look for patterns, both positive and negative. Maybe there's a fun, quarterly incentive to get employees excited about meeting certain goals. Or maybe there's a palpably competitive atmosphere, which can make some workers feel uncomfortable.
Those are experiences you likely won't hear about when simply asking what the company culture is like. And culture matters: Many employees say that they want to work for companies that share their values and where they feel engaged and respected.
As a job seeker, you can gain valuable information by asking their employees for their stories.
"When people tell those stories, they give you lots of clues about whether this is the kind of organization that [provides] a sense of psychological safety, fairness and control, where you can really shape your own destiny," Grant says.
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5 Core Skills Clients Want in Consultants | Freshminds
Within any consulting framework, the boundaries between senior consultants and clients have always been blurred. However, this has become more so in recent years as more experts choose to work within an interim or fractional system. Having experience on both sides, Rick Limentani, a senior consultant in Freshminds' network, looks at the five core generalist skills a client will recognise and seek
out when choosing a consultant.
The consulting market has been slow lately, both for freelance contractors and for big consultancies. There are signs that it is starting to pick up again, as it always does, but in the meantime, a quiet spell leads to greater competition for any available projects.
This means that clients who are looking for support on a particular issue find themselves blessed with a greater choice than they might normally have.
One of the consequences of this greater choice is that potential clients can be more demanding in the level and specificity of experience that they seek from contractors. Despite this, however, looking at the opportunities available on the Freshminds website for instance, almost every role specification I read is built around the same set of key skills. These skills are what define the role of 'consultant' and have certainly underpinned my own freelance success for two decades.
These days, as a senior consultant, I often need to pull together a small team for the projects that I land. As a result, I spend as much time on the client side of the recruitment equation. This has highlighted that these are also the skills that matter to me as a client.
Having demonstrable examples of these five key consulting skills on your CV, and at the front of your mind when interviewed, is now something I actively look for in a candidate.
Data analysis is a skill that never goes away. As you progress in your career you will likely find yourself building fewer spreadsheets, but even at partner level I still see experienced hands digging into the base data for themselves to satisfy concerns and answer questions.
Laying out an analysis in a clear, logical structure that can be dynamically adjusted, with space for growth and adaptation, is an essential habit that comes from practice, and is immediately apparent to anyone looking at your work.
Analysis tools have developed a lot in recent years, and keeping up with the new advances in Excel, Tableau, Power BI and beyond may feel like a Sisyphean task sometimes, but the truth is that doing the analysis is not where we show our worth. Most problems can be solved using simple formulae and basic analysis techniques, and where they can't there is a wealth of online guidance on how to do the tricky bits.
The key is to know which analyses to do, and how to turn the outputs of such analyses into actionable insights. This is where a consultant can then really show their value.
Clear, consistent, concise and compelling. That's my mantra for written communications. I've worked at a range of consultancies with very different styles over the years, from vertical word reports to Keynote documents built by an on-site graphic designer, but that mantra has always held true.
Personally, I find it hard to move far from my early consulting training on this and think there's something inherently beautiful about a perfectly pyramid-structured PowerPoint presentation. I have seen individual slides go through dozens of refinements and honing to meet these goals, but the mantra is equally valid for writing emails.
In general, laying out a clear structure, sticking to that structure, focusing on a single message at a time, and ensuring you include a summary for the people who inevitably won't have time to read the rest, are the most valuable things you can do in any written communication. No matter what brilliance you come up with for your client's benefit, if they don't understand your ideas or don't believe in them, then they won't implement them.
On the face of it this ought to be the most straightforward element of any job: making sure the work gets done on time.
In practice, it's a valuable skill in its own right, with any number of different strategies and approaches that are worth learning, but which all boil down to essentially the same thing: making as robust a plan as possible, getting everyone involved to sign up to it, then tracking against it.
The variation comes in deciding how and when to adapt a plan, how to drive things forward if they're sticking, or how to overcome a particular obstacle. Regardless of the method, the goal is the same: delivering work on time and on budget are key skills that we should all aspire to, and that are still being written into role descriptions for that reason.
The softest of soft skills can be one of the hardest to learn. There are many different aspects to stakeholder management, from tactfully pushing back on scope creep to carefully leveraging the internal politics of your client's C-suite. I personally avoid the Machiavellian approach and focus on ensuring that I'm including everyone who should be included, at every stage. I often have an open conversation with my key stakeholders at the start, about who else I should be including. I find that affable openness has served me well, even when that includes openly explaining that I'm not able to tell some people some elements of my work (e.g. when working with defence suppliers).
Different people like to be communicated with in different ways. Recognising which stakeholder enjoys frequent chats over coffee, versus another who only requires emails with a clear action request at the top, is essential to effectively building those working relationships.
This is a skill that obviously becomes more important the more senior you become, but even if you're just starting out, the ability to motivate, support and mentor your colleagues are skills that stand out. As a contractor, this has been one of the harder skills to develop, as it's rare to have the chance to manage the same team for a sustained period of time.
Leadership is a multifaceted skill, requiring strategic vision, modelling of good behaviour (e.g. ethics, inclusivity) and a lot of emotional intelligence. It's a complex, nuanced role: building a team, motivating those around you, empowering and delegating while at the same time supporting and challenging. Few leaders have received any formal training, and everyone is just doing their best, so good leadership skills always stand out.
Of course, there are many other skills that consultants bring to their clients, along with a broad hinterland of experience from other sectors and projects that can cross-pollinate to form transformative strategies.
Despite that, these five skills remain the universal cornerstones of any good career as a business consultant. Alongside the sector and role specifics for a particular project, these are the demonstrable skills that clients are looking for.
About the Author
Rick Limentani is an experienced freelance strategy consultant. He started at McKinsey, before setting up his own consultancy, and has worked alongside Freshminds for over 20 years. In his spare time, he is also an award-winning writer and a magistrate.
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Four Lies To Tell In Job Interviews To Get Hired
Hiring season is heating up, and studies show that 70% of job seekers admit to lying on resumes and in job interviews. They pump up skills and responsibilities, inflate metrics or even invent a job title. Most people lie from fear of consequences, desire for personal gain or protecting someone else. But, because the risk of getting caught and damaging your career is real, the rule of thumb is to
never lie on a resume or in a job interview. But is it ever a good idea to bend the truth a little? Under certain circumstances, some leaders say that there are four lies to tell in job interviews to land the position.
There are at least 15 types of lies, for example, lies by mistake, deceitful lies and lies of omission. And then there are little white lies--also known as fibs--that we tell with good intentions so as not to harm another person. According to Avery Morgan, chief Human Resources officer at EduBirdie, there are times when a little white lie might actually work in your favor. She shared with me four strategic lies you MUST tell to land the job.
1. Lie about your ex (boss). According to Morgan, your old boss might've been the literal worst. Nevertheless, she suggests keeping that tea for the group chat. "When asked why you're leaving your current position, sprinkle some sugar on it," she advises. "Try something like: 'I'm looking for more growth opportunities, and this new role aligns perfectly with my goals.' Let the HR read between the lines that your boss micromanages you to death." She mentions that employers seek positivity, not drama, and recommends that if your last gig was a toxic nightmare, make it look like a paramount learning experience.
2. Claim you're in demand. "You might be desperate for this job," Morgan states. "It might be your dream job. But please don't say that out loud. Instead, play a little bit hard to get. You can casually mention something like: 'I'm exploring a couple of great offers right now, but I'm really excited about this one.'" Why? she asks, explaining that nobody wants the candidate ghosted by dozens of other companies. "They want the hot stuff everyone's chasing," she insists. "Even if this is the only interview you've landed, give them some FOMO."
3. Hide your entrepreneur ambitions. If this position is your stepping stone towards starting your own thing, Morgan recommends that you keep that to yourself. "A potential employee saying, 'I'm planning to start my own business eventually,' screams flight risk," she points out. "You can re-frame your ambitions to sound more like 'I'm focused on growing my skills within a strong team like yours,' which doesn't suggest you're here forever, but you're not waving a giant red flag about it, either." She advises that relocating or taking a gap year to "find yourself" are to keep under wraps for just now, too. "If the interviewer asks about your five-year plan, don't overshare the dreams of backpacking through Europe," she declared. "Instead, focus on skills you want to develop and things you want to accomplish. Or hit them with something like 'In five years, I see myself thriving here and contributing to the team's growth.' It's not even lying; it's strategic editing to show the commitment an employer wants to see."
4. Fake "dream candidate" energy till you make it. Morgan asserts that job listings often come with a mile-long list of requirements, adding that the truth is, no one expects you to check every single box. "Read between the lines, focus on the most essential skills they're looking for (don't lie about them though) and show confidence in your ability to learn and grow," she stresses. "Instead of, 'I don't have direct experience with this software,' pivot to: 'While I haven't done this, I've successfully tackled similar challenges like this and that, so I'm confident I can learn quickly.'"
I have written for in the past about how poker strategies can give you a leg up on a job interview. Now, Morgan reveals certain acceptable lies everyone should tell in a job interview known as "smart positioning" versus lies based on dishonesty. She distinguishes the difference this way: "Think of it like makeup versus plastic surgery -- fabricating hard skills or experience is like getting a whole new face, while framing your story right is like using contour to sharpen your best features."
Morgan considers an interview to be a high-stakes game with a time limit and notes that you can't expect HR to truly see the full picture of who you are in just an hour. "So the lies I'm talking about are just about playing the game strategically," she clarifies. "Say your ex-boss was toxic (even if true), and the interviewer hears: 'I'm hard to work with.' Mention your plans to start a business or fail to sell yourself, and they think, 'You're not committed.' Come off too desperate, and your value drops. Smart positioning isn't about faking it -- it's about presenting yourself right."
At the end of the day, interviews are all about perception and making the right impression. And "fake it until you make it strategies" are legitimate for career success. Morgan's advocacy for telling lies in an interview is based on what she calls "smart positioning." She emphasizes that your story should be grounded in the framework of your actual hard skills and tailored to highlight your strengths. In that context, she concludes, there are four lies to tell in job interviews to help you ace the challenge.
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2 interview red flags according to a co-founder who's hired and interviewed hundreds of people
Elizabeth Gore has hired and interviewed "hundreds of people," she says.
Gore worked at the United Nations Foundation then Dell helping entrepreneurs around the world build their businesses. In 2017, she co-founded Hello Alice, a platform helping entrepreneurs gain "access to capital like grants, loans, credit," she says, and connecting them with a network of like entrepreneurs.
When it comes to
finding the right candidates during job interviews, she loves asking questions like, "what do you think we're doing wrong at our company?" as a way to gauge what they can bring to the table, she says. She also pays attention to what turns her off.
Here are two of her biggest red flags.
Gore's No. 1 red flag is seeing that a candidate is focused solely on what's in the job description. It's fine to think about that list of tasks, "but how are they going to go beyond it?" she says.
The job description outlines the basics of what a job entails, but it can't cover everything, especially original initiatives. "How are they going to stretch?" Gore says about what she considers. "How are they going to push our company goals? What innovation are they bringing to the table?" All of these could mean success for her company down the line.
To see if a candidate has thought beyond the listing, she'll ask questions about their ideas for the company and try to get feedback about what the company could be doing better. If they come with critical thoughts and relevant pitches, that's a good sign.
This kind of expansive thinking is especially important at startups. Employees have to innovate, but they often also have to wear many hats. "Our motto is 'everyone takes out the trash,'" says Gore. She wants something who's going to do whatever is necessary to move the team forward.
Sussing out what candidates are focused on helps Gore uncover her second red flag: people coming into the interview unprepared.
If she asks a question like, "what other ideas do you have?" and the answer is "well, you know, I would have to do more research," she says, "or I didn't have time to look into the company," it's clear they didn't bother to do the bare minimum of learning about the opportunity, let alone think big about how to solve problems.
This behavior is unfortunately common. "I'm actually shocked at how many times people don't do their homework," Adriane Schwager, CEO and co-founder of hiring platform GrowthAssistant, previously told Make It. Her biggest piece of advice to people at any experience level is to show up prepared.
Gore is most interested in candidates who have "done significant research on the company" with "ideas to bring," she says. Those are the people who could help her company reach its goals.
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7 Colossal Mistakes People Make When Applying for Jobs
Applying for jobs is often frustrating. While some people find success quickly, others endure rejection after rejection before finally landing their dream job. Job hunting can be lengthy and time-consuming and can range from a few days to several months.
Some job seekers face difficulties securing employment due to persistent mistakes, which are often unknowingly made and can hinder their chances
of landing their ideal role.
Here are some common mistakes people make when applying for jobs and how to fix them.
1. Ignoring Your LinkedIn Profile
Even if social media isn't your thing, LinkedIn is a valuable asset for job seekers. It's becoming increasingly common for job applications to request a link to your LinkedIn profile. If yours hasn't been updated in a while, it may not represent your best professional image and could hinder your job search, so it's best to get that up-to-date as soon as possible!
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Before applying for jobs, take some time to update your LinkedIn profile properly. First, update any LinkedIn headshots you already have with a more modern, professional picture of yourself, then make sure your job history and skills sections are current.
2. Applying With a Generic Résumé
When applying for new jobs, using the same résumé you always do and just adding your updated work experience may not be a good idea. Employers may not need to see all of your work experience from high school, and not all of your volunteer experience will be relevant.
Instead, focus on tailoring your résumé to the specific job you're applying for. For example, if you're going for a financial analyst position, your college job flipping burgers may not be applicable, but your internship at J.P. Morgan will certainly look good to the firm.
Focus on your most relevant job experience and develop a functional résumé showcasing your work rather than a simple chronological version.
3. Forgetting to Proofread Your Résumé and Cover Letter
Your potential employer may not be a grammar nerd, but they certainly won't be impressed by typos and glaring grammatical errors. It takes only a few minutes to comb through your résumé for errors, and you should be sure to take that time. It doesn't hurt to ask your grammar nerd friend to look through it, either.
Better yet, consider using a spell-check tool like Grammarly to find and help you correct obvious mistakes. Because AI makes it so fast and easy to spell-check your application, most employers expect it during the job search.
4. Skipping the Cover Letter
Not every job requires a cover letter, but if it's requested, you must include it. It's not a suggestion; they want to see your writing skills and a good description of the work experience you have under your belt.
Sometimes, including a cover letter is a good idea, even if it's not requested. It certainly won't take away from your job prospects, and it may impress your future employer. They may see you as someone who takes the opportunity more seriously and is thorough in their work.
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5. Following Up Incorrectly
After submitting your résumé and job application, it may be tempting to reach out to the hiring representative frequently to ask about the status of your application. However, no one will appreciate this.
And if you're given an interview, send a handwritten thank-you note (when appropriate) or a polite email thanking them for their time. This can be a good time to add a couple of details you might not have mentioned in the interview or an additional contact method for them to reach you if needed.
It's generally considered acceptable to reach out two to three weeks after the interview to check on your application status unless a different time frame was stated in the job description. Avoid repeatedly sending emails. If they haven't gotten back to you, assume you didn't get the job and move on.
6. Not Following Instructions
Read the application instructions carefully so you don't miss any steps or neglect to add any information the company asks for. It's not rocket science, but it will take some time. If you don't put in that time, you risk creating the first impression that you are lazy -- all because you didn't follow the instructions.
7. Not Using the Power of Networking
Despite exceptional qualifications in your résumé, cover letter and work history, the job may still elude you. This is where networking comes in. Building relationships with key figures within the company's inner circle can enhance your job application by creating a personalized connection. This interaction adds a human element to your résumé, making it stand out from the crowd and increasing your chances of success compared to other applicants.
If you're looking for a job in a particular field, it's always a good idea to let any acquaintances you already know in that industry about your search. You may be surprised to learn that many of them have connections and are eager to introduce you to potential employers.
Maximize your job search by leveraging LinkedIn. Connect with hiring managers and recruiters from target companies. Explore potential job openings that align with your qualifications and interests. This proactive approach can uncover suitable positions that may not be publicly advertised. Because you took the initiative and reached out first, it might give you a significant edge over the competition.
Learn From These Colossal Mistakes
Many previous job searchers have made these common mistakes, so you don't have to. They've discovered that not putting in the appropriate time and effort into the job search process can have disastrous consequences.
If you're struggling to land a job offer, it's important to identify potential errors in your job search process. Trial and error is often necessary to understand what's effective and what's not, and the specific obstacles and achievements you encounter may vary from others.
Mistakes are valuable lessons that should be embraced for their ability to foster growth. By embracing a mindset focused on learning and continuous improvement, you can avoid past errors and unlock success in future endeavors.
This contributor content is printed as is and contains links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by the publisher, Lee Enterprises. Lee Enterprises does not endorse the websites, products or services referenced. Any claims, recommendations or errors are the contributor's own, and the reader is responsible for evaluating all products and services.
Lee Enterprises newsroom and editorial were not involved in the creation of this content.
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2 interview red flags according to a co-founder who's hired and interviewed hundreds of people
Elizabeth Gore has hired and interviewed "hundreds of people," she says.
Gore worked at the United Nations Foundation then Dell helping entrepreneurs around the world build their businesses. In 2017, she co-founded Hello Alice, a platform helping entrepreneurs gain "access to capital like grants, loans, credit," she says, and connecting them with a network of like entrepreneurs.
When it comes to
finding the right candidates during job interviews, she loves asking questions like, "what do you think we're doing wrong at our company?" as a way to gauge what they can bring to the table, she says. She also pays attention to what turns her off.
Here are two of her biggest red flags.
Gore's No. 1 red flag is seeing that a candidate is focused solely on what's in the job description. It's fine to think about that list of tasks, "but how are they going to go beyond it?" she says.
The job description outlines the basics of what a job entails, but it can't cover everything, especially original initiatives. "How are they going to stretch?" Gore says about what she considers. "How are they going to push our company goals? What innovation are they bringing to the table?" All of these could mean success for her company down the line.
To see if a candidate has thought beyond the listing, she'll ask questions about their ideas for the company and try to get feedback about what the company could be doing better. If they come with critical thoughts and relevant pitches, that's a good sign.
This kind of expansive thinking is especially important at startups. Employees have to innovate, but they often also have to wear many hats. "Our motto is 'everyone takes out the trash,'" says Gore. She wants something who's going to do whatever is necessary to move the team forward.
Sussing out what candidates are focused on helps Gore uncover her second red flag: people coming into the interview unprepared.
If she asks a question like, "what other ideas do you have?" and the answer is "well, you know, I would have to do more research," she says, "or I didn't have time to look into the company," it's clear they didn't bother to do the bare minimum of learning about the opportunity, let alone think big about how to solve problems.
This behavior is unfortunately common. "I'm actually shocked at how many times people don't do their homework," Adriane Schwager, CEO and co-founder of hiring platform GrowthAssistant, previously told Make It. Her biggest piece of advice to people at any experience level is to show up prepared.
Gore is most interested in candidates who have "done significant research on the company" with "ideas to bring," she says. Those are the people who could help her company reach its goals.
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Total Rewards vs EVP - How Are They Different?
In today's fast-paced and competitive global workforce, organizations are constantly rethinking how they attract, engage, and retain top talent. Two critical concepts that often come up in this conversation are Total Rewards and Employee Value Proposition (EVP). Both frameworks play a vital role in shaping the employee experience and driving organizational success, yet they serve distinct purposes
and operate on different levels. Understanding the difference between these concepts -- and knowing how to leverage them effectively -- is essential for creating a workplace that not only attracts high-performing talent but also retains them for the long term.
At its core, Total Rewards encompasses the comprehensive package of compensation, benefits, and perks an organization provides to its employees. This includes everything from salaries and bonuses to health insurance, career development programs, and work-life balance initiatives. Total Rewards is designed to meet employees' tangible and immediate needs, making it a cornerstone of benefits and compensation strategies.
On the other hand, Employee Value Proposition is a broader, more strategic concept. EVP reflects the unique value an organization offers to its employees beyond monetary benefits. It includes the organization's culture, purpose, growth opportunities, and overall experience it provides to employees. EVP is not just about what employees receive but about how they perceive and feel about working for the organization.
As global mobility continues to reshape talent landscapes, the distinction between Total Rewards and EVP has become increasingly important. Companies navigating corporate relocation services, international assignments, and geographically dispersed teams must find innovative ways to integrate these frameworks to attract and retain global talent. This integration is particularly crucial in aligning organizational goals with the diverse expectations of a globally mobile workforce.
In this article, we will delve into the definitions, differences, and intersections of Total Rewards and EVP. We'll explore their impact on global mobility, talent acquisition, and employee satisfaction, offering actionable insights to help organizations create compelling value propositions that resonate with today's workforce.
Understanding Total Rewards
In the realm of employee engagement and retention, Total Rewards serves as a foundational concept for organizations striving to offer comprehensive and competitive support to their workforce. Total Rewards is not just about monetary compensation; it encompasses a holistic package of tangible and intangible benefits that aim to address employees' diverse needs and motivations. From base salaries and performance bonuses to health insurance, retirement plans, career development opportunities, and work-life balance initiatives, Total Rewards reflects a company's commitment to the well-being and success of its employees.
In today's globalized economy, where talent acquisition spans continents, Total Rewards takes on an even more significant role. For companies managing global mobility programs and corporate relocation services, crafting effective Total Rewards packages is a delicate balancing act. Employees taking on international assignments or relocating to new regions often have unique needs, such as relocation allowances, housing support, or region-specific benefits. By addressing these complexities, Total Rewards frameworks ensure that employees feel supported, valued, and motivated, no matter where their career journey takes them.
This section explores the key components of Total Rewards and highlights its strategic importance in fostering a satisfied and productive workforce. Whether an organization is focused on attracting top talent, retaining high performers, or supporting globally mobile employees, a well-structured Total Rewards strategy is indispensable. Understanding its components and potential can help organizations remain competitive in a talent-driven marketplace.
1.1 Definition and Components of Total Rewards
Total Rewards is a comprehensive framework that organizations use to attract, engage, and retain employees by addressing their diverse needs through a mix of tangible and intangible benefits. Unlike traditional compensation strategies that focus solely on salary and bonuses, Total Rewards encompasses a broader spectrum, including financial rewards, career development opportunities, and support for work-life balance. This holistic approach ensures that employees feel valued not just for their work but as individuals with unique professional and personal needs.
The key components of Total Rewards can be categorized into five primary areas:
By encompassing these components, Total Rewards provides a structured yet flexible approach to addressing the needs of a modern workforce. For organizations involved in global mobility or corporate relocation services, tailoring these rewards to meet the unique challenges of an international workforce is critical. A robust Total Rewards strategy not only boosts employee satisfaction but also enhances an organization's ability to attract and retain top talent in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
1.2 Why Total Rewards Are Critical for Global Mobility Programs
As organizations expand their reach across borders, global mobility programs have become essential to ensuring business success in an interconnected world. These programs involve relocating employees for international assignments, managing expatriate teams, or attracting talent from diverse geographic regions. In such scenarios, Total Rewards plays a pivotal role in addressing the unique challenges and expectations of a globally mobile workforce.
One of the key reasons Total Rewards is vital for global mobility is its ability to provide tailored support for relocating employees. Relocation often brings financial, logistical, and emotional complexities, and a well-designed Total Rewards package can help mitigate these challenges. For instance, organizations may offer relocation allowances, housing stipends, tax equalization support, and region-specific benefits to ensure that employees and their families feel secure and valued during the transition.
Moreover, Total Rewards fosters employee engagement and retention in global roles. International assignments can be demanding, requiring employees to adapt to new cultural, social, and professional environments. A robust Total Rewards framework that includes career development opportunities, cultural training, and wellness programs demonstrates an organization's commitment to supporting its employees beyond financial compensation. This comprehensive approach helps maintain morale and productivity, even in high-stress global roles.
Another critical factor is the competitive advantage Total Rewards offers in talent acquisition. As organizations compete to attract the best talent in a globalized marketplace, providing comprehensive and appealing Total Rewards packages can set them apart. Tailoring benefits and compensation to the specific needs of international candidates -- such as offering dual-location support or flexible work arrangements -- positions companies as desirable employers in the global talent pool.
In essence, Total Rewards is not just about fulfilling immediate needs; it's a strategic tool for building trust and loyalty with employees navigating the complexities of global mobility. By aligning Total Rewards with the goals of global mobility programs, organizations can create a supportive framework that drives employee satisfaction, retention, and long-term success on an international scale.
Exploring Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
In a competitive talent marketplace, where top candidates often have their pick of employers, standing out as an organization of choice requires more than attractive salaries and benefits. This is where the concept of Employee Value Proposition (EVP) becomes invaluable. EVP is the unique set of offerings, values, and experiences that an organization promises to deliver to its employees. It defines the core reasons why people want to work for a company -- and, equally important, why they choose to stay.
Unlike Total Rewards, which primarily focuses on tangible benefits like compensation and perks, EVP is broader and more strategic in scope. It encompasses the cultural, professional, and personal dimensions of the employee experience, including opportunities for growth, a sense of purpose, and alignment with organizational values. A well-articulated EVP not only attracts high-quality talent but also fosters a deep connection between employees and their employer, driving long-term engagement and loyalty.
As the global workforce evolves, EVP has taken on a critical role in talent acquisition and retention, especially for organizations managing global mobility programs. Relocating employees or attracting talent from different regions requires a compelling EVP that addresses the unique motivations and concerns of a geographically diverse workforce. Whether it's highlighting opportunities for career advancement through international assignments or emphasizing the organization's commitment to diversity and inclusion, a strong EVP can resonate deeply with global talent.
In this section, we will delve into the core elements of EVP, its impact on talent strategies, and why it has become a cornerstone for companies navigating the challenges of corporate relocation services and global mobility. By understanding EVP's strategic importance, organizations can craft an authentic and compelling narrative that sets them apart in the race for top talent.
2.1 Definition and Core Elements of EVP
Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is the unique combination of benefits, experiences, and cultural aspects that an organization offers to its employees in return for their skills, capabilities, and commitment. It represents the essence of what makes a company an attractive place to work and serves as the foundation for its employer brand. Unlike Total Rewards, which focuses on tangible benefits like salary and perks, EVP takes a broader, more holistic approach to defining the value employees derive from their relationship with the organization.
A strong EVP typically includes the following core elements:
By integrating these elements, organizations can create an EVP that resonates deeply with their workforce. A compelling EVP doesn't just attract talent -- it transforms employees into ambassadors who champion the organization's mission and values, both internally and externally. This is particularly powerful in a global context, where a cohesive EVP can unify diverse, dispersed teams under a shared vision.
2.2 The Role of EVP in Supporting Global Talent Strategies
In an era of globalization, where organizations are competing to attract and retain top talent from diverse geographies, a strong Employee Value Proposition (EVP) has become a cornerstone of successful global talent strategies. EVP not only defines what makes an organization unique as an employer but also directly influences its ability to engage a geographically dispersed and culturally diverse workforce.
One of the most significant roles of EVP in global talent strategies is attracting top-tier talent. As candidates evaluate potential employers, they look for more than just compensation; they seek alignment with an organization's values, mission, and culture. A well-crafted EVP that highlights opportunities for international career advancement, cultural diversity, and global impact can resonate strongly with highly skilled professionals seeking dynamic and meaningful careers.
EVP also plays a critical role in retaining employees in global roles. International assignments and corporate relocations can present significant challenges, including cultural adjustments, family relocation concerns, and adapting to new work environments. An EVP that emphasizes tailored support, such as relocation assistance, cross-cultural training, and family integration programs, helps ensure that employees feel valued and supported throughout their global mobility journey.
Additionally, a compelling EVP can foster employee engagement across borders. Global teams often face barriers such as time zone differences, language diversity, and remote working dynamics. A strong EVP that communicates a shared sense of purpose and belonging can bridge these gaps, uniting employees under a cohesive organizational identity. This not only enhances collaboration and productivity but also strengthens the organization's global employer brand.
Finally, EVP supports organizations in aligning their global talent strategies with their broader business objectives. By crafting an EVP that reflects organizational priorities -- such as innovation, sustainability, or inclusivity -- companies can attract talent that is not only skilled but also aligned with their vision. This alignment is particularly crucial for industries like global mobility and corporate relocation services, where employees play a direct role in driving business success on an international scale.
In today's competitive landscape, organizations that invest in building a strong EVP tailored to global talent are better positioned to thrive. By aligning EVP with global talent strategies, companies can create an environment where employees feel connected, motivated, and empowered to achieve their full potential -- no matter where they are in the world.
Key Differences Between Total Rewards and EVP
While Total Rewards and Employee Value Proposition (EVP) are both critical frameworks for attracting, engaging, and retaining talent, they serve distinct purposes and operate on different levels. Total Rewards focuses on the tangible and immediate benefits employees receive, such as compensation, benefits, and career development opportunities. In contrast, EVP is a broader concept that encapsulates the organization's overall value to employees, including its culture, mission, and the emotional and professional fulfillment it offers.
Understanding the differences between these two concepts is essential for organizations looking to create a comprehensive talent strategy. While Total Rewards provides a structured approach to meeting employees' immediate needs, EVP reflects the deeper, more intangible aspects of why employees choose to join and stay with a company. Together, they form a complementary relationship that addresses both the transactional and transformational elements of the employee experience.
This section explores the key differences between Total Rewards and EVP, focusing on their scope, focus, and impact. By examining these distinctions, organizations can gain clarity on how to leverage each framework effectively and align them to create a unified and compelling value proposition. For companies navigating the complexities of global mobility, corporate relocation services, and talent acquisition, this understanding is critical in crafting strategies that resonate with today's diverse workforce.
3.1 Scope and Focus
The primary difference between Total Rewards and Employee Value Proposition (EVP) lies in their scope and focus. While both aim to enhance the employee experience and strengthen an organization's ability to attract and retain talent, they address this objective from distinct perspectives.
Total Rewards is a structured framework with a clear and measurable focus on the tangible elements of the employee experience. It revolves around compensation, benefits, work-life balance, and career development opportunities. These components are designed to meet employees' immediate and practical needs, such as financial security, professional growth, and wellness. Total Rewards operates at the level of programs and policies, providing employees with explicit and quantifiable benefits that form the foundation of their relationship with the organization.
In contrast, EVP takes a broader, more strategic approach by emphasizing the organization's overarching value as an employer. EVP captures the intangible aspects of the employee experience, such as the company's mission, values, culture, and sense of purpose. It addresses the emotional and aspirational needs of employees, focusing on what makes the organization unique and why employees feel proud to work there. Unlike Total Rewards, which is typically defined in monetary or programmatic terms, EVP is centered on perception and narrative -- what employees believe and feel about their workplace.
The scope of Total Rewards is narrower, focusing on specific benefits and compensation packages, whereas the scope of EVP is broader, encompassing the entire employee-employer relationship. Total Rewards operates at the programmatic level, while EVP defines the organization's identity and positioning as an employer. Together, they create a comprehensive value proposition that addresses both the practical and emotional dimensions of the employee experience, making the organization more competitive in talent acquisition and retention, particularly in the context of global mobility and corporate relocation services.
3.2 Employee-Centric vs. Organizational Perspective
Another key distinction between Total Rewards and Employee Value Proposition (EVP) lies in their perspective -- one is primarily employee-centric, while the other reflects a broader organizational viewpoint. This difference influences how each framework is developed, communicated, and perceived by employees.
Total Rewards is fundamentally employee-centric, focusing on meeting the direct and tangible needs of individuals within the organization. It encompasses a tailored mix of compensation, benefits, work-life balance initiatives, and career development opportunities designed to appeal to employees at different stages of their careers. Total Rewards frameworks prioritize flexibility and customization, ensuring that employees feel their unique preferences and requirements are addressed. For example, a relocating employee in a global mobility program may receive relocation allowances, housing support, or region-specific benefits that cater to their circumstances. The employee-centric nature of Total Rewards ensures that employees feel valued and supported, fostering satisfaction and loyalty.
EVP, on the other hand, adopts a more organizational perspective, emphasizing the company's identity, culture, and mission as an employer. It represents the promises and commitments the organization makes to its workforce, reflecting the collective values and ethos that define the employee experience. While it is designed to resonate with employees, EVP is rooted in the company's overarching goals and vision. For instance, an organization emphasizing sustainability may craft an EVP that highlights its commitment to environmental responsibility, thereby appealing to employees who align with this value.
The distinction is critical: Total Rewards delivers immediate, individual-level value, while EVP creates a shared narrative that connects employees to the organization's larger purpose. When aligned, these frameworks work together to address both the individual needs of employees and the collective aspirations of the workforce. This alignment is particularly important for companies managing corporate relocation services and global mobility programs, as it ensures that both the practical and cultural aspects of the employee experience are seamlessly integrated, reinforcing the organization's attractiveness and fostering long-term engagement.
Integrating Total Rewards and EVP for Maximum Impact
In today's competitive talent landscape, organizations cannot rely solely on either Total Rewards or Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to attract, retain, and engage top talent. Instead, these two frameworks must work in harmony, addressing both the tangible and intangible elements of the employee experience. Total Rewards provides employees with the immediate and practical benefits they need, while EVP connects them to the organization's purpose, culture, and vision. Together, they form a powerful, unified approach to creating an exceptional workplace that resonates with employees on multiple levels.
Integration is especially critical for organizations operating in global markets or managing corporate relocation services. For global mobility programs, employees often face unique challenges, such as cultural adjustments, family relocation logistics, and adapting to new environments. In these scenarios, aligning Total Rewards and EVP ensures that employees not only receive the financial and logistical support they need but also feel a sense of belonging, purpose, and alignment with the organization's mission.
This section explores practical strategies for integrating Total Rewards and EVP to create a seamless and cohesive employee value framework. By aligning benefits and compensation with EVP themes and tailoring programs to the specific needs of global talent, organizations can achieve maximum impact in talent acquisition, engagement, and retention. For companies navigating the complexities of a global workforce, this approach represents a strategic advantage, ensuring that employees feel supported both as individuals and as part of a larger organizational vision.
4.1 Aligning Benefits and Compensation with EVP Themes
The integration of Total Rewards and Employee Value Proposition (EVP) begins with aligning the tangible aspects of benefits and compensation with the overarching themes and promises defined in the EVP. This alignment ensures consistency between what the organization offers and what it stands for, creating a unified and authentic employee experience.
1. Reflecting Organizational Values in Benefits and Compensation
Benefits and compensation packages should directly support the themes expressed in the EVP. For example, if an organization emphasizes innovation and career growth in its EVP, its Total Rewards should include professional development budgets, mentorship programs, and access to cutting-edge training. Similarly, if the EVP highlights work-life balance, flexible working arrangements, parental leave, and wellness initiatives should be prominent features of the benefits package. This alignment ensures that employees experience the organization's values in tangible, everyday ways.
2. Tailoring Rewards to Different Employee Personas
A critical step in aligning Total Rewards with EVP is recognizing the diverse needs of the workforce. Employees in different roles, career stages, or locations may value different aspects of the EVP. For instance, global mobility employees on international assignments might prioritize relocation support, tax assistance, and cultural integration programs. By tailoring benefits and compensation to these needs, organizations can reinforce the promises outlined in their EVP while meeting the unique demands of a diverse workforce.
3. Strengthening the Employer Brand Through Alignment
When benefits and compensation consistently reflect the EVP, they reinforce the employer brand and build trust with employees. For example, a company with an EVP focused on sustainability might offer green commuting benefits, such as public transport subsidies or electric vehicle incentives. These benefits not only appeal to employees but also enhance the organization's reputation as a socially responsible employer.
Aligning Total Rewards with EVP themes is more than a best practice -- it is a strategic imperative for companies seeking to attract and retain top talent in a competitive market. By ensuring that the tangible and intangible aspects of the employee experience work in tandem, organizations can deliver a compelling value proposition that resonates deeply with their workforce and aligns with their global mobility and talent acquisition goals.
4.2 Tailoring Programs for Global Mobility
Global mobility programs present unique challenges and opportunities for organizations, particularly when it comes to integrating Total Rewards and Employee Value Proposition (EVP). Employees on international assignments or involved in corporate relocation face distinct needs that require specialized support. Tailoring rewards and programs to align with both their practical requirements and the overarching EVP is critical to ensuring a positive employee experience.
1. Addressing the Practical Needs of Global Mobility
Total Rewards for globally mobile employees should include benefits specifically designed to support relocation and international assignments. These might include relocation allowances, housing stipends, tax equalization assistance, and comprehensive healthcare coverage for employees and their families. These tangible benefits not only address the logistical and financial burdens of relocation but also reinforce the organization's commitment to its mobile workforce.
2. Integrating Cultural and Career Development Opportunities
To align with the themes of a strong EVP, organizations can offer cultural training, language lessons, and local integration support to help employees adapt to their new environments. Providing opportunities for career advancement through international assignments, such as leadership roles or skill-building projects, reinforces the EVP's emphasis on growth and development. This alignment demonstrates that global mobility is not just a logistical necessity but a strategic opportunity for both the employee and the organization.
3. Personalizing the Experience for Relocating Employees
A tailored approach to Total Rewards can strengthen the emotional connection between the employee and the organization. Personalized relocation plans that consider family needs, such as school placement assistance or spousal employment support, show empathy and care. When these tailored benefits align with the EVP -- such as a focus on work-life harmony or diversity and inclusion -- they create a cohesive and meaningful experience.
4. Enhancing Communication Around Global Mobility Programs
Clear communication is essential to bridging Total Rewards and EVP for globally mobile employees. Organizations should articulate how their global mobility programs reflect their EVP themes, such as promoting cultural exchange, fostering innovation, or supporting diversity. Highlighting the alignment between relocation benefits and the company's values reinforces the EVP and builds trust among employees.
By tailoring programs to meet the unique challenges of global mobility and aligning them with EVP, organizations can create a compelling value proposition for their international workforce. This approach ensures that employees feel supported both practically and culturally, enhancing engagement, retention, and the organization's ability to attract top global talent.
The Strategic Advantage of a Synergized Approach
In the rapidly evolving talent landscape, organizations that successfully integrate Total Rewards and Employee Value Proposition (EVP) gain a significant competitive advantage. These two frameworks, while distinct, are deeply interconnected. Total Rewards addresses employees' immediate needs with tangible benefits and compensation, while EVP appeals to their deeper aspirations, offering purpose, culture, and alignment with organizational values. When combined effectively, they create a comprehensive and compelling value proposition that attracts, engages, and retains top talent.
This synergy is particularly valuable for companies navigating global mobility, corporate relocation services, and talent acquisition in a competitive marketplace. A unified approach ensures that employees not only receive the practical support they need to thrive but also feel a strong connection to the organization's mission and identity. This dual focus drives engagement, enhances loyalty, and strengthens the employer brand on a global scale.
In this section, we'll explore the strategic benefits of aligning Total Rewards and EVP. We'll examine their combined impact on talent acquisition and retention, as well as their role in boosting organizational success in global markets. By leveraging the strengths of both frameworks, organizations can create an employee experience that is not only rewarding but also deeply meaningful, setting themselves apart as leaders in the global workforce.
5.1 Impact on Talent Acquisition and Retention
Integrating Total Rewards with Employee Value Proposition (EVP) creates a powerful tool for addressing two of the most critical challenges in today's workforce: talent acquisition and retention. When these frameworks work in harmony, organizations can offer a comprehensive value proposition that meets employees' practical needs while appealing to their deeper motivations and aspirations.
1. Attracting Top Talent with a Unified Value Proposition
In a competitive talent market, candidates evaluate employers based on more than just salary and benefits. They seek organizations that align with their personal values, offer meaningful work, and demonstrate a commitment to employee well-being. By aligning Total Rewards with EVP themes, companies can present a cohesive narrative that resonates with prospective employees. For example, a company with an EVP emphasizing innovation can align its rewards structure to include professional development budgets, cutting-edge tools, and opportunities for creative problem-solving. This integration ensures that candidates see the organization as a place where they can thrive professionally and personally.
2. Enhancing Retention Through Holistic Support
Retention hinges on an organization's ability to meet employees' evolving needs and expectations. Total Rewards provides the practical support employees require -- such as competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits, and career growth opportunities -- while EVP fosters an emotional connection through purpose, belonging, and cultural alignment. For globally mobile employees, tailored benefits like relocation assistance, cross-cultural training, and family support, combined with a clear narrative about the value of international assignments, create a sense of trust and loyalty that encourages long-term commitment.
3. Strengthening Employer Branding
A unified approach to Total Rewards and EVP reinforces the organization's employer brand, making it more attractive to both potential and existing employees. When the promises outlined in the EVP are backed by tangible rewards and benefits, it builds credibility and trust. This consistency not only helps organizations stand out in talent acquisition but also ensures that employees feel their expectations are being met, reducing turnover and enhancing engagement.
4. Addressing the Needs of a Diverse Workforce
Global mobility programs and geographically dispersed teams require a nuanced approach to talent strategies. Aligning Total Rewards with EVP allows organizations to create tailored solutions that reflect the diverse needs of their workforce. This might include region-specific benefits, flexible work arrangements, or initiatives that emphasize diversity and inclusion -- reinforcing the company's commitment to its people and its values.
By aligning Total Rewards with EVP, organizations can create an employee experience that is both functional and inspiring. This integration not only enhances the company's ability to attract and retain talent but also positions it as an employer of choice in the global marketplace, ensuring long-term success in a competitive landscape.
5.2 Boosting Organizational Success in Global Markets
The integration of Total Rewards and Employee Value Proposition (EVP) does more than enhance the employee experience -- it directly contributes to an organization's success in global markets. By aligning these frameworks, companies can create a unified approach that supports business goals, strengthens their global presence, and drives long-term growth.
1. Enhancing Workforce Productivity and Engagement
A workforce that feels valued, supported, and connected to the organization's mission is more likely to be engaged and productive. Total Rewards addresses employees' practical needs, such as competitive compensation, career growth opportunities, and benefits tailored to specific roles or regions. Meanwhile, EVP fosters a sense of purpose and belonging, motivating employees to contribute their best efforts. Together, these frameworks create a holistic environment where employees feel empowered to achieve their goals, ultimately boosting organizational performance.
2. Strengthening Competitiveness in Global Talent Acquisition
In the global marketplace, the ability to attract top talent is a critical driver of success. A well-integrated approach to Total Rewards and EVP ensures that companies can offer a compelling value proposition to candidates from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds. For example, organizations with a strong EVP focused on innovation can complement this with rewards such as global training programs, leadership development opportunities, and cutting-edge resources. These offerings make the organization more attractive to high-performing individuals seeking impactful careers.
3. Supporting Global Mobility and Corporate Relocation
Organizations with a global footprint often rely on international assignments and corporate relocation services to meet business objectives. Aligning Total Rewards and EVP ensures that relocating employees receive both practical support and a sense of connection to the organization's vision. This might include relocation packages, cultural integration programs, and family assistance, coupled with a clear narrative about the career and personal growth opportunities these assignments provide. Such alignment not only helps employees transition smoothly but also strengthens the company's ability to deploy talent where it's needed most.
4. Building a Resilient Global Employer Brand
A strong employer brand is essential for success in global markets, where competition for talent is fierce. Integrating Total Rewards and EVP reinforces the organization's identity as a desirable employer, ensuring that its values and promises resonate across diverse regions. For example, a company with a sustainability-focused EVP might offer benefits such as green travel incentives or eco-friendly relocation options, enhancing its reputation among environmentally conscious talent. This alignment not only attracts like-minded employees but also boosts the company's credibility and appeal on a global scale.
5. Driving Long-Term Organizational Growth
The synergy between Total Rewards and EVP enables companies to align their talent strategies with broader business objectives. By fostering a motivated and engaged workforce, organizations can achieve higher levels of performance, innovation, and adaptability -- key drivers of success in global markets. Furthermore, this integration helps companies build a loyal, high-performing talent pool that can sustain their growth in the face of changing market dynamics.
By leveraging the strengths of both Total Rewards and EVP, organizations can achieve far-reaching impacts that extend beyond employee satisfaction. This integrated approach not only enhances the employee experience but also positions the company for sustained success in an increasingly interconnected and competitive global economy.
In today's dynamic global workforce, the synergy between Total Rewards and Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is no longer a luxury -- it is a necessity. While Total Rewards addresses the tangible and immediate needs of employees, EVP captures their aspirations, values, and sense of purpose. Together, they form a comprehensive and compelling framework that drives talent acquisition, enhances employee engagement, and ensures long-term retention. For organizations navigating the complexities of global mobility and corporate relocation services, this alignment is especially critical in building trust, fostering loyalty, and maintaining a competitive edge in global markets.
The key to success lies in integration: ensuring that every benefit, reward, and program reflects and reinforces the promises outlined in the EVP. By tailoring these strategies to meet the unique challenges of a diverse and geographically dispersed workforce, companies can create an employee experience that is both practical and inspiring.
Are you ready to elevate your talent strategy and create a unified approach to Total Rewards and EVP? Let's discuss how we can help your organization align these frameworks to support your global mobility goals, enhance talent acquisition, and build a workforce that drives success.
Schedule a meeting with us today to explore customized solutions that will empower your organization to thrive in a competitive and globalized world. Together, we'll craft a strategy that reflects your values, meets your employees' needs, and positions your company as a leader in the global workforce.
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Professional development through tailored training at Chanelle Pharma
What does the company produce, and have you a mission statement outside of this?
Chanelle Pharma is Ireland's largest manufacturer of generic pharmaceuticals for human and animal health. Our mission is to provide affordable medicines that extend and improve the lives of people and animals.
Key opportunities are available in Business Development, Finance, IT, Production/Operations, and
Career development and growth opportunities: The company places a strong emphasis on professional development through tailored training programs, mentorship opportunities, and internal promotions. This dedication to employee growth ensures a rewarding career path and enables individuals to reach their full potential within a global pharmaceutical leader.
Chanelle Pharma contributes to the local community in several meaningful ways:
Job creation and economic growth:
As one of the largest employers in its region, Chanelle Pharma supports the local economy by creating job opportunities across a variety of roles, from manufacturing to research and development. This has a ripple effect, benefiting local businesses and services that rely on the company's presence.
Education and training initiatives:
Chanelle Pharma collaborates with local schools, universities, and training institutions to provide educational opportunities, internships, and apprenticeship programs. By nurturing local talent, the company helps equip the next generation with valuable skills and career prospects.
Charity and community engagement:
The company actively supports local charities, community events, and fundraising efforts, demonstrating a commitment to giving back. Whether through sponsorships, volunteer programs, or donations, Chanelle Pharma strengthens its ties with the community and enhances the quality of life for those around it.
Awarded the Bronze Badge for adopting sustainable practices at Trade Conferences.
Recognized with the Bronze Accreditation for Investors in Diversity, becoming the first organization to achieve this distinction for both its Irish and UK divisions.
Awarded the Bronze Badge by EcoVadis for sustainability excellence.
Certified with ISO 14001 for Environmental Management Systems (EMS ).
Honoured as Private Label Supplier of the Year by Pets at Home.
Named Overall Winner of the Marketing Campaign of the Year for Rheumocam.
Innovation and problem-solving skills: Chanelle Pharma thrives on innovation in pharmaceutical research and development. Applicants should demonstrate creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to develop solutions that drive progress in a fast-paced environment.
Team collaboration and communication: As a global company, Chanelle values individuals who work well within diverse teams and communicate effectively across departments to achieve shared goals.
Adaptability and resilience: The pharmaceutical industry is ever evolving, and Chanelle seeks applicants who can adapt to change, embrace challenges, and remain focused under pressure.
Commitment to quality and excellence: Chanelle maintains high standards in product development and customer service. Attention to detail, a commitment to compliance, and a drive for excellence are essential attributes for success.
Passion for continuous learning: With a strong focus on professional development, Chanelle values applicants who show eagerness to learn, grow, and contribute to advancements in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors.
Career development
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Make the most of January and February if you are job hunting
Research reveals that January and February are prime months for job hunting, with companies hiring the most new staff during the first two months of the year1.
For those who are looking to make a career change, be that to take on a new challenge, switch industries or return to work, careers expert and Programme Director for careers campaign Generation Logistics, Bethany Windsor, shares her five
top tips to help job hunters.
Know what you want from your career"Before you jump into the job market, take time to reflect on what you truly want from your career," Bethany begins.
Research from Generation Logistics reveals that 69% of job seekers prioritise work-life balance when selecting their dream role, while 66% seek competitive pay2.
"Establishing your priorities - whether that is flexibility, growth opportunities or company culture - will help you to focus your search and find a role that fits with your values and lifestyle.
"This may include taking a look at a different career path that is better suited to you than one you may already be established in. For example, logistics is a sector that 90% of people have never considered as a career choice3 yet it offers flexibility as well as excellent opportunities for career growth.
Tailor your CV for maximum impact"When it comes to your CV, being clear and concise will have the strongest impact. Avoid clichés like "hard-working","team player" and "go-getter" as they add little value. Instead use active verbs like "led", "achieved" or "delivered" to highlight your achievements.
"Timing is key. Keep your CV relevant by including only roles from the last 10 years that align with the position you are applying for, ensuring your CV stays focused. Trim unnecessary personal details such as your date of birth, marital status, or photos unless specifically requested, maintaining a professional tone throughout
"Additionally, simplify the formatting of your CV to avoid complicated layouts that might confuse applicant tracking systems. A clean, easy-to-read design will increase your chances of passing through the initial sift and catching a recruiter's attention."
Don't mass-apply - be strategic"Rather than sending out numerous applications to every job on the market, take the time to research each opportunity thoroughly," Bethany continues.
"It's important to understand the company culture and job role, to ensure that it aligns with your personal goals. Being strategic about where you apply will lead to better results in the long run and increase your chances of finding a role that excites you and matches your skills."
Optimise your online presence "In today's digital world, your online presence plays an important role in the hiring process. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and aligned with your CV.
"Additionally, clean up any personal social media accounts that might not reflect a professional image. A strong online profile can help you standout, especially if you're active within your industry and engage in regular discussions."
Network to increase your chances"Networking is one of the most powerful tools in a job search," Bethany explains.
"Whether you're connecting with industry professionals on LinkedIn, attending networking events, or engaging with people in your field, building relationships can lead to valuable opportunities. The more you network, the more likely you are to hear about unadvertised roles or receive referrals from contacts in your sector. "
Bethany concludes: "In today's highly competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is crucial. Finding a role may be tough, but those who put in the effort to understand what they truly want and how to present themselves strategically will be in a strong position to succeed.
"Through Generation Logistics, we aim to raise awareness of the many opportunities in the logistics sector. But we also highlight the accessibility of those opportunities at all levels-from school leavers to those seeking a career change. We're excited to encourage the next generation of logistics professionals, as we work hard to keep the country running!"
With a wealth of different opportunities available within logistics, job-seekers are encouraged to explore roles that may be of interest.
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