It depends on the tablet you are taking. Eg taking Fluoroquinolones such as Ciprofloxacin requires taking lots of fluids to avail crystalurea... associated with the drug. While taking other drugs such as ascorbic acid or anthelmintics such as albendazole requires little or no fluid.Regards more
Children's body system is not fully developed like the liver's enzymes that metabolize most of the drugs and kidney as well and other metabolism... pathways of drugs in the body. But for adults they are developed well and system can handle the drugs even according to their increased weights.For the elder ones dosage is reduced as their system are exhausted and not working so well. more
Hello 👋 everyone how are you doing today
I prefer to manage pain using physical remedies such as yoga exercise and rest rather than taking drugs.
I use to have bad migraines when I was younger and always took pain killers at the sight of pain but after some research I discovered i was abusing... the drug and the dangers I may be exposing myself to like kidney failure and the likes. Now when I have any sort of pain, I try to find the cause like stress, lack of sleep, hunger, malaria or exhaustion and deal with it before concerning taking painkillers. I often will seek medical help if the pain persist. more
morning before a meal
The best time is before taking breakfast in the morning
Veći rizik za hepatotoksičnost je predhodneo oštećenje jetre, ciroza, hepatitis. Potencijalno hepatotoksični antimikrobni lekovi su: tetraciklini... pojedini makrolidni antibiotici,antituberkulotici: izonijazid, rifampicin, pirazinamid, posebno kod duže primene. Posebno ozbilna jepatotoksičnost se može javiti posle antimikotika, cefaloasporini unišđtacvanjem crebne flore mogu da produže protrombinsko vreme.... more
Ok thanks.
And this Friday, I will discussing the preventive measures of chronic illinesses including Diabetes and hypertension. Feel free to join the... discussion on "Mega Mover Empire" more
Very important topic for discussion