  • Kindly send an update to him or her about the development or activities so far carried out by you or your entity. Let him see those evidences and... clearly hinge on the next line of actions that are so needed for the success of the assignment. These are prompters and stylishly requesting him to act on payment.

  • Delay is not a denial I will wait and follow the due process. My aim is to archive

  • Task can't be achieve without adequate mobilisation. Is to suspend the work

  • Yeah project manager is involved through out from the idea stage to the final stage,sales

  • PM involved from processing till delivery process

What is the biggest challenge you have faced working as a PM?
44 votes
  • You are right with your statement.

  • This is absolutely right coz with management your dealing with humans and you have to have an indepth understanding of their situations to be able to... achieve results in your management. more

How do you think what is the main reason why projects fail?
151 vote
  • Employ quacks.
    No agility and lack of project analysis
    Instead of results oriented to many stakeholders they are money orientated.

  • Poor planning
    Poor communication

  • You should register with us so that you can take lessons.

  • You should register for management training:www.nextmbaci.com
