The Driver may be called upon as and when necessary to support the emergency team in cases of humanitarian crisis.

Drive Save the Children vehicles to collect and deliver people, documents and goods to their destinations safely and on time, in line with Save the Children policy and guidelines.
Maintain the vehicle(s) in a clean and sound mechanical condition and ensure its safety at all times... in line with Save the Children Policy and guidelines.
Ensure that the vehicle is mechanically attended to and is properly checked for oil, water, fan belt tension, brake fluid, levels etc before leaving for trip, including recommendations (to management) vehicle service in line with Save the Children policy and guidelines.
Maintain an up to date mileage vehicle log sheet and submit to the supervisor on a monthly basis in line with Save the Children policy. In addition, submit monthly vehicle log sheets and vehicle Profleet reports in excel on monthly basis.
Ensure that the road license and vehicle insurance are valid and renewed on time in line with national traffic regulations and Save the Children policy.
Ensure that the vehicle’s safety and recovery tools/accesories including spare wheel, Jack, wheel spanner, First aid kit, Fire extinguisher, Warning Triangle etc are kept in the vehicle and in good order at all times in accordance to Save the Children policy.
Report any damage/accidents to the vehicle or defects arising at the earliest possible time to the supervisor (Supply chain officer/manager, Fleet Coordinator) as required by policy in line with the traffic regulations and Save the Children policy.
Cooperate and be of assistance to staff and visitors – assist in troubleshooting potential problems during daily business.
Conduct himself/herself both professionally and personally in such a manner as to bring credit to Save the Children and not to jeopardize its humanitarian mission in country of operation.
Follow travel instructions and observe all traffic regulations/ laws in place, where needs arise advise on the possible breach of traffic regulations/ laws in line with Save the Children policy and guidelines.
Ability to adhere to the Save the Children Child Protection Code of Conduct, Security Guidelines, Chronic Illness Policy and ethical Principles.
  • NGO - Non-Government Organisations
The Safeguarding Coordinator will take a lead in driving SCI endeavours in the focused area of work across the West Nile and Northern region. The coordinator will combine elements of monitoring and capacity building of staff, volunteers and partners, whilst enforcing compliance and accountability, management and investigation as well as aspects of advocacy across the region. The role holder will... work in conjunction with the National Safeguarding Manager at Head office and the RAM and/or Project Managers in the region.

Safeguarding Standards are applied throughout the West Nile & Northern Region
Coordinate with National Safeguarding Manager and monitor the overall implementation of safeguarding in West Nile & Northern Region
Safeguarding policy and local procedures are in place in the region.
Ensure that the safeguarding mechanisms are implemented, and feedback is given to the appreciate stakeholders.
Oversee and enforce follow-up in order to ensure maximum levels of compliance and competence.
Ensure all staff members – as well as other SC representatives – are familiar with our SGPolicy and Code of Conduct and informed and empowered on how to report.
Identify and utilise opportunities to integrate safeguarding approaches into all aspects of the projects, working effectively with the different project officers, coordinators and managers to achieve this.
Apply critical analysis to ensure that we live up to our commitment to making Save the Children safe for children by ensuring child safeguarding concerns are reported effectively in line with the policy, acting as focal point person for the project.
Ensure that concerns are followed up safely, effectively and efficiently and to the required standards.
Provide guidance to staff and where appropriate, with support from the National Safeguarding Manager undertake Safeguarding investigations, sometimes in challenging environments and to rigorous timescales and standards.
Ensure that Safeguarding is integrated in all contracts including partnership and contractors’ agreements.
Assess partners, sub-contractor Safeguarding capacities and compatibility to SC safeguarding policy and standards, advise on capacity building activities and help build capacity of partners and other external actors as agreed to.
Support National Safeguarding Manager to develop a database on core training including Safeguarding and get relevant update from HR on who is trained on safeguarding.
Develop IEC materials on Safeguarding Policy, associated policy guidelines and local procedures within response locations, such as leaflets and posters, including child-friendly material.
Ensure materials are adequately disseminated and used within the organization.
Safeguarding Leader and Champion across West Nile & Northern Region
Identify potential risks to children in all the project activities including workshops and events, plan mitigating measures and assign staff to be responsible for the implementation.
Undertake clear, strong advocacy in line with the Safeguarding Policy at National levels.
Deliver high quality, accessible and reliable support, guidance and capacity to emergency/ humanitarian response and programs team.
Ensure that a mapping of service providers for children is completed in Save the Children’s operational areas and local procedures are developed/up to date.
Ensure all incidences are reported in accordance with the Safeguarding timelines.
Ensure all mandatory reports are submitted in timely basis.
Ensure All child safeguarding concerns, allegations, and incidents are reported, recorded and investigated according to Local or Country procedures, and reach the National Safeguarding Manager within 24 hours.
Country roll-out and maintenance of training programmes and Capacity Building
Develop a capacity building plan for staff and partners and provide on-going mentoring and support.
Review and strengthen Safeguarding systems within the field office, planning and delivering training programs accordingly.
Serve as safeguarding lead focal point for the field office and lead on establishment of strong safeguarding procedures and risk assessment in all programme activities in accordance with the national strategies developed.
Ensure trainings on Safeguarding are done for all staff, partners, suppliers and any associate of Save the Children representatives or associates.
Organise a refresher training once every 6 months for volunteers and project staff within the field office Safe Programming and Safeguarding Practice promoted across the Region and sectors.
Support project managers in ensuring that all planned activities are, implemented and monitored through a Safeguarding lens.
Support staff and volunteers to take proactive steps to ensure that all programming activity identifies the potential risks and works to eliminate and mitigate those risks.
Ensure that the tools and knowledge are made available to project staff and volunteers and that they know how to access support and guidance.
Support staff and volunteers to identify potential risks to children in all project activities including workshops and events, plan mitigating measures and assign staff to be responsible for the implementation.
Act as an ambassador for Safeguarding at all times.
Role model high levels of professional safeguarding behaviour and maintain the standards required by the Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct.
  • NGO - Non-Government Organisations
Save the Children International — гуманітарна організація з понад 100-річною історією. Save the Children була заснована у травні 1919 року в Лондоні.  SCI працює в Україні з 2014. Починала свою роботу на території Донецької області. В теперішній час SCI розширює свою діяльність на вісім міст України. Ми працюємо в напрямках освіти, захисту дітей, подолання дитячої бідності, охорони здоров’я, а... також проводимо адвокаційну діяльність, пов’язану із захистом прав дітей.  
Консультант з візуальних та цифрових комунікацій сприяє впровадженню комунікаційної стратегії та відповідає за забезпечення присутності "Save the Children" в Україні в цифрових та соціальних мережах. Він також працюватиме над розробкою графічних матеріалів.
Основні обов’язки: 
- Підтримувати діяльність Save the Children Ukraine шляхом підвищення обізнаності громадськості щодо проблем освіти, гуманітарних потреб, охорони здоров'я, з якими стикаються діти в Україні, шляхом  реалізації кампаній в соціальних мережах, створення цифрових матеріалів.
- Сприяти створенню точних, чітких та послідовних інформаційних та комунікаційних матеріалів, які висвітлюють ситуацію з дітьми та роботу Save the Children в Україні, включаючи особисті історії, відео, графіку, ілюстрації тощо.
- Керувати розробкою плану роботи в соціальних мережах, а також виробництвом мультимедійних матеріалів, контенту для веб-сайту та іншої цифрових продуктів.
- Координувати роботу з колегами з різних відділів у поширенні доказової бази програми, найкращих практик та досягнень, а також плануванні цифрового компоненту для кампаній.
- Розробляти та створювати графічний дизайн для друкованої та цифрової продукції.

Очікувані результати:
- Підтримка планування та реалізації завдань, пов'язаних з регіональними та глобальними ініціативами
- Збір відповідної інформації, допомога у створенні освітніх матеріалів, перевірка якості відео та зображень, вичитка та редагування документів тощо.
- Поширення внутрішніх новин та оголошень, організація внутрішніх зустрічей, ведення протоколів зустрічей, розміщення документів та матеріалів в Інтернеті тощо.
- Ефективне представлення позицій та меседжів Save the Children в адвокаційних та просвітницьких заходах

Щоб бути успішним, Вам необхідно  мати:   
- Високий рівень розмовної та письмової англійської та української мов. Знання інших регіональних мов є перевагою. 
- Відмінні навички усного та письмового спілкування англійською мовою для широкого кола різних аудиторій. 
- Принаймні 2 роки професійного досвіду роботи у сфері комунікацій, мультимедіа, журналістики, візуальних та цифрових або традиційних медіа чи зовнішніх комунікацій 
- Володіння ПЗ для графічного дизайну та/або відеомонтажу
- Здатність надавати точну, чітку та послідовну інформацію та комунікаційні матеріали, що стосуються як програмної підтримки, так і гуманітарної ситуації 
- Розуміння ситуації в Україні.

- Попередній досвід роботи в НУО.
- Попередній досвід роботи на міжнародному рівні.
- Наявність портфоліо реалізованих проектів.

Ми пропонуємо:
Офіційне працевлаштування
Міжнародні умови праці
Робочий день з 9 до 17 години
Медичне страхування з першого робочого дня
Курси іноземної мови за рахунок організації
Офіс в центрі
Pet friendly office
Кава та смаколики в офісі

Політика захисту дітей:
Ми повинні гарантувати безпеку дітей, тому наш процес відбору передбачає ретельну перевірку даних та відображає наше зобов’язання захищати дітей від насильства. 
Здоров'я і безпека:
Очікується, що всі працівники виконуватимуть свої обов’язки відповідно до нашої глобальної політики щодо боротьби проти переслідування.
Якщо  Вас зацікавила вакансія, чекаємо на Ваш відгук. Резюме англійською мовою буде перевагою при розгляді. Також, будемо вдячні, якщо Ви вкажете очікуваний рівень зарплатні та рівень володіння англійською мовою.
Save the Children International is the humanitarian organization with more than 100 years of history. Save the Children was founded in May 1919 in London.
SCI has been working in Ukraine since 2014. The Organization started its work in the territory of the Donetsk region. Currently, SCI is expanding its activities to eight cities of Ukraine.
We work in the directions of education, child protection, overcoming child poverty, health care, and also we have advocacy activities related to the protection of children's rights
- Support Save the Children’s Ukraine campaign efforts through raising public awareness on the education, humanitarian needs, displacement and health issues facing children in Ukraine, through leading on implementation of campaign activities on social media, producing digital materials
- Contribute to production of accurate, clear and consistent information and communications outputs that highlight children’s situation and Save the Children’s work in Ukraine, including  personal stories, videos, graphics or illustrations, etc.
- Lead in the development of social media plan as well as production of multimedia materials, website content and other digital work
- Coordinate with colleagues from different departments in communicating the program evidence, best practice and achievements as well as planning of digital component for campaigns 
- Develop and design graphic design products for print and digital 
- Comply with Save the Children policies and practice with respect to child safeguarding, code of conduct, health and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.

Output expectations:
- Supporting the planning and implementation of climate and other advocacy-related tasks, including those linked to regional and global initiatives
- Compiling relevant information, helping to create educational materials, checking quality of videos and images, proof-reading and editing of documents etc.
- Sharing internal news and announcements, organising internal meetings, taking meeting notes, filing documents and materials online, etc.
- Effective representation of Save the Children’s positions and messages in advocacy and outreach activities

- University degree or equivalent experience in graphic design, journalism, media, communications or similar discipline. 

- High level of both spoken and written English and Ukrainian. Other regional languages a distinct advantage. Evidence of excellent English verbal and written communication skills for a wide range of different audiences. 
- At least two years of professional experience in communications, multimedia, journalism, visual and digital or traditional media or external communications work 
- Successful use of graphic design and/or video editing software
- Can produce accurate, clear and consistent information and communication outputs relating to both programme support and humanitarian situation 
- Proven ability to work with communities and partners to gather case studies, testimonies and information on the humanitarian situation and on programmes.
- Experience and understanding of the situation in Ukraine.

- Previous INGO experience 
- Previous experience in an international setting
- Portfolio of implemented projects

Employment in accordance with Ukrainian legislation
International working conditions
Working hours from 09.00 till 17.00
Medical insurance starting the first working day
English courses paid by organization
Office in the central part of the city
Pet friendly office
Coffee and cookies in the office

Child Safeguarding: 
We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse. 
Health and Safety:
The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with SCI Health and Safety policies and procedures. 
If you are interested in the vacancy, we are looking forward for your application. A СV in English will be an advantage. Also, we will be grateful if you indicate the expected salary level and the level of English language proficiency.

  • Реклама
  • Маркетинг
  • Интернет-маркетинг
  • Digital Marketing
  • SMM
  • PR
  • Контекстная реклама
  • Управління персоналом
  • Управление персоналом
  • HR
  • Рекрутинг
  • Рекрутінг
  • Підбір персоналу
  • Подбор персонала
  • Recruitment
  • Recruiting
  • Топ менеджмент
  • Реклама
  • Маркетинг
  • Интернет-маркетинг
  • Digital Marketing
  • SMM
  • PR
  • Контекстная реклама
Role Purpose:
In the immediate aftermath of a disaster or conflict, and throughout the transition from emergency response to recovery and sustainable development, Save the Children’s presence in 120 countries facilitates the rapid delivery of evidence-based and innovative interventions that address the major life-saving and protection needs of the world’s most vulnerable populations. Save the... Children’s Centre Humanitarian Technical Team (CHTT) provides technical quality support and strategic direction to programs in humanitarian settings and conducts research, capacity strengthening, and global representation to improve future responses.
This CHET Project Manager will oversee the implementation of efficient and effective systems across the Centre Humanitarian Education Team (CHET), with a focus on supporting rollout and scale up of our Day 1 approach to support integrated rapid response in the first phase of acute emergencies, including a focus on holistic learning and wellbeing outcomes and play. This role is an exciting opportunity for a Project Manager with excellent organisational skills, award management expertise and experience of monitoring & evaluation and an interest in Humanitarian Education to join the SCI Centre Humanitarian Education Team (CHET). Responsibilities will include direct support to Country and Regional Offices rolling out the EiE Day 1 package, including project implementation planning, grant management, financial tracking, coordination of human resources, contractual services, and internal and donor reporting. The post holder will be line managed by the Head of Humanitarian Education and will work with all team members to support the organisation and tracking Day 1 roll out, rapid response scale-up, and other key global EiE initiatives.
Specifically, the post holder will be accountable for (1) project management of EiE Day 1 and other priority global humanitarian education awards and internal collaborative projects; (2) coordination of CHET budgets, cost recovery and action points; (3) tracking of progress against the Save the Children Humanitarian Plan including funding and reach analysis, monitoring of global humanitarian education indicators and support to strengthen reporting systems; (4) supporting knowledge management and learning across the wider Humanitarian Education Team.
In the event of a major humanitarian emergency, the role holder will be expected to work outside the normal role profile and be able to vary working hours accordingly. The role holder will not be expected to deploy to rapid onset humanitarian crisis, but travel might be expected in the course of the responsibilities.
The position will be part of the Centre Humanitarian Technical Team (CHTT) of the Centre Humanitarian Team, but the scope of this role may evolve to work with additional sector teams in the future.

Significant years of experience in a project management/project officer, or similar role
Experience of working with humanitarian organisations, preferably in project management and / or humanitarian education
Experience of monitoring & evaluation in humanitarian contexts
Experience of award/grant management
Strong and proven coordination and project management skills
Knowledge of and interest in education in emergencies
Highly organised with strong coordination skills
Strong interpersonal and communication skills
Collaboration skills; ability to balance relationships and share information
Analytical skills to identify key points from complex material 
Professional proficiency in spoken and written English


Additional languages, particularly Spanish and/or Arabic
Strong written communication skills and ability to convey complex concepts to non-technical staff
Familiarity with Education in humanitarian contexts a plus
  • Project Management
Role Purpose:
The holder of this position is responsible for providing strategic leadership and vision for the development and delivery of Save the Children’s policy agenda on humanitarian reform. The holder will convene and coordinate operational, technical and humanitarian policy expertise across the organisation, represent Save the Children externally and draw from technical expertise,... experience and learning across our humanitarian programmes as well as analysis of global trends and actors in carrying out this work. They will work with different internal teams and functions in SCI and across the movement. They will be responsible for supporting wider cross-thematic policy and strategy activities relating to Save the Children’s humanitarian strategy as required.

Significant operational and policy experience within the field of humanitarian coordination and response
At least seven years of experience in humanitarian policy and operational roles at country or regional levels 
Demonstrable track record in policy development on humanitarian crises at the global, regional and/or national level 
Long-term experience and proven track record in multilateral advocacy at global level and successful advocacy at country level on humanitarian policy related issues 
Demonstrated leadership and mentoring skills, and of delivering significant results. Experience of building shared objectives, quality control, evaluation, motivation, performance management, staff development and training 
A demonstrable ability to plan and communicate at a strategic level
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English
Excellent capacity-building skills, applicable across different countries and cultures and at the international level 
Excellent interpersonal skills and able to work collaboratively 
Commitment to Save the Children’s vision, mission and approach, including child safeguarding 
Working knowledge of Spanish, French or Arabic is desirable 
Experience of working in displacement contexts and/or humanitarian crises is essential
  • Project Management

The post holder will receive a context specific ToR for each deployment, which will draw upon the responsibilities outlined below.
Programme Support (typically will be at field level):
Working closely with the Nutrition Coordinator, the Nutrition Program Officer will do the following; 
Ensure quality of nutrition screening for children under-5 conducted by... Community Nutrition Mobilizers in target Communities. 
Provision of Outreach OTP Services in target communities together with the outreach team. 
Ensure quality of IYCF counselling sessions provided during Support group meeting. 
With support from the Nutrition Officer, ensure quality cooking food demonstration sessions are conducted in Project supported Communities. 
Build capacity of CNMs and Mother Leaders by providing on-the-job training on CMAM and IYCF. 
Support Project level nutrition assessment/surveys as approved by Donor. 
Support quality data collection of activities conducted in the Communities. 
Promote increasing awareness of appropriate nutrition behavior in project communities by ensuring behavior change materials are visible in supported communities and health facilities. 
Support the development of case studies and success stories from programme implementation. 

Provide maternal and child care/feeding key messages to beneficiaries of food program during food distribution.
Additional job responsibilities

The job duties and responsibilities as set out above are not exhaustive and the Post holder may be required to carry out additional duties within reasonableness of their level of skills and experience.

Capacity Building: 

Provide on-the-job guidance to Field Assistants and Community Nutrition Mobilizers working on the field. 
Ensure all Field Assistants and Community Nutrition Volunteers are familiar with their posts.

BEHAVIOURS (Values in Practice)


holds self accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Save the Children values
holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities - giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved.


sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves and their team, takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages their team to do the same
widely shares their personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others
Future orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale.


builds and maintains effective relationships, with their team, colleagues, Members and external partners and supporters
values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to.


develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
Willing to take disciplined risks.


honest, encourages openness and transparency; demonstrates highest levels of integrity


Certificate or Degree in Nursing, Nutrition, Public Health or any related fields.



Certificate or Degree in Nursing, Nutrition, Public Health or any related fields.
Experience of working in Nutrition programme.
Good communication skills (verbal and written).
Acceptable IT Skills
Strong interpersonal skills.


Qualified nurse/nutritionist with primary health care / community health care experience.
Fluency in speaking Hausa and/ other local language.
  • Medical
  • Healthcare

The post holder will receive a context specific ToR for each deployment, which will draw upon the responsibilities outlined below.
Programme Support (typically will be at field level):
Working closely with the Nutrition Coordinator, the Nutrition Program Officer will do the following; 
Ensure quality of nutrition screening for children under-5 conducted by... Community Nutrition Mobilizers in target Communities. 
Provision of Outreach OTP Services in target communities together with the outreach team. 
Ensure quality of IYCF counselling sessions provided during Support group meeting. 
With support from the Nutrition Officer, ensure quality cooking food demonstration sessions are conducted in Project supported Communities. 
Build capacity of CNMs and Mother Leaders by providing on-the-job training on CMAM and IYCF. 
Support Project level nutrition assessment/surveys as approved by Donor. 
Support quality data collection of activities conducted in the Communities. 
Promote increasing awareness of appropriate nutrition behavior in project communities by ensuring behavior change materials are visible in supported communities and health facilities. 
Support the development of case studies and success stories from programme implementation. 

Provide maternal and child care/feeding key messages to beneficiaries of food program during food distribution.
Additional job responsibilities

The job duties and responsibilities as set out above are not exhaustive and the Post holder may be required to carry out additional duties within reasonableness of their level of skills and experience.

Capacity Building: 

Provide on-the-job guidance to Field Assistants and Community Nutrition Mobilizers working on the field. 
Ensure all Field Assistants and Community Nutrition Volunteers are familiar with their posts.

BEHAVIOURS (Values in Practice)


holds self accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Save the Children values
holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities - giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved.


sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves and their team, takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages their team to do the same
widely shares their personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others
Future orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale.


builds and maintains effective relationships, with their team, colleagues, Members and external partners and supporters
values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to.


develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
Willing to take disciplined risks.


honest, encourages openness and transparency; demonstrates highest levels of integrity


Certificate or Degree in Nursing, Nutrition, Public Health or any related fields.



Certificate or Degree in Nursing, Nutrition, Public Health or any related fields.
Experience of working in Nutrition programme.
Good communication skills (verbal and written).
Acceptable IT Skills
Strong interpersonal skills.


Qualified nurse/nutritionist with primary health care / community health care experience.
Fluency in speaking Hausa and/ other local language.
  • Medical
  • Healthcare