
Maintain financial records for project or other office accounts for which responsibility is assigned.
Record receipts and payments, assure accuracy of computation and completeness of documents and maintain continuing status of allotments against obligations.
Prepare recurring reports on assigned accounts, noting problems resulting from excess cost or less-than-expected... receipts.
Prepare special reports to clarify problems or as requested for other reasons.
Calculate and compile cost estimates and projected budget requirements and assist in preparation of budget statements for area of assignment.
Prepare routine correspondence and maintain contracts with others to discuss matters concerning accounts and related assignments.
Maintain contacts with local banks to clarify questions pertaining to office bank accounts.
Brief and assist new staff on basic financial procedures and requirements with respect to payments, entitlements, banking and currency provisions and other requirements relating to accounts and finance.
Initiate correspondence to verify data, answer queries and obtain additional information on accounts and financial transactions, as required.
Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Education & Professional Work Experience

Years of Experience / Degree Level

For G5 2 years relevant experience with High School Diploma; or 1 year relevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higher

Certificates and/or Licenses

Accounting; Business Administration; Finance; HCR Learning Prog;
(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Functional Skills

IT-Computer Literacy
FI-ERP Financial Management (SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Workday and other)
IT-Microsoft Office Productivity Software
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Audit
  • Kindly share your resume to jonathanotieno.dr@gmail.com


For positions in Country Operations only

Assist management in commissioning and/or conducting practical research and analysis to interpret long-term political, economic and social trends that will enhance opportunities for solutions, resilience and inclusion for populations of concern to UNHCR as well as more sustainable approaches to refugee protection.
Support management in... planning for resilience and inclusion with a clear shared vision of longer term protection and solution outcomes for people of concern that takes account of host communities and leverages the roles, resources and capacities of development partners, including International Financial Institutions, Multilateral Development Banks, and Bilateral Development donors.
Assist in facilitating the development of comprehensive multi-year protection and solutions plans/strategies (incl. Multi-Year Multi-Partner Strategies) for Persons of Concern to UNHCR and/or facilitate the inclusion of populations of concern into national and local development planning and programming instruments.
Assist management in identifying, strategically articulating and capitalizing development and resilience opportunities, including through Government pledges and or pledges made by bilateral or multilateral development and/or peacebuilding partners.
Assist in facilitating relationship building with development co-operation agencies and peace and state-building agendas through the different stages of policy and programme identification, preparation, implementation and review.
Support the development of partnerships and networks with development cooperation actors to influence the policy dialogue with governments on institutional arrangements related to sectors, locations and programme content of consequence to UNHCR and persons of concern. This would, in particular, focus on supporting the coordination of the in-country relationship with the World Bank and other multilateral development banks, especially where there is potential for specific funding directed towards UNHCR's persons of concern (e.g. WB IDA sub-window for refugees and host communities or the WB Global Concessional Financing Facility).
Participate in the cooperation with development partners to assist them in incorporating the concerns of refugees, returnees and others of concern to UNHCR into the design and implementation arrangements of projects and interventions in a manner that impacts positively on protection circumstances.
Contribute to the identification, commissioning and/or contribution to studies and analytical activities that build the conceptual framework and evidence base for comprehensive, development-oriented responses, including preparedness work, to forced displacement.
Support the operation to ensure that development actors are provided relevant data to inform their planning, programming and advocacy around resilience for and inclusion of UNHCR persons of concern.
Support the operations engagement with governments, development partners (both multilateral and bilateral), and with the private sector and civil society (as appropriate) to identify opportunities for UNHCR to contribute to the design and implementation of monitoring systems to track progress towards agreed outcomes.
Support the facilitation, coordination and collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and experience sharing between UNHCR and development actors and across UNHCR operations globally by documenting and disseminating good practices and active participation in the Division of Resilience and Solutions', Development Partnerships Community of Practice.
Support training activities aimed at the capacity building of UNHCR and partner agency staff to achieve greater coordination, effectiveness and synergies between humanitarian and development interventions.

For positions in Regional Bureaux only

Assist in providing support, as detailed in the above duties for a country Associate Development Officer for countries without an Associate Development Officer as specified in the operational context for this position.
Support the Regional Bureau and country operations in analysing from a development perspective the potential components of longer-term situational solutions strategies, identifying the protection/resilience/solutions challenges, and the means to address these and possible regional opportunities for engagement.
Support the Regional Bureau and/or operations in identifying, articulating and capitalizing development and resilience opportunities, including through pledges made by regional partners, and regional development initiatives and programmes.
Assist in the aggregation, analysis and packaging of available knowledge and data from country operations to feed into regional and HQ policy, programme and advocacy efforts.
Contribute to coherence, where relevant, across operations in how they engage with development actors (e.g. messaging, policies, etc.).
Contribute to the interpretation of long-term political, economic and social trends from a situational or regional perspective that will define the opportunities for inclusion for populations of concern to UNHCR as well as more sustainable approaches to refugee protection management.
Support the engagement with regional bodies, such as IGAD, ECOWAS, etc. to identify and advocate for entry points for inclusion in development-related fora; and,
Contribute to the identification, commissioning and/or contribution to studies and analytical activities from a situational or regional perspective that build the conceptual framework and evidence base for comprehensive, development-oriented responses, including preparedness work, to forced displacement.
Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications
Years of Experience / Degree Level

For P2/NOB 3 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 2 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 1 year relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education

Development Economics; Development Studies; Socio-economic Development;
International Relations; Political Science; Law
or other relevant field.

Relevant Job Experience


Three (3) years of direct work experience in a large international development institution in a relevant position and of which at least one (1) year in field operations. Preferably with knowledge of, or experience in, local or area based economic development, direct engagement in a technical sector such as education, WASH, social protection, health, energy. Practical experience working with and an understanding of the different aspects of economic growth, governance, fragility and conflict. Expertise related to the governance of specific multilateral development banks or bilateral development actors most relevant to the AoR.


Experience with forced displacement. Experience in primary data collection, quantitative research methods and results-based management.

Functional Skills

*CO-Strategic Communication
*CO-Drafting and Documentation
*MG-Partnership Development
*SO-Critical Thinking and problem solving
*UN-Policy Advocacy in UNHCR
*IM-Knowledge Management
CL-Strategy Development and Monitoring
PG-Results-Based Management
PR-Refugee Protection Principles and Framework
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
  • Law
  • Legal
  • Kindly share your resume to jonathanotieno.dr@gmail.com


Technical Guidance

Conduct assessments and ensure selection of potential sites is done in accordance with the Master Plan approach to settlement planning taking into consideration protection concerns, national legislation, environmental considerations, appropriate density, and access to basic services including water, hydrological concerns, socio/economic issues, and cultural... inclusion and HLP matters.
Ensure that settlement layouts respond to natural topography and drainage patterns of the site to reduce construction and maintenance costs.
Ensure that safe and equitable access to basic services is provided for both the displaced and host communities while making particular emphasis on meaningful inclusion of the site community groups (women, youth, elderly and persons with specific needs) in decision-making processes including through governance structures and sectorial focal points.
Work with the relevant technical, programme and supply colleagues in close coordination with implementing and other concerned parties to develop implementation modalities and work plans for the settlement plans. Provide technical inputs and advice to Programme in the process of Implementation Partner Selection and review of PPAs of all sector related partners and partners with construction related activities in their budget.
Provide support in Preparedness through the development of contingency plans for population movements. Develop and update agreed response strategies (MPAs and APAs) for refugee sites, including transition/exit strategy for site consolidation and closures within the AOR.
In close consultation with partners, conduct assessments, provide concrete initiatives and develop specific strategies to make sure that residential areas, key services and infrastructure are not susceptible to the risk of natural hazards such as flash floods and landslides.

Coordination and Leadership

Provide strong leadership in ensuring that UNHCR's operation within the AOR is technically sound in the field of settlement planning to best meet the needs of POC.
Liaise with Government, line ministries and relevant authorities and counterparts to ensure strong coordination and partnership. Ensure that settlement plans are aligned with regional, national land use plans and planned developments.
Represent UNHCR in the process of site selection and land negotiations with the national government, local government, local community leaders and the landlords for the settlements within the AOR. In doing this, ensure that the risk of conflict linked to land tenure is addressed and mitigated while continuing to pursue actions that increase the security of tenure for displaced populations.
In line with UNHCR's commitment, promote the integration of agreed priority cross-cutting issues (e.g. age, environment, gender, and human rights) in sector/inter-sector needs assessments, analysis, planning and monitoring are met.
Develop and implement Settlement plans in a consultative process with Senior Management, relevant technical colleagues (integrated multi-sectoral approach), implementing partners, and other relevant stakeholders. Maintain, support or complement existing coordination mechanisms.
Develop Settlement Master Plans in alignment with the UNHCR guiding principles of the Master Plan Approach to Settlement Planning. Ensure periodic updates on the Masterplan taking note of the expansion and densification of the settlement and develop plans for any settlement extensions.
Upload technical information and settlement plan updates on the SIP (settlement information portal), ensure shelter dashboards are populated with relevant settlement data, prepare mission reports and debrief.
Work together with implementing and operational partners to ensure the use of common standards and tools for information collection and data management, including in needs assessments and monitoring.
Working closely with Risk management, utilise adequate Project Management tools and conduct regular monitoring of settlement and infrastructure works so these are implemented according to plans and completed within designated timelines and budget, and ensure that this information is captured in the global monitoring and evaluation framework.
Provide support in advocating for the mobilization of resources, where applicable. Identify core advocacy concerns for the sector and contribute key messages to the broader multi-sectoral advocacy initiatives including coordinated inputs into donor proposals and multi-agency appeals.


Collaborate and coordinate with all functional units in UNHCR and relevant technical actors in the feasibility and technical assessments, planning and development of sites, including protection, environment, Health, Education, water and sanitation and, in order to inform the overall planning process, carry out appropriate assessments and mapping exercises such as environmental impact assessment, useable land area assessment, mapping of services, mapping of host communities, livelihood assessments, etc.
Ensure a rights-based approach in physical planning/ master plan, support to active participation of communities and promote community-based approaches in the planning and implementation of activities.
Develop adequate reports and share information, both within the settlement planning stakeholders and with other sectors through inter-sector communication channels. Work on the reporting and monitoring through the provision of 4W, SIP and site monitoring information.
Promote and ensure the accountability to affected populations and the identification of durable solutions that also promote peaceful co/existence with the host communities.
Identify and maintain existing linkages between the shelter and settlement team with other actors and sectors.
Maintain a strong collaboration with the Shelter and Settlements Section in HQ.
Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Education & Professional Work Experience

Years of Experience / Degree Level

For P3/NOC 6 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 5 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 4 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education

Architecture; Urban Planning; Civil / Structural Engineering; or other relevant field.

Certificates and/or Licenses

GLDC managed Autodesk Software eLearning training is considered desirable
(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Relevant Job Experience


Managerial and technical ability to guide a specialist team in emergency and/or protracted situations. Previous similar job experience in the humanitarian settlement planning / infrastructure field, knowledge of technical drawing software, GIS tools and an ability to produce technical plans, BQ's, specifications and conduct training.


Advanced awareness of several technical sectors. Appropriate work experience in Shelter, Settlements and Infrastructure in a Humanitarian Context. Ability to use AutoCAD software and GIS technology would be an asset.

*SP-Autocad for Settlement Planning
CO-Cross-cultural communication
CL-Camp Coordination and Camp Management
IT-Computer Literacy
SO-Presentation skills
PG-UNHCR's Programmes
SP-Urban/Rural Settlement Planning
SP-Reconstruction and Community Planning
SP-Natural Resources Management
SP-Environmental Assessment/Planning/Monitoring/Evaluation of integrated projects/programs
SP-Infrastructure Development/Construction Management/Property Management
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
  • Engineering
  • Technical
  • Kindly share your resume to jonathanotieno.dr@gmail.com


Support the development and implementation of communications strategies for countries, situations and special projects; identify thematic priorities and target audiences to meet UNHCR's global communications objectives.
Monitor news and popular trends to insert UNHCR's messaging into ongoing conversations; identify key moments for proactive communications.
Forge strategic partnerships... with individuals and organizations who can help produce and promote UNHCR content, activities and messaging as well as provide research insights to improve communications; promote the work of engaged businesses and civil society actors.
Contribute to development of news-driven and authoritative content to lead the narrative on forced displacement and show UNHCR's impact (e.g. interviews, press releases, flagship reports, speeches), create emotive storytelling to generate empathy (e.g. stories, multimedia content) and mobilize action by signposting concrete steps people can take to help refugees (e.g. digital diplomacy, action-driven campaigns, fundraising).
Ensure content created reaches maximum impact by developing strategies for distribution from the outset, boosting the visibility of our content on relevant UNHCR channels and placing it on external channels.
Closely monitor the implementation of communications projects and adjust accordingly. Benchmark the results of communications projects against set success indicators; build on communications successes.

Additional duties for news and media roles:

Develop and implement communications strategies, campaigns, events and other initiatives in support of UNHCR's strategic objectives, including its need for leading share of voice on refugee and related matters, and ensure coverage of refugee situations in their country or region in global and domestic media.
Research, prepare, fact-check, edit and produce professional media and communications materials for target audiences and ensure their timely dissemination via UNHCR's communications channels, ensuring highest quality standards.
Draft media releases, statements and media briefing notes, and secure clearances, working in conjunction with relevant focal points and keeping sensitive to needs of both internal and external audiences.
Act as a spokesperson for UNHCR, organizing press events, handling interviews requests and providing responses to requests from media relating to UNHCR and its work.
Engage with journalists and public audiences via social media channels.
Regularly provide ideas for communications initiatives and considered professional communications advice to senior staff of UNHCR.
Undertake missions and field trips with media and other official visitors in support of UNHCR and its work.
Actively maintain media relations for UNHCR, ensuring that media (and other important external stakeholders, such as governments, embassies, NGOs etc.) are briefed regularly on issues of importance to UNHCR, and have access to information and UNHCR expertise.
Prepare and manage communications budgets.
Ensure alignment with UNHCR's global branding and messaging.
Continually maintain and upgrade communications skills, keeping abreast of emerging platforms and tools, and systematically reviewing media impact results and other measurement tools for learning purposes.

Additional duties for news and media roles within the Global Communications Service

Oversee coordination of communications work for their designated regions and thematic issues, working closely with communications staff in bureaux and country offices and in collaboration with the senior communications officers/advisers in that region.
Manage a wide network of relationships at all levels across bureaux, divisions and offices (including the Executive Office) to ensure timely internal information sharing as a foundation for grounded communications, and to build consensus around communications proposals.
Maintain close involvement in communications recruitment and training needs for assigned regions, keeping in mind UNHCR's goals of employing and retaining the world's leading humanitarian communications expertise.

Additional duties for news and media roles within Country Offices

Act as the primary interface on communications matters between their country office and the Global Communications Service.
Act as the lead for crisis communications work for their country, alerting the GCS/News & Media Section's crisis communications lead to risk issues and ensuring close coordination.

Additional duties for news and media roles within Regional Bureaux

Regularly provide ideas for communications initiatives and considered professional communications advice to senior Bureau staff and Representatives of Country Operations overseen by the Bureau.
Oversee data and information gathering and sharing of information with a view to ensuring the Bureau's authority as a centre of up to date knowledge and expertise relating to its region.
Assist the Senior Management of the Bureau to implement advocacy objectives for the Bureau, and oversee development of supporting communications strategies for these, working in conjunction with staff of the Global Communications Service and communications staff in the region.
Ensure Bureau staff are aware of UNHCR's global positioning needs.
Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Years of Experience / Degree Level

For P3/NOC 6 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 5 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 4 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education

Journalism; International Relations; Political Science;
Communications; Public Information; Media, Film / Video; or other relevant field.

Relevant Job Experience


Minimum 4years of professional experience in journalism and/or communications, mainly at international level.


Experience developing and implementing communications strategies. Strong social media presence. Experience working on advocacy campaigns. Experience working with goodwill ambassadors and other high-profile influencers. Experience with brand management. Experience with measurement and evaluation, especially providing analysis of media coverage, social media engagement, web traffic, etc. Experience reporting, writing, editing for magazines, newspapers and websites. Experience using digital asset management systems. Experience with digital analytics and performance reporting.

Functional Skills

Required skills will vary according to the precise nature of the role, location, etc. but may include:
CO-Drafting and Documentation
CO-International Media Contacts
CO-Preparation of key messages/talking points/speeches
CO-Spokesperson skills
CO-Strategic Communication
CO-Public Speaking
CO-Video production for digital platforms (including news organizations)
CO-Journalism (incl. print, broadcast, photography, video, layout & graphics)
CO-Digital content production
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
  • Media
  • Advertising
  • Branding

Assist in monitoring and supporting all existing formal and informal education programs, including implementing partner and community-based schools, and informal classes.
Regularly collect, provide update and share information related to education, utilizing data collection to identify gaps and make recommendations as required
Assist in the collection, analysis and reporting of core... education data sets and maintenance of up to date Education Management Information System (EMIS)
Provide regular reports on educational activities, achievements and challenges
Perform specific administrative operational/control tasks for project/programme activities as assigned
Undertake protection individual counselling for refugees utilising existing tools and standard operating procedures in place
Represent UNHCR in monitoring of education projects.
Foster inter-sectoral linkages and coordination with child protection, GBV, gender, community services, livelihoods/economic inclusion and health, among others.
Support the training of UNHCR staff, sister UN agency staff, NGOs, and Ministry of Education officials on refugee education priorities and identified topics.
Ensure active exchange of information and that best practices are identified, documented and disseminated.
Prepare and support the drafting of education input in key internal and external documents and reports.
Prepare documents and reports for clearance by the supervisor.
Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications
Years of Experience / Degree Level

For G4 1 year relevant experience with High School Diploma; or Bachelor or equivalent or higher
Certificates and/or Licenses;Education; Social Sciences Business Administration

Relevant Job Experience


Demonstrated work experience in education programmes.
Field experience in education programme implementation and coordination in humanitarian and/or development contexts.
Experience working with Governments, Ministry of Education and other line Ministries.
Strong inter-personal skills in collaboration and coordination.
  • Education
  • Teaching

In compliance with supply chain rules and procedures, support the related supply activities to facilitate UNHCR end to end processes resulting in a timely and quality delivery of goods and services to persons of concern.
Apply UNHCR's sourcing & procurement strategy when planning for purchase of important commodities and services.
Initiate custom clearance of consignments, draft... exemption requests, and liaise with local agents.
Support warehouse management, and assist with planning of goods & services deliveries, and provide information on the status of requests and the availability of items in the supply chain.
Maintain accurate and comprehensive records on supply activities and provide reports and updates periodically, and on request.
Examine purchase requests to ensure conformity and liaise with requesters.
Prepare quotation requests and tenders, produce bid-tabulations from tenders and prepare Purchase Orders for approval.
Dispatch approved Purchase Orders, and follow-up with the delivery of ordered commodities and services.
Provide information on all procurement activities within the AoR.
Produce standard asset management reports and other asset information, periodically and when requested.
Maintain accurate data in all relevant business systems. Compile statistical information on supply chain related matters that will assist in decision making.

In the Regional Bureaux:

Track global Supply KPIs for the region and assist in preparation of regional ones, as required.
Monitor all periodic Supply exercises such as monthly reconciliations, quarterly physical inventory exercises, and year-end accounts closure procedures and provide relevant reports to senior managers.
Assist Country Operations in MSRP management.

In the Country Operations:

Ensure local liaison to effectively support the supply activities.
Assist in the management of the storage of goods according to "best practices" and UNHCR rules and regulations;
Assist in managing Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) effectively according to UNHCR rules and regulation, including registration and marking of new PPE, physical verification of PPE, preparation of agreements and disposal forms (including submissions to LAMB/AMB), and assistance with disposal of PPE.
Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications
Years of Experience / Degree Level

For G5- 2 years relevant experience with High School Diploma; or 1 year relevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higher
  • Procurement
  • Store-keeping
  • Supply Chain

Assist the supervisor and UNHCR senior managers to engage in relevant government-led development planning and coordination processes through coordinating and supporting UNHCR's participation in relevant mechanisms.
Assist in the establishment and maintenance of effective working relations with relevant public and governmental entities and officials, with relevant local authorities and... with strategic development partners through systematic communication and information sharing.
Assist in providing adequate organizational and logistical support to multi-stakeholder coordination platform and strategic partnerships.
Assist in efforts to institutionalize long-term development-oriented approaches for refugees and refugee-hosting areas with a broad range of development and humanitarian partners through coordinating and supporting UNHCR's participation in relevant planning processes.
Assist in implementing and monitoring UNHCR's Multi-Year Multi-Partner strategy, and the development and implementation of other strategic programmes and partnerships for the benefit of refugee and host communities.
Assist in providing administrative and coordination support to strategy development, roll-out and implementation throughout various stages of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Assist in preparing relevant information (correspondence and reports) to external and internal stakeholders regularly, on time and as per necessary requirements.
Assist in facilitating and operationalizing strategic development partnerships and multi-stakeholder coordination for development and self-reliance oriented interventions in refugee-hosting areas through translating and disseminating relevant correspondence and texts.
Support the secretariat of a multi-stakeholder coordination platform for development and self-reliance oriented interventions on behalf of refugees and refugee-hosting areas through managing contact lists, meeting calendars, organizing meetings, minute taking, and follow-up on agreed action to be taken.
Provide support with the follow-up on administrative and logistical arrangements to organise missions, workshops, coordination meetings and other events through managing contact lists, meeting calendars, organizing meetings, minute taking, and follow-up on agreed action to be taken.
Prepare documents and reports as required.
Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications
Years of Experience / Degree Level

For G5 2 years relevant experience with High School Diploma; or 1 year relevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higher

Field(s) of Education

Not applicable.

Certificates and/or Licenses

Development Studies
International Relations
Political Science
Social Science
(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Relevant Job Experience


Proven ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with a variety of actors including government. Experience in working with development agencies or in other development planning methodologies.


Previous experience in UN/UNHCR. Previous experience in working with the public and governmental entities. Experience of working on the humanitarian-development nexus, and in particular working with Government and the World Bank.

Functional Skills

IT-Computer Literacy
CO-Drafting and Documentation
PR-Coordination in Forced Displacement situations
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
  • Project Management

For positions in Country Operations only

Advise operations on practical research and analysis to interpret long-term political, economic and social trends that will enhance opportunities for solutions, resilience and inclusion for populations of concern to UNHCR as well as more sustainable approaches to refugee protection;
Support the operation in planning for resilience and... inclusion with a clear shared vision of longer term protection and solution outcomes for people of concern that takes account of host communities and leverages the roles, resources and capacities of development partners, including International Financial Institutions, Multilateral Development Banks, and Bilateral Development donors.
Support the development of comprehensive multi-year protection and solutions plans/strategies (incl. Multi-Year Multi-Partner Strategies) for Persons of Concern to UNHCR and/or facilitate the inclusion of populations of concern into national and local development planning and programming instruments.
Support and advise the operation in identifying, strategically articulating and capitalizing development and resilience opportunities, including through Government pledges and or pledges made by bilateral or multilateral development and/or peacebuilding partners.
Provide technical leadership and support for relationship building with development co-operation agencies and peace and state-building agendas through the different stages of policy and programme identification, preparation, implementation and review.
Develop partnerships and networks with development cooperation actors to influence the policy dialogue with governments on institutional arrangements related to sectors, locations and programme content of consequence to UNHCR and persons of concern. This would, in particular, focus on supporting the coordination of the in-country relationship with the World Bank and other multilateral development banks, especially where there is potential for specific funding directed towards UNHCR's persons of concern (e.g. WB IDA sub-window for refugees and host communities or the WB Global Concessional Financing Facility).
Cooperate with development partners to assist them in incorporating the concerns of refugees, returnees and others of concern to UNHCR into the design and implementation arrangements of projects and interventions in a manner that impacts positively on protection circumstances.
Identify, commission and/or contribute to studies and analytical activities that build the conceptual framework and evidence base for comprehensive, development-oriented responses, including preparedness work, to forced displacement.
Ensure that development actors are provided relevant data to inform their planning, programming and advocacy around resilience for and inclusion of UNHCR persons of concern.
Engage with governments, development partners (both multilateral and bilateral), and with the private sector and civil society (as appropriate) to identify opportunities for UNHCR to contribute to the design and implementation of monitoring systems to track progress towards agreed outcomes.
Facilitate coordination and collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and experience sharing between UNHCR and development actors and across UNHCR operations globally by documenting and disseminating good practices and active participation in the Division of Resilience and Solutions', Development Partnerships Community of Practice; and,
Support training activities aimed at the capacity building of UNHCR and partner agency staff to achieve greater coordination, effectiveness and synergies between humanitarian and development interventions.

For positions in Regional Bureaux only

Provide support, as detailed in the above duties for a country SDO for countries without an SDO as specified in the operational context for this position.
Support the Regional Bureau and country operations in analysing from a development perspective the potential components of longer-term situational solutions strategies, identifying the protection/resilience/solutions challenges, and the means to address these and possible regional opportunities for engagement.
Support and advise the Regional Bureau and/or operations in identifying, articulating and capitalizing development and resilience opportunities, including through pledges made by regional partners, and regional development initiatives and programmes.
Aggregate, analyse and package available knowledge and data from country operations to feed into regional and HQ policy, programme and advocacy efforts.
Ensure support and coherence, where relevant, across operations in how they engage with development actors (e.g. messaging, policies, etc.).
Interpret long-term political, economic and social trends from a situational or regional perspective that will define the opportunities for inclusion for populations of concern to UNHCR as well as more sustainable approaches to refugee protection management.
Engage with regional bodies, such as IGAD, ECOWAS, etc. to identify and advocate for entry points for inclusion in development-related fora; and,
Identify, commission and/or contribute to studies and analytical activities from a situational or regional perspective that build the conceptual framework and evidence base for comprehensive, development-oriented responses, including preparedness work, to forced displacement.
Lead risk assessments and discussions with team(s) to proactively manage risks and seize opportunities impacting objectives. Ensure that risk management principles are integrated in decision-making both at strategic and operational levels. Allocate resources for planned treatments with resource requirements in Strategic Plans. Ensure that risks are managed to acceptable levels and escalate, as needed. If a Risk Owner, designate the Risk Focal Point and certify that the annual risk review is completed and ensure that the risk register is updated during the year, as needed.
Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications
Education & Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / Degree Level

For P4/NOD 9 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 8 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 7 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education

Development Economics; Development Studies; Socio-economic Development;
International Relations; Political Science; Law or other relevant field.

Certificates and/or Licenses

Not specified.

Relevant Job Experience


Six (6) years of direct work experience in a large international development institution in a relevant position and of which at least two (2) years in field operations. Preferably with knowledge of, or experience in, local or area based economic development, direct engagement in a technical sector such as education, WASH, social protection, health, energy. Practical experience working with and an understanding of the different aspects of economic growth, governance, fragility and conflict. Expertise related to the governance of specific multilateral development banks or bilateral development actors most relevant to the AoR.


Experience with forced displacement. Experience in primary data collection, quantitative research methods and results-based management.

Functional Skills

MG-Partnership Development
IM-Knowledge Management
CL-Strategy Development and Monitoring
SO-Critical Thinking and problem solving
UN-Policy Advocacy in UNHCR
PG-Results-Based Management
CO-Strategic Communication
CO-Drafting and Documentation
PR-Refugee Protection Principles and Framework
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
  • Project Management


Translate global education objectives and strategic directions into regional or national guidance, strategies and priorities.

Engage, promote and foster partnerships/collaboration with education stakeholders and bodies within the AoR in line with the GCR.

Provide technical advice and support on all issues related to UNHCR education programmes and strategic directions, in... line with UNHCR education policy and other corporate priorities, including through remote support and field missions.

Support and provide technical advice to senior management and Policy and Development staff allowing for advocacy activities with States and international organisations on all issues related to UNHCR education programmes and strategic directions, including on engaging in global planning processes and multi-country partnerships such as the UNICEF Blueprint.

Participate in humanitarian and development sector working groups to support and ensure all refugee education support programming at country level is extended, amplified and reported against sector development goals and humanitarian partners and funding serves system strengthening.

Assist Bureaux and Country Office(s) to elaborate and implement strategies to address issues related to education access, quality and data, in cooperation with other UN agencies (UNICEF, UNESCO, WFP, etc.) and other key education stakeholders.

Undertake direct dialogue with Country Office(s) on the implementation of education programmes in line with strategic directions, integrated with SDG4 and Education Sector Plans, including with Ministries of Education/Higher Education, education partners and coordination networks (Global Partnership for Education, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and Local Education Groups, etc.).

Foster and ensure inter-sectoral linkages and coordination with child protection, GBV, gender, community services, livelihoods/economic inclusion and health, among others, and provide specialist advice for other sectors, to ensure that they fully integrate education related concerns in their planning.

Monitor implementation of education programmes within the AoR and provide guidance on orientation.

Support and monitor the implementation of Global Refugee Forum pledges within the AoR.

Coordinate UNHCR's role concerning education, represent UNHCR at consultations, and represent UNHCR's education strategy and policy to other UN bodies, NGOs, interlocutors, institutions and organisations within the AoR.

Identify training needs and train UNHCR staff, sister UN agency staff, NGOs, and Ministry of Education officials on refugee education priorities and identified topics.

Develop and disseminate relevant tools to support UNHCR staff and partners in Country Office(s).

Ensure active exchange of information and that promising practices and case studies are identified, documented and disseminated both within the AoR and beyond.

Join joint assessment missions in emergencies to minimise the time refugee children and youth spend out of education (ideally a maximum of three months after arrival).

Prepare, co-ordinate and oversee drafting of education input in key internal and external documents and reports.

Where relevant, lead
In the Regional Bureaux

Translate global education objectives and strategic directions into regional guidance, strategies and priorities, in collaboration with the Education Section in HQ, to ensure coherence with UNHCR's education policy and strategy regionally and at country level. Develop regionally specific strategies, including key regional interlocuters, and considering cross-border issues.
Support and provide technical advice to senior management and Policy and Development staff allowing for advocacy activities with States and international organisations on all issues related to UNHCR education programmes and strategic directions at regional level. Provide support to Country Offices for engagement with these.
Participate in regional humanitarian and development sector working groups to support that all refugee education support programming at country level is extended, amplified and reported against sector development goals and humanitarian partners and funding serves system strengthening and meeting refugees' needs.
Assist in the planning and coordination of UNHCR's role concerning education, represent UNHCR at regional consultations, and represent UNHCR's education strategy and policy to other UN bodies, NGOs, interlocutors, institutions and organisations within the AoR.
With HQ, assist Country Office(s) to elaborate and implement strategies to address issues related to education access, quality and data. Synthesise and analyse data across countries in the region, making recommendations for how to react to trends, and contributing to global data and communications / advocacy approaches.
Foster and ensure inter-sectoral linkages and coordination with child protection, GBV, gender, community services, livelihoods/economic inclusion and health, among others, and provide specialist advice for other sectors, to ensure that they fully integrate education related concerns in their planning.
Undertake direct dialogue with Country Office(s) on the implementation of education programmes in line with strategic directions, integrated with SDG4 and Education Sector Plans, including with Ministries of Education/Higher Education, education partners and coordination networks (Global Partnership for Education, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and Local Education Groups, etc.).
Support and monitor the implementation of Global Refugee Forum (GRF) pledges across the region within the AoR.
Participate in joint assessment missions in emergencies to minimise the time refugee children and youth spend out of education (ideally a maximum of three months after arrival). With others in UNHCR, develop and implement approaches to track and prepare for emergencies, especially those which affect more than one country in the region.
Where relevant, supervision or oversight of other education staff.
Where relevant, supervision/management of other education staff at the Regional Bureau.

In the Country Operations

Translate global and regional education objectives and strategic directions into national strategies and priorities, in collaboration with the RBs and HQ, to develop contextualised approaches which ensure coherence with UNHCR's education policy and strategy at country level.
Develop, implement and build capacity around monitoring and support given to all formal and informal education programmes across the Country Office: tracking progress, trends and good practices to inform partnership development and planning.
As required, keep donor representatives briefed on developments in the education sector and assist in the development of funding submissions, appeals and reports linked to education strategic planning.
Participate in country level humanitarian and development sector working groups to support that all refugee education support programming is extended, amplified and reported against sector development goals and humanitarian partners and funding serves system strengthening. Engage senior management at country level where needed, particularly in engaging with development actors.
In line with the multi-functional team (MFT) approach, foster and ensure inter-sectoral linkages and coordination with child protection, GBV, gender, community-based protection, livelihoods/economic inclusion and health, among others, and provide specialist advice for other sectors, to ensure that they fully integrate education related concerns in their planning.
In emergency settings, establish and play a leadership role in education sector coordination mechanisms, ensure that education is represented in inter-sectoral appeals, establish a collective strategy for the response that supports longer-term inclusion in national systems and ensure effective monitoring of and reporting on the education response.
Support and provide technical advice to senior management and Policy and Development staff allowing for advocacy activities with national Government counterparts and international organisations on all issues related to UNHCR education programmes and strategic directions, including engaging in national planning processes, ensuring inclusion of refugee, returnee, asylum seeking, internally displaced and stateless children and youth into e.g. SDG4 plans and Education Sector Analyses and Plans.
Identify training needs and train UNHCR staff, sister UN agency staff, NGOs, and Ministry of Education officials on refugee education priorities and identified topics at country level, with the support of RB and HQ on global guidance
Support and monitor the implementation of country-level Global Refugee Forum pledges within the AoR.
Design and monitor implementation of education programmes within the AoR, provide guidance on orientation and facilitate engagement with key partners for delivery, reporting and advocacy. Participate in Multi-Functional Teams engaging with partners.
Where relevant, supervision/management of other education staff at the country level and support and quality oversight of education focal points in the sub and field offices.


Lead risk assessments and discussions with team(s) to proactively manage risks and seize opportunities impacting objectives. Ensure that risk management principles are integrated in decision-making both at strategic and operational levels. Allocate resources for planned treatments with resource requirements in Strategic Plans. Ensure that risks are managed to acceptable levels and escalate, as needed. If a Risk Owner, designate the Risk Focal Point and certify that the annual risk review is completed and ensure that the risk register is updated during the year, as needed.
Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications
Education & Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / Degree Level

For P4/NOD 9 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 8 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 7 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education

Education; Social Sciences; or other relevant field.

Certificates and/or Licenses

Not specified

Relevant Job Experience


7 years of experience in progressively responsible functions in education. Demonstrated work experience in education programmes. Field experience in education programme management, implementation and coordination in humanitarian and/or development contexts. Experience working with Governments, Ministry of Education and other line Ministries. Strong inter-personal skills in collaboration and coordination. Excellent analytical skills and drafting skills. Strong communications/presentations skills. Demonstrated capacity to work with minimum supervision.


Demonstrated work experience in refugee education programmes. Knowledge and experience of UNHCR policies and standards. Experience in the area of child protection. Experience with educational research, teaching or education administration. Familiarity with planning, programming, strategic planning, project development, budgeting and resource mobilization.

Functional Skills

PR-Refugee Protection Principles and Framework
TR-Training Virtual and face to face
PR-Community-based Protection Planning, implementing and analysing surveys/assessments
PR-Protection-related guidelines, standards and indicators
CO-Drafting and Documentation
ED-Education programming design and quality assurance
ED-Global EiE standards and implementation
PR-Child Protection Prevention and Response Programming
DM-Data collection methodologies
DM-Data Management
IT-Computer Literacy
PR-Community based assessment methodologies
WB Community Services/Social Work
ED-Education capacity building education programming
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
  • Education
  • Teaching
The Reporting Associate will fulfil internal and external reporting requests. S/he is supervised by the Reporting Officer or another professional staff depending on the staffing structure of the Office. The incumbent receives regular guidance and advice from the supervisor. Advice and operational support may also be received from other senior staff and support units at the Country Office / HQ. The... incumbent will establish strong liaison with both internal and external parties, including Donors, UN Agencies, and Implementing and Operational partners.

Stay abreast with the operational developments and assist in the preparation of briefing notes and reports.
Assist in consolidation of data and facilitate the preparation of periodic reports including Sitreps, Fact Sheets and other activity specific reports.
Liaise with internal and external partners to gather information.
Work closely with Information Management Unit to ensure accurate and standard data presentation.
Assist in the development of funding submissions, appeals and reports.
Prepare and distribute meeting minutes.
Consolidate and provide inputs for donor reports.
Enforce compliance with reporting requirements.
Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
Perform other related duties as required.
  • Law Jobs In Uganda