Duties and Responsibilities
This is entry and training grade for this cadre.  An officer at this level may be deployed to provide first level support in any of the following specialized areas; End User Services, Network Administration, Information Security, Software Design and Development or Data Design and Management. Duties and responsibilities at this level will include: -

Installing and... maintaining computer systems;
Configuring Local Area Network and Wide Area Network;
Developing and updating application systems; and
Carrying out system analysis, design and programme specifications in liaison with users;
Carrying out repairs and maintenance of Information Communications Technology (ICT) equipment and associated peripherals;
Drawing up hardware specifications for ICT equipment;
Verifying, validating and certifying ICT equipment;
Implementing security controls on systems and networks; and
Configuring new ICT equipment.

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

A Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines: Computer Science, Computer Technology, Informatics, Business Information Technology (BBIT), Computing Science and Technology, Computer Security and Forensics, Computer/Software/Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications or equivalent qualification from  a university recognized in Kenya.
  • ICT
  • Computer
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have;

Served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Assistant Director, Irrigation Water Management, CSG 7, or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service;
A Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines- Agriculture, Horticulture, Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness or Agricultural... Resource Management from a university recognized in Kenya; and
Demonstrated a high degree of professional competence, managerial, administrative capability in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies and objectives.

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Coordinating, implementing and reviewing national irrigation policies, strategies, standards, guidelines, procedures and frameworks on irrigation water use and managing irrigation schemes;
Coordinating, implementing and reviewing programmes and projects pertaining to irrigation schemes management & productivity, and irrigation reforms, research, innovation and capacity strengthening;
Initiating, developing, implementing an reviewing legislations and regulations pertaining to irrigation water use and schemes management;
Mobilizing resources, involving private sector and forming partnerships and collaborations for implementation of irrigation research, innovations, capacity strengthening projects and programmes and schemes management including productivity improvement to counties, IWUAs and stakeholders ;
Building capacity and providing technical assistance to County Irrigation Development Units (CIDUS);
Building linkages with CIDUs;
Overseeing irrigation water development and management in schemes by promoting waster saving technologies and efficient on-farm water in schemes across the country and promoting best irrigation agronomic practices and irrigated enterprises;
Overseeing irrigation schemes operations and maintenance by undertaking periodic surveys, assessments on performance providing technical assistance on establishment of Irrigation Water Users’ Associations (IWUAs) for management of community-based irrigation schemes;
Establishing and maintaining a database on irrigation schemes, irrigation research, innovations, irrigation technologies and capacity building initiatives, and ensuring efficient records management;
Developing and reviewing training master plan, manuals for capacity building on irrigation infrastructure development, water use, management and regulation of irrigation in liaison with counties and other stakeholders;
Coordinating mainstreaming of climate-smart irrigation water use technologies and innovations in irrigation schemes; and
Liaising with training institutions in the development of curricula for training Irrigation Water Management professionals and practitioners.
  • Agriculture
  • Agro-Allied
  • Kindly share your resume to jonathanotieno.dr@gmail.com

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

Served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Assistant Director (Land Reclamation and Ecosystem Restoration), CSG 7, or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service;
A Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines;- Forestry, Natural Resource Management, Agriculture, Hydrology, Geography,... Geology, Economics, Community Development, Environmental Science, Marine Science, Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering or Water Engineering from a university recognized in Kenya; and
Demonstrated a high degree of professional competence, managerial, administrative capability in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies and objectives.

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Implementing policies, regulations, frameworks, guidelines, strategies, plans, programmes and projects on land reclamation and rehabilitation of related ecosystems;
Coordinating restoration and rehabilitation protocols in collaboration with stakeholders;
Overseeing compliance to rules and guidelines to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN), A Kenyan commitment to United Nations;
Coordinating adoption of guidelines and standards on land restoration and rehabilitation, waste water use, sludge and other industrial waste in collaboration with relevant institutions;
Establishing and enforcing guidelines and standards for land reclamation, rehabilitation, rehabilitation structures and designs;
Promoting the use of silt load in rivers and water bodies as a measure of degradation and rehabilitation structures and designs;
Promoting sustainable land management practices among other land reclamation technologies such as Afforestation/Reforestation/Agroforestry/Assisted Regeneration in & Reseeding in ASALS;
Coordinating adoption of watershed management tools for increased environmental water conservation and storage in collaboration with stakeholders; and
Environmental water conservation and storage in collaboration with stakeholders.
  • Agriculture
  • Agro-Allied
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

Served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Chief Superintending Engineer, (Irrigation Water Harvesting and Storage), CSG 7, or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider Public Service;
A Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines;- Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering,... Soil Water and Environmental Engineering, Environmental and Bio-systems Engineering, Biomechanical and Processing Engineering or Soil and Water Engineering from a university recognized in Kenya;
Be a member of relevant professional body;
A Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programmes (SLDP) lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution; and
Demonstrated a high degree of professional competence, managerial, administrative capability in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of nationalgoals, policies and objectives.

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Formulating, implementing, and reviewing policies, strategies, guidelines, procedures and frameworks on water harvesting and storage, and groundwater exploitation for irrigation;
Formulating, implementing and reviewing programmes and projects pertaining to irrigation water harvesting and storage, and exploitation of groundwater;
Mapping and designating areas ideal for irrigation water harvesting and storage development;
Providing technical support and capacity building to stakeholders and counties on irrigation water harvesting and storage;
Mobilizing resources for implementation of water harvesting and storage projects and programmes;
Mobilizing resources for flood control;
Forming partnerships in support of water harvesting and storage activities including exploitation of ground water;
Establishing databases and information on irrigation harvesting and storage;
Undertaking technical audits and assessments on development and management of water harvesting and storage infrastructure;
Monitoring and evaluating implementation of programmes and projects on irrigation water harvesting and storage including exploitation of groundwater; and
Promoting use of efficient technologies and construction techniques in irrigation water harvesting and storage development.
  • Engineering
  • Technical
For appointment for Appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

Served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Chief Superintending Engineer, Irrigation CSG 7 or in comparable and relevant position in the wider public service;
A Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines: Agricultural Engineering, Civil engineering, Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering,... Soil Water and Environmental engineering, Environmental and Bio-systems Engineering, Biomechanical and Processing Engineering or Soil and Water Engineering from a university recognized in Kenya;
Be registered by a relevant professional body; and
Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competence in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies, objectives and ability to relate them to the irrigation and drainage function.

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Developing and reviewing of the irrigation policy, regulations, standards, guidelines, strategies, plans, programmes and projects on irrigation and drainage as outlined in the Executive Order No.1 of 2023, CoK 2010, Irrigation Policy 2017 and Irrigation Act 2019;
Coordinating implementation of strategic plans, national irrigation master plans and financial investment plans for irrigation infrastructure development in collaboration with relevant stakeholders as per Irrigation Act 2019 Section 6(5);
Overseeing compliance to standards on irrigation infrastructure designs and auxiliary facilities as per Irrigation (General) Regulations 2021 section 15, 20(6) and 21(1);
Monitoring quality control of irrigation infrastructure and auxiliary facilities as per Irrigation (General) Regulations 2021 section 20(6) and 21(1);
Coordinating implementation of national irrigation programs and projects in collaboration with county governments and other relevant stakeholders; as per Irrigation Act 2019 Section 8(2)(h);
Establishing and maintaining linkages and networking with stakeholders on irrigation and drainage development as per the Irrigation Act 2019 Section 8(2)(i); and
Developing and maintaining an irrigation database and integrate systematic monitoring and evaluation as per the Irrigation Act 2019 Section 6(2)(i);
Providing technical advice on the provision of irrigation contracts and consultancy services; as per Irrigation Act 2019 section 8(1)(c);
Providing capacity building and technical support to the counties on irrigation and drainage development as per CoK 2010 forth schedule No. 25;
Promoting Public-Private-Partnerships in irrigation development and management as per Irrigation Act 2019 Section 8(2)(e) and Irrigation (General) Regulations section 16(4);
Coordinating monitoring and evaluation of irrigation infrastructure maintenance and operations as per the Irrigation Act 2019 Section 6(2)(a); and
Providing technical support and services in development and management of community-based irrigation schemes as per the Irrigation Act 2019 Section 8(2)(h).
  • Engineering
  • Technical
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

Served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of a Deputy Director Irrigation Development Coordination, Chief Economist or a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service;
A Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines: - Agriculture, Horticulture, Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, or... Agricultural Resource Management from a university recognized in Kenya;
A Masters Degree in any of the following disciplines: - Agronomy, Soil Science, Horticulture, Agricultural Economics, Business Administration, Economics, Agriculture Extension or Land and Water Management from a university recognized in Kenya;
Be registered by the relevant professional body; and
Have demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competence in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies, objectives and ability to relate them to irrigation water management function.

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Coordinating, formulating, implementation and reviewing of National Irrigation policies, strategies, standards, guidelines, procedures and frameworks;
Coordinating development, implementing and reviewing of legislation and regulations pertaining to Irrigation;
Coordinating development and implementation of Irrigation Reforms;
Coordinating irrigation sector policy and strategy development, implementation and review;
Coordinating monitoring and evaluation of irrigation policies and programmes;
Establishing Irrigation databases and information management systems;
Forming partnerships and collaborations in support of irrigations activities, projects and programmes; and
Coordinating mobilization of resources for implementation of irrigation programmes and projects.
  • Agriculture
  • Agro-Allied
  • Kindly share your resume to jonathanotieno.dr@gmail.com

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

Served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Deputy Director, Youth Development CSG 6or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service;
A Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences from a university recognized in Kenya;
A Masters Degree in Social Sciences from a University recognized in Kenya;... and
Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competence on matters relating to management and development of youth in the country.

Duties and Responsibilities
The Director, Youth Development will be responsible to the Principal Secretary for coordinating and administering the Youth Development function in the Ministry. Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Overseeing the initiation, formulation and implementation of national youth development policies and programmes;
Providing necessary technical advice to stakeholders on matters pertaining to youth development;
Identifying and evaluating local, regional and global opportunities for youth information and empowerment;
Liaising with stakeholders to mobilize resources for youth programmes and projects;
Ensuring the establishment and operationalization of youth empowerment centers;
Disseminating information on youth development issues;
Coordinating staff performance, management, training and development;
Coordinating preparation of strategic plans, service charters, performance contracts and performance appraisal system;
Monitoring financial and assets administration and management;
Overseeing staff selection, recruitment, placement and discipline; and
Ensuring compliance with principles and values of good governance, human rights, transparency, accountability, ethics and integrity in the department.
  • Project Management
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

Cumulative service period of five (5) years, and currently serving at the grade of Senior Shipping and Maritime Transport Officer, CSG 9 and above or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service or private sector;
A Bachelors Degree in any of the following field: Social Sciences, Marine Engineering or Economics from a... recognized University in Kenya;
A Certificate in any of the following fields: Law of the Sea, Port Management, Marine Security, Inland Water Transport, Sea Use Management, Port State Control and Formulation of National Maritime Policy or Shipping Terms from a recognized institution; and
(iv) demonstrated merit and shown ability as reflected in work performance.

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Coordinating and reviewing the development of maritime policies;
Domesticating international conventions on shipping and maritime affairs ratified by Kenya into polices, legislations and regulations; sensitizing stakeholders on safety, security and prevention of pollution of marine environment by ships;
Verifying and validating data on shipping and maritime;
Implementing Standards for Training, Certification and Watch Keeping;
Sensitizing stakeholders on marine pollution prevention;
Maintaining and updating inventory for maritime conventions;
Attending to matters related to regional and international bodies on maritime issues including compensation of marine oil spill victims;
Facilitating seaborne trade activities in liaison with stakeholders;
Undertaking research on shipping transport costs in the region;
Coordinating activities of state agencies on matters related to maritime safety, security and commercial shipping development;
Monitoring shipping costs in the industry; and
Compiling and submitting data on imported oil to the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds.
  • Logistics
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

Cumulative service period of five (5) years, and currently serving at the grade of Senior Air Transport Officer, CSG 9 and above or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service or private sector;
A Bachelors Degree in any of the following fields; Sociology, Government Anthropology, Geography, Meteorology, Commerce,... Economics, Statistics, Transportation and Logistics, Business Administration or Engineering from a University recognized in Kenya;
A Certificate in any of the following field: Introduction to Airport Operations, Introduction to Airline Operations, Aviation Management, Aviation Security, Air and Space Law, Airline Ground Operation, Air Transport Statistics or Negotiations Skills from a recognized institution; and
Demonstrated technical and professional competence as reflected in work performance and results.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Approving airline schedules;
Preparing reports on Air Transport matters;
Approving country status reports for facilitation of Air Transport;
Liaising with international organizations on Civil Aviation matters;
Preparing and implementing provisions of Air Services Agreements;
Preparing drafts for the domestication and ratification of International Legal instruments;
Monitoring the economic performance of the Air Transport Industry;
Monitoring the operations of scheduled airlines;
Identifying international legal instruments for ratification;
Sensitizing stakeholders on Air Transport matters;
Coordinating the implementation of regional and International Air Transport recommendations; and
Carrying out research in air transport sector
  • Logistics
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Law, Political Science, Sociology, International Relations, Public Administration, Business Management, Economics or any other equivalent qualification from a university recognized in Kenya.
Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Preparing... reports on the implementation of the parliamentary Liaison framework;
Preparing concepts notes for Fora with parliamentary leadership and parliamentary liaison officers;
Compiling data on the status of implementation of parliamentary resolution and National executives undertaking to Parliament;
Implementing tools for monitoring and tracking the implementation of the Parliamentary Resolution and National Executives undertaking;
Collecting and compiling data on parliamentary Liaison officers in the executive; and
Compiling data for training needs assessment on Legislative and Parliamentary affairs.
  • Law
  • Legal
  • Kindly share your resume to jonathanotieno.dr@gmail.com