Job Description

Play an integral and visible role within the firm – The A&A Risk Management manager is responsible for providing critical support to the firm and its practitioners in respect of all independence & risk management matters – both personal- and client-related – all aspects related to business relationships – both marketplace and vendor type relationships. 
The role offers a unique... opportunity to work with individuals at all levels across the firm, providing technical advice and guidance in respect of Audit specific independence & risk management matters to ensure individuals maintain their and the firm’s independence and that we identify, address and mitigate client, engagement and audit risks. You will also be involved in the following:
the implementation of new or revised independence policies;
independence and risk management consultations
monitoring our Business Relationship Management and Independence & Conflict systems;
improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our systems and processes; and
educating the practice on key independence & risk management processes and systems.
You will have regular exposure to the most senior levels of the firm's management, including high visibility among the senior partners of the business as well as contacts across the global Deloitte network (DTTL). In addition, the role offers opportunities to work collaboratively with other Risk Management groups across the local QRM community.

Minimum Qualifications

Honours Accounting Degree
Registered CA(SA)

Desired Qualifications

Postgraduate qualification (relevant to Service Area / Business Management, etc.)
4 years working experience

Minimum Experience

A compliance, risk, audit, or independence & conflict background
Professional service delivery
Understanding of a regulatory environment and ability to interpret and apply technical rules in a practical way
Understanding of IESBA code of ethics
  • Johannesburg
  • Право / юриспруденція
  • Право / юриспруденция
Job Description

The ATS division within Deloitte is looking to hire an IT Technician on a fixed term contract basis who will, under direct supervision perform simple, onsite hardware, software and peripheral updates and repair within a predefined SLA. Responsible for troubleshooting and repair of computer systems and peripheral equipment located throughout the organisation. Provides adhoc end... user training on the use of systems
The candidate will bring with them, 1 year and above IT support experience, preferably within a large corporate environment.

Minimum Qualifications

Comptia A+ and/ N+ certification

Desired Qualifications

Microsoft MCSA (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate) certification

Additional Information
Differentiators for this specific role

Create and Maintain client relationship
Install and configure of standard hardware & software
Maintain a tidy environment
Administration and filing for IT service desk
Manage third party calls
Filling in for absent colleagues
Monitoring of SLA of calls (SLA 98%) on Service Now
Logging system detail
Assists with AV setups for events

Key Performance Areas:

Strategic Impact
Under supervision, provides user support on IT queries in respect of hardware and software issues 

Client Impact: External / Internal

Solves user queries remotely within SLA
Escalates issues to technical experts that cannot be solved 
User connectivity
Immediacy and resolution

Operational Effectiveness

Works collaboratively with ATS team to ensure calls are closed in the shortest possible time span 
Logs calls accurately with all detail onto system 
Tracks queries through to resolution and closes them on logging system
Assists team members as required
Remains aware of risk in area of expertise in alignment with Deloitte policies and processes 
Assists users through transfer of knowledge on MS Office Suite, IT processes and procedures

Technical Competencies 

Sound technical knowledge in Microsoft Office suite and operating system
Advanced knowledge of networks, IT infrastructure and applications
  • ICT
  • Computer
Job Description

The ATS division within Deloitte is looking to hire an IT Technician on a fixed term contract basis who will, under direct supervision perform simple, onsite hardware, software and peripheral updates and repair within a predefined SLA. Responsible for troubleshooting and repair of computer systems and peripheral equipment located throughout the organisation. Provides adhoc end... user training on the use of systems
The candidate will bring with them, 1 year and above IT support experience, preferably within a large corporate environment.

Minimum Qualifications

Comptia A+ and/ N+ certification

Desired Qualifications

Microsoft MCSA (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate) certification

Additional Information
Differentiators for this specific role

Create and Maintain client relationship
Install and configure of standard hardware & software
Maintain a tidy environment
Administration and filing for IT service desk
Manage third party calls
Filling in for absent colleagues
Monitoring of SLA of calls (SLA 98%) on Service Now
Logging system detail
Assists with AV setups for events

Key Performance Areas:

Strategic Impact
Under supervision, provides user support on IT queries in respect of hardware and software issues 

Client Impact: External / Internal

Solves user queries remotely within SLA
Escalates issues to technical experts that cannot be solved 
User connectivity
Immediacy and resolution

Operational Effectiveness

Works collaboratively with ATS team to ensure calls are closed in the shortest possible time span 
Logs calls accurately with all detail onto system 
Tracks queries through to resolution and closes them on logging system
Assists team members as required
Remains aware of risk in area of expertise in alignment with Deloitte policies and processes 
Assists users through transfer of knowledge on MS Office Suite, IT processes and procedures

Technical Competencies 

Sound technical knowledge in Microsoft Office suite and operating system
Advanced knowledge of networks, IT infrastructure and applications
  • Durban
Job Description

The ATS division within Deloitte is looking to hire an IT Technician on a fixed term contract basis who will, under direct supervision perform simple, onsite hardware, software and peripheral updates and repair within a predefined SLA. Responsible for troubleshooting and repair of computer systems and peripheral equipment located throughout the organisation. Provides adhoc end... user training on the use of systems
The candidate will bring with them, 1 year and above IT support experience, preferably within a large corporate environment.

Minimum Qualifications

Comptia A+ and/ N+ certification

Desired Qualifications

Microsoft MCSA (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate) certification

Additional Information
Differentiators for this specific role

Create and Maintain client relationship
Install and configure of standard hardware & software
Maintain a tidy environment
Administration and filing for IT service desk
Manage third party calls
Filling in for absent colleagues
Monitoring of SLA of calls (SLA 98%) on Service Now
Logging system detail
Assists with AV setups for events

Key Performance Areas:

Strategic Impact
Under supervision, provides user support on IT queries in respect of hardware and software issues 

Client Impact: External / Internal

Solves user queries remotely within SLA
Escalates issues to technical experts that cannot be solved 
User connectivity
Immediacy and resolution

Operational Effectiveness

Works collaboratively with ATS team to ensure calls are closed in the shortest possible time span 
Logs calls accurately with all detail onto system 
Tracks queries through to resolution and closes them on logging system
Assists team members as required
Remains aware of risk in area of expertise in alignment with Deloitte policies and processes 
Assists users through transfer of knowledge on MS Office Suite, IT processes and procedures

Technical Competencies 

Sound technical knowledge in Microsoft Office suite and operating system
Advanced knowledge of networks, IT infrastructure and applications
  • Cape Town
Job Description
Main Purpose of Job

Deloitte Consulting Africa requires a senior leader with proven consulting expertise in customer experience and implementing Digital Customer Platforms. The applicant will support relevant service area leadership with market development initiatives through driving and implementation of strategy, revenue generation and business growth, whilst supporting... project teams at clients with work assignments.

Your role as a Leader
At Deloitte we believe in the importance of leadership at all levels. We expect our people to embrace and live our purpose by challenging themselves to identify issues that are most important for our clients, our people, and for society and make an impact that matters. In addition to living our purpose, Managers across our organization:

Develop high-performing people and teams through challenging and meaningful opportunities
Deliver exceptional client service; maximize results and drive high performance from people while fostering collaboration across businesses and borders
Influence clients, teams, and individuals positively, leading by example and establishing confident relationships with increasingly senior people
Understand key objectives for clients and Deloitte; align people to objectives and set priorities and direction

Experience Required

Experience with a Tier-One Professional Services Firm
7-10 years working experience including 5 years in a client facing as well as 5 years in a management role with a focus on digital transformation.
Working Experience and deep working knowledge of primary industry
Proven Experience in 1/more of the customer domains Of Sales, Service, Marketing and Commerce

Relevant Customer Experience Design Competencies

7-10 years working experience as a Customer Experience Specialist, or in a similar Customer Experience and/or Consulting role
Deep customer domain experience across Sales, Service, Marketing & Commerce

Relevant Digital Platform Development Competencies

7-10 years in SaaS implementation with solid experience in implementing customer engagement platforms and CRM 
7-10 years’ experience as a CRM Solution Architect, CRM Technical Lead, CRM Data Lead, and/or CRM Technical Architect, designing and implementing large- solutions on Digital Customer Platforms  

The applicant will be considered for a role in either Digital Experience Design/Digital Platform Development

Tertiary qualification in Information Systems, Computer Science, Engineering or related
Industry-specific qualifications or an equivalent
CRM Certified Practitioner, for example, Salesforce (minimum of 2 CRM/CX/Agile Certifications) and/or Service Design/UX/CX
Whilst not a strict requirement, a MBA or Masters in the relevant field of study is a definite advantage
Industry-specific qualifications or an equivalent
  • ICT
  • Computer
  • IT
  • QA
  • SEO
  • DevOps
  • Розробка ПЗ
  • Адміністрування мережі
  • Системне адміністрування
  • Разработка ПО
  • Системное администрирование
  • Администрирование сети
Кожна історія має свій початок.
«Делойт» є однією з провідних міжнародних фірм у світі, яка надає професійні послуги у сферах аудиту, консалтингу, корпоративних фінансів, управління ризиками підприємств та консультування з питань оподаткування й права.
Компанія була заснована понад 175 років тому в Лондоні Вільямом Делойтом як маленька бухгалтерська фірма. «Делойт» має свої офіси у 150 країнах,... у яких працюють більш ніж 415 тисяч працівників.
Мета компанії – здійснювати вплив, що має значення. Це відображається не лише в роботі для клієнтів, але й у стратегії корпоративної соціальної відповідальності та сталого розвитку. Наша компанія надихає співробітників, сприяє успіху клієнтів і робить внесок у розвиток суспільства. «Делойт» підтримує Україну та припинив усю операційну діяльність на ринках росії та білорусі.
«Делойт» шукає молодшого(у) консультанта(ку), який(а) працюватиме в складі команди з корпоративного оподаткування в податково-юридичному департаменті.
робота у складі команди над проєктами з податкової підтримки фінансового аудиту, податкової перевірки, проведення податкової діагностики, супроводу операцій зі злиття й поглинання, консультування з податкових питань, міжнародного структурування бізнесу, трансфертного ціноутворення тощо;
аналіз даних бухгалтерського й податкового обліку, господарської діяльності та бізнес-процесів великих міжнародних та українських компаній, що працюють в різних галузях економіки;
вивчення податкового законодавства, ознайомлення з листами від податкових органів та судовими рішеннями;  
під керівництвом старших колег здійснювати підготовку огляду бізнесу та звітів для клієнтів;  
допомога у підготовці пропозицій та презентацій для публічних заходів; 
участь у зустрічах із клієнтами (зокрема із подальшою участю в ролі спікера);  
взаємодія з учасниками команд з інших підрозділів під час роботи над крос-функціональними проєктами. 

вища освіта в галузі фінансів, економіки, бухгалтерського обліку, юриспруденції або суміжних спеціальностей;
знання податкового законодавства та принципів бухгалтерського обліку;   
рівень володіння англійською мовою Upper-Intermediate і вище;  
бажання й здатність швидко навчатися; 
здатність працювати в команді у режимі багатозадачності; 
високий рівень мотивації та прагнення до професійного розвитку;

Ми пропонуємо:
- офіційне працевлаштування з першого робочого дня; 

- гнучкий графік роботи, можливість працювати віддалено або у гібридному форматі; 

- 25 робочих днів щорічної оплачуваної відпустки; 

- вихідний на день народження в подарунок від Компанії; 

- програми мотивації для співробітників; 

- страхування життя, здоров'я та подорожей; 

- щорічний перегляд заробітної плати; 

- прозору систему мотивації та кар’єрного зростання; 

- тренінги з розвитку основних компетенцій та навичок міжособистісного спілкування; 

- доступ до освітніх платформ (Linkedin Learning, Udemy); 

- курси з англійської мови; 

- програму з надання психологічної підтримки співробітникам; 

- можливість отримання міжнародних сертифікатів ACCA/CFA;

- роботу в дружній атмосфері та динамічному робочому середовищі. 

Ми хочемо подякувати всім заявникам за зацікавленість у нашій вакансії, проте зв’яжемося лише з кандидатами, відібраними для проведення співбесіди.
Корпоративна соціальна відповідальність
У «Делойт» ми віримо у важливість лідерства на всіх рівнях. Ми очікуємо, що наші працівники поділятимуть нашу мету, досягатимуть поставлених цілей та вирішуватимуть найважливіші питання наших клієнтів, працівників і суспільства, а також здійснюватимуть вплив, що має значення.
Наш головний ресурс — це люди. Ми прагнемо залучати й утримувати висококваліфікованих спеціалістів та цілеспрямованих працівників, тому інвестуємо в їхній професійний розвиток і допомагаємо їм досягати успіхів.
Ми прагнемо бути гнучкими, тому змінюємо, адаптуємо та вдосконалюємо як наші внутрішні процеси, так і послуги для клієнтів. Саме тому ми шукаємо кандидатів, які можуть запропонувати не лише свої професійні знання та якості. Ми шукаємо тих, хто здатен змінюватися, адаптуватися і вдосконалюватися разом із нами. Ми намагаємося забезпечити необхідні умови для розкриття вашого потенціалу і гарантуємо всебічну підтримку на вашому кар'єрному шляху. Ми вітаємо у своїй команді різноманітність, рівність та інклюзивність.
Дізнайтеся більше про компанію «Делойт».
Звертаємо вашу увагу на те, що в межах процедури відбору кандидатів необхідно буде надати паспортні дані.

  • Бухгалтерія
  • Бухгалтерия
  • Бухгалтерський облік
  • Фінансы
  • Финансы
  • Податковий облік
  • Налоги
  • Податки
We are looking for Candidates who are having experience as GCP.
Experience Required: 4 - 15 years.
Location: Delhi


Develop scalable data pipelines using GCP tools such as Dataflow, Dataproc, BigQuery, Composer, and Dataplex.
Write efficient...
Job Description
Main responsibilities include:

Effectively delivers engagement management or Project Services (PS) support to the business (as per dedicated Service Line) for a portfolio of engagements that are medium in size and or complexity.
Executing on PS tasks within the business to aid compliance with standardized PS processes and controls.
Responsible for ensuring that revenue and... WIP is valid, accurate and complete.
Has solid understanding of PS accounting to effectively troubleshoot and prevent revenue, WIP and other project services issues.

Budgets / Profitability

Effective use of time, equipment and resources

WIP and Revenue

Prepare WIP reconciliations upon request
Facilitate Interfirm accrual confirmations and accurate recording for project related costs
Plays a support role with regard to WIP confirmation requirements
Compiling WIP, revenue and debtors info for business
Prepares revenue and WIP commentary
Provides an estimate revenue position to budget/ forecast after factoring in any adjustments that are yet to be made
Daily revenue flashes over month end distributed to leadership
Prepares customised and specific reports for engagements
Preparation of journals to be processed for the correction of WIP / POA allocations
Quarterly cost of quality review (Consulting only)

Opening of Project Codes

Ensures timeous and accurate opening of project codes (Code creation and set-up)
Assists the Project Director/ Project Manager during the QRM process where needed.
Assists Business in collating the required information (such as the project plan, billing schedule and resourcing) to open a project code  
Verifies accuracy and completeness of information required to open project codes 
Enforces compliance of governance requirements in the way that codes are opened 
Communicates code governance requirements to business as and where needed  
Ensures that the correct contract type is selected in order for the correct revenue recognition methodology to be followed  
Oversees the code opening integration of Phoenix to SAP S/4HANA, and loads any additional information required by SAP  


Creates invoices
Submit zero rated/ exempt VAT invoices to the Regional Tax Hub for tax compliance checks   
Loads the invoices on client portals and/or submit invoice to the client.
Attend to client queries after submitting invoices.
Manages the credit note process and creates Cr-notes

Project Services Training

Supports the Snr PSA/Finance BP in training new joiners and experienced staff as and when required in order for business to be able to understand how to fulfill certain PS tasks themselves.

General Project Services accounting and tasks

Performs a basic first-level revenue and WIP analysis and provides feedback to the Service Line Business Partners on the results 
Supports Project Services close over month-end including General PS assistance to business and query resolution
Provide relevant information to client facing staff to enable engagement management (project profitability, timesheets, expenses, copies of invoices and statements)
Effect any required adjustments, based on instruction from Business to the monthly forecast to ensure accurate revenue recognition   
Manages replacement of Project Owners (Manager, Billing Partner, Proxy, project leaders or AR Party)
Liaise with MDM team for any required changes (Bill to parties, VAT details, addresses etc.)

Project Expenses

Direct business on how to create PO for project related expenses.
Monitor project expenses for billable vs non-billable and ensure these are accounted for correctly to ensure accurate revenue

Code closure

Assists Business with timeous project code closure 
Ensures profit/loss impact of projects after project completion are reviewed and recognised correctly 
Supports the process to close codes where there has been no activity for an extended period

Action Day shape exception reporting

Identify and escalate write back errors (nature of error to be determined and subsequently corrected on codes)
Identify unlinked codes – Code in SAP needs to be linked to BRD code in Day shape to ensure correct integrations and accurate revenue received

Note that the Audit PSAs are allocated to countries across Africa and support this process Africa wide.

Assist the Snr PSA to action Project Services related exception reports (missing time, invoices not posted, unapproved overtime, projects past end date, revenue received errors).
Conduct Project Services quarterly regression testing

Minimum Qualifications

B Degree in Finance / Accounting

Minimum Experience

3-4 years in Finance and Accounting

Additional Information
Strategic Impact

Client is the Internal Service Line or Service area for which the Finance Partner is responsible for
Under minimal guidance, supports the team in the delivery of services to clients in line with the defined strategic objectives
Supports management in the implementation of change initiatives as directed
Develops relationships with peer group in the client business to understand their business
Participates in team efforts to find solutions to address issues in area of expertise that may enhance / renew service offerings to client

Client Impact: Internal

Works collaboratively with own team and that of the client service line/area to deliver quality service in allocated tasks
Proactively consults with senior/s on issues arising that may impact the broader deliverables of the team to clients
Provides research output relating to thought leadership / technical matters on request from line management

Operational Effectiveness

Raises areas of concern related to own/team delivery of service for discussion and resolution
With minimal supervision, completes designated tasks for review by line, ensuring deadlines are met
Provides line manager and team with detailed reporting on status of deliverables on a regular basis
Remains aware of risk in area of expertise in alignment with Deloitte policies and processes
Checks work for accuracy and professional presentation prior to submission for review


Technical expert in specific functional area
Demonstrated capability in interaction at all levels, briefing, analysis and project management skills
Experience in drafting and delivering presentations
Good report writing skills
Sound financial knowledge and understanding


Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
Good interpersonal and relationship building skills
Mentorship and coaching ability with desire to develop self and others
Strong client delivery focus
Adaptable, managing change and ambiguity with ease
Focus on quality and risk
Problem solving ability
Good business acumen
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Audit