Job Summary: (State the overall objective for your job)

 The Monitoring & Evaluation Assistant will ensure availability of quality data that is timely, complete, accurate and reliable for informed decision making at health facility, sub-county and county levels.
 Strengthening the M&E system for Key and Vulnerable populations, PrEP, GBV, AYP and VMMC at the DIC, facility sub county, county and national levels to adhere to MOH and PEPFAR reporting standards.

 Primary roles & Responsibilities:
These are the key components of your job with specific roles for each clearly described (please list them in order of importance)
Health Information &M&E System Strengthening

 Raise field activity advances (FAA) for M&E related support to relevant ministries in the county based on approved work plan and budgets.
 Support in implementation of electronic medical records (EMR) in USAID Imarisha Jamii supported health facilities, including system assessment and maintenance
 Participate in training and/or mentorship of health workers and data quality improvement teams at both health facility and community
 Provide technical assistance to LIPs, Health Facilities and project staff on filing of records and reports including regular back-up of records.
 Provide guidance to the program team in their roles in M&E, including training on tools, data collection techniques and understanding of indicators
 Disseminate and strengthen use of correct version of SOPs and data capture tools at the sites and raise requisitions for reorder
 Continuous mentorship to service providers and technical team on the utilization of KenyaEMR and monitoring of utilization of KVP, PrEP and GBV modules in KenyaEMR and give feedback and guidance to service providers and the technical team.
 Identify needs (infrastructure and capacity) and share with HIS team; to improve EMR utilization.

Data Quality Assurance

 Coordinate and participate in USAID Imarisha Jamii supported routine data quality audits (RDQA) in the county
 Monitor implementation of RDQA action plans
 Verify data entered in DHIS2 and reporting tools before entry in DATIM, PPMS and project database. Provide feedback to SCHRIO/CHRIO on any data quality gaps for correction and update of the DHIS2
 Coordinate and participate in data reconstruction.
 Ensure MOH staff use correct documentation in accordance to Amref Health Africa policy guidelines during implementation and attendance of USAID Imarisha Jamii supported activities (i.e. list of participants, reimbursements and claims)
 Perform data cleaning and verify the authenticity and accuracy of the data before reporting to the donor.

Data demand and Information use

 In collaboration with facility health management teams (FHMTs), SCHRIOs and CHRIOs, coordinate and participate in data/performance review meetings, and data demand and information use forums.
 Track implementation of work plan activities (targets Versus actual) in the Sub County and provide regular feedback to program teams and CHMTs/SCHMTs
 Monitor utilization of eHealth and mHealth applications in EMR (PSurvey, Ushauri, Nishauri etc).

Collaborative Learning and Adaptation

 Participate in USAID Imarisha Jamii supported assessments, surveys and evaluations
 Support in qualitative and quantitative data collection processes for project led special initiatives, surveys and studies

Performance Monitoring

 Populate the project dashboards on monthly basis and disseminate monthly progress reports to technical staff during month performance review forums
Monitor correct implementation of USAID Imarisha Jamii supported activities by both MOH staff and project staff
 Regularly update the County health coordinator on implementation status of project activities
 Support health facilities, project staff on filling of records including regular back up of records
 Coordinate tools inventory assessments and re-distribution of the tools to all supported service delivery points
 Ensure that all Imarisha Jamii Databases and information systems are updated on a timely basis with quality data.
 Facilitate monthly facility reporting and ensure that reports are submitted by 5th for MOH reports and program reports.
 Support in ensuring targets available in all SDP
 Ensure regular and timely uploading of data to the M&E portals and all reporting platforms
 Participate in quarterly sub county data review meetings
 Participate in Key and Vulnerable Population data and performance review meetings.
 Identify MER needs at facility and DIC level, develop and implement a mentorship plan.

Qualifications and Experience

 Bachelor’s degree in Health Records Management, Biostatistics, Information Systems Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social Sciences or related field
 At least five years’ work experience in Health and Management Information Systems (HMIS), monitoring and evaluation of USAID funded programs.
 Experience working with KVP, PrEP, GBV & VMMC.
 Experience and knowledge working with various HIS platforms to include, KHIS, DATIM, Kenya EMR, CPMIS, UShauri, PPMS and ODK applications.
 Statistical software e.g. SPSS, Excel, EPI Info, Stata and Ms Access Required
 Experience working with multiple stakeholders and familiarity with USAID and PEPFAR indicators and reporting requirements.
 Demonstrated experience in setting up and managing M&E systems that track performance.
 Extensive Knowledge of PEPFAR/USAID reporting requirements such as DATIM reporting.

Knowledge, Skills and Competencies

 Ability to work in a complex project implementation environment with multiple tasks, short deadlines and intense pressure to perform
 Experienced and proficient in writing reports for monitoring and reporting on project outcomes and impacts, including performance monitoring plans for external audiences, and manuscripts for publication
 Demonstrated excellent management skills and ability to lead and motivate multidisciplinary and multicultural teams.
 Ability to take initiative, solve complex problems, exercise independent judgment.
  • Data
  • Business Analysis and AI