For appointment to this position, a candidate must:

be a professor or an associate professor with an earned PhD from a recognized university;
have had at least ten (10) years administration and research experience with scholarly record demonstrated by publications in internationally peer reviewed journals in their areas of specialization;
have served successfully in a senior administrative and management position at the level of either a Dean/Director or Deputy Principal of a Constituent College/ Principal of a Campus College in a university or in other comparable level(s) for at least five (5) years;
must have mentored and supervised master’s and doctoral students;
evidence of professional training in leadership, management and governance;
demonstrate evidence of innovative and creative leadership in areas of Administration, Governance, Resource Mobilization and Human Resource Management;
have a proven record and evidence of resource mobilization and fundraising;
demonstrate ability to network and coordinate with development partners in mobilizing resources for university development;
have a successful track record in the management of financial, human and physical resources;
demonstrate a high degree of result-oriented performance characterized by foresight, strategic thinking and service delivery;
proven experience in change management and transformation of ideas into desired outcomes;
conversant with relevant laws, regulations and policies in higher learning institutions;
demonstrate an understanding of government’s development plans, vision 2030 and relevant legislations guiding higher education in Kenya;
have an understanding of the national policies and strategies governing university financing, education and training in Kenya;
demonstrate an understanding of the factors and conditions shaping the development of higher education in Kenya;
be a registered member of professional body/bodies in his/her profession, where applicable, and be of good standing; and
demonstrate an understanding of leadership and integrity as well as compliance with the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution of Kenya
  • Administration
  • Secretarial