I think so. A myriad of reasons could lead to this feeling: a new place, you don't know organisation culture, you have not made friends you can trust,... may be not received your job description, not yet earned hence don't know your remunerative allowances and generally the future is not certain. more
Sure, just take some time to get used to a new place
When you lake confidence
yeah but you should establish the main reason and make sure you work on it for it will affect you results at the new job
The feeling of insecurity or feeling of "out of place" is a familiar feeling and happens to more people than you think. Although, you can overcome... this feeling by socialising with colleagues, asking the right questions and paying attention to the spoken and unspoken language within the organisation. Organisations can help ease this feeling by organising team building activities that help new employees adapt to the new environment and organisation culture. more
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