Scope of the Assignment
We are seeking services of a competent consultant to carry out the following assignment:

Undertake a comprehensive organizational climate survey
From emerging issues, propose a model for LVCT Health to address the issues in driving employee engagement
Facilitate a job analysis and evaluation process to establish relative worth of jobs across projects within the organization and in line with the approved organizational structure, and use the outcome of the process to update the current job grading structure
Undertake a salary and benefits survey and use the outcome of the survey to develop an equitable and competitive salary and benefits structure for the organization. Based on this, provide recommendations for necessary adjustments to the current salary scales and other conditions of service, as a staff retention strategy
Support the development and roll out of an effective performance management system, and relate this to the reward system

Assignment Context

The organization has grown over the past few years in different aspects to include growth in partnerships (with most projects being implemented within consortiums with LVCT as the prime) and in staff head count. The organizational structure has changed to support the delivery of the new strategy.
With the growth comes complexity in working and reporting. There is disparity of organizational structures across projects, which requires re-alignment.
Existing jobs have rapidly evolved, and new role demands have come up, requiring need to re-define and re-align jobs, within the redesigned structural framework.
Within the current organizational and project structures, there are over 190 job titles. These are not necessarily distinct jobs. The job analysis should support the identification of distinct jobs and align job titles.
With the new jobs/roles coming up, and existing jobs changing in scope (and considering the last job analysis and evaluation was undertaken quite a while back), there’s demand to conduct a job analysis and job evaluation, and review the existing job grading structure. It is expected that the job analysis will allow us to streamline and/or realign reporting relationships across projects.
Our current salary and benefits structure is based on a survey which was carried out a number of years ago, with annual application of a COLA. There remains a need to ascertain our current positioning vs. our desired positioning relative to the market; and come up with a redesigned market competitive salary and benefits structure, which is aligned to the new job grading structure.
There is a mix in terms of staff length of stay in the organization across the projects.

Approaches to the Assignment
As regards to the approach to the assignment, the consultant is free to employ an approach which he/she considers to work best to achieve the objectives. However, the consultant is expected to take into account the following elements:

Work closely with the HR Team Lead and a committee which shall be selected, as the principal counterparts on this exercise.
Hold discussion with a wide range of stakeholders as may be necessary.


LVCT Health will provide key documents that will be identified for literature review, and facilitate logistics during any workshop, identify venue and take care of related workshop costs if a workshop is required.

Qualification of the Consultant

The consultant to be involved in this assignment is expected to possess a wide knowledge and work experience in HR strategic alignment and implementation. They need to have clear understanding of the NGO sector in Kenya and the region and in specific have understanding of PEPFAR funded projects. They need to display tangible experience of having done this and delivered in similar tasks and projects within an organization running multiple projects.
  • Consultancy