For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

Served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Assistant Director (Land Reclamation and Ecosystem Restoration), CSG 7, or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service;
A Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines;- Forestry, Natural Resource Management, Agriculture, Hydrology, Geography, Geology, Economics, Community Development, Environmental Science, Marine Science, Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering or Water Engineering from a university recognized in Kenya; and
Demonstrated a high degree of professional competence, managerial, administrative capability in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of national goals, policies and objectives.

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Implementing policies, regulations, frameworks, guidelines, strategies, plans, programmes and projects on land reclamation and rehabilitation of related ecosystems;
Coordinating restoration and rehabilitation protocols in collaboration with stakeholders;
Overseeing compliance to rules and guidelines to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN), A Kenyan commitment to United Nations;
Coordinating adoption of guidelines and standards on land restoration and rehabilitation, waste water use, sludge and other industrial waste in collaboration with relevant institutions;
Establishing and enforcing guidelines and standards for land reclamation, rehabilitation, rehabilitation structures and designs;
Promoting the use of silt load in rivers and water bodies as a measure of degradation and rehabilitation structures and designs;
Promoting sustainable land management practices among other land reclamation technologies such as Afforestation/Reforestation/Agroforestry/Assisted Regeneration in & Reseeding in ASALS;
Coordinating adoption of watershed management tools for increased environmental water conservation and storage in collaboration with stakeholders; and
Environmental water conservation and storage in collaboration with stakeholders.
  • Agriculture
  • Agro-Allied