(REF: ACT-CMRA-22-2022)
Specific objectives of the consultancy
Specific Objectives

Analyze the post-election environment and identify threats to peaceful co-existence from an electoral conflict perspective (as contra-distinguished from other conflicts).
Develop a comparison analysis on electoral/political dynamics in 2022 and 2017 with a focus to but not limited to what contributed to the favourable result in 2022, roles played various conflict management players, challenges, and the lessons learnt.
Understand the effectiveness of the electoral conflict mitigation and peace building interventions and approaches employed in 2022 by Act! and other actors and document the lessons learned and which should be replicated.
Identify potential synergies and opportunities for mainstreaming peace building and conflict resolution approaches for planned year 2 (two) interventions.
Determine status of ECCES program custom indicators in the Monitoring Evaluation and Learning plan. (to be discussed at the inception stage)

Qualification of the applicant

The applicant or Team should have a minimum of a Master’s degree in social science especially political science, law, monitoring and evaluation or related courses and at least 10 years’ experience in research and/in managing and evaluating Governance programs.
  • Law
  • Legal