About the Company:

Oversee the day-to-day implementation of education project in coordination with the local partner, ensuring activities are conducted efficiently and effectively.
Develop and implement a realistic work plan in line with approved budget.
Collaborate with the District Education Service Commission to improve the teacher recruitment process.
Enhance and implement effective onboarding programs for new teachers in IDP setting and disaster-prone (DP) contexts.
Design and implement a performance recognition and reward system to recognize high-performing teachers
Facilitate gender barrier analysis and collaborating with schools to action gender-responsive measures in the school improvement plans, with a focus on to increase female teacher representation and retention.
Identify teacher-training needs and coordinate with local education authorities to provide training and career development opportunities to teachers that empower them with skills relevant to crisis-affected areas.
Support the capacity strengthening of the partner and stakeholders in implementing Accelerated Education Programming
Facilitate community meetings and workshops to engage IDP, refugees and host communities in the education projects that supports school enrolment, retention, and completion.
Organize awareness campaigns, dialogues, and educational events to promote the value of education and encourage community participation.
Adapt educational interventions to the local context of the IDPs or refugee settlements, ensuring respect for diversity, inclusion, and protection principles.
Work with the local partner and other relevant stakeholders to review and develop tools for monitoring project outputs.
Conduct regular field monitoring and tracking of project progress.
Participate in project management meetings, including monthly budget performance meetings, and reflection forums.
Prepare detailed activity reports and contribute to the preparation of project progress/final reports.
Participate in conducting needs assessments to identify education gaps and challenges.
Participate in regular education and other relevant sectoral meetings at various levels – settlement, district, regional or national levels where necessary.
  • Education