Overall Objective
The overall objective of the consultancy is to provide technical support for the implementation of the Animal Health Facilitating Trade Project” and the “Support for the Participation of African Nations in the Work of the World Organisation for Animal Health Project”.
The Animal Health Expert will undertake the following tasks

Provide technical support for the implementation of the “Animal Health Systems Facilitating Trade” project and the “Support for the Participation of African Nations in the Work of the World Organisation for Animal Health” Project
Coordinate generation of evidence in beneficiary AU Member States and RECs to inform capacity development and disease risk management
Jointly coordinate with ECOWAS Commission on the harmonization of SPS processes for trade facilitation in priority animals and animal products in selected regional trade corridors
Support the delivery of capacity building activities to build core competencies for the design and implementation of evidence-based SPS measures in the animal health sector
Contributing to the identification of trade enhancing policies, regulatory, and procedural improvements in collaboration with RECs, AU Member States and relevant Partners to facilitate intra-African trade in animals and animal products
Develop relevant policy briefs for decision making
Monitor trade in animals and animal products in Africa and coordinate with RECs to prepare Outlook Report for trade in animals and animal products
Support the coordination of Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and AU Member States to facilitate the development and presentation of African Positions on draft Chapters of WOAH on priority animal health issues
Coordinate dialogue platform to exchange views and comments on WOAH standards among the Africa Region and the Region of the America’s
Prepare final Technical Report on Project Implementation.
Any other duty as may be assigned by the Director of AU-IBAR

Expected Outputs and Deliverables

An inception report developed outlining detailed methodology and work plan to undertake the tasks
Evidence generated to inform capacity development and disease risk management interventions in selected beneficiary countries
Trade enhancing policies, regulatory, and procedural improvements to facilitate intra-African trade in animals and animal products identified
Activities to harmonize SPS processes for trade facilitation in priority animals and animal products in selected regional trade corridors coordinated
Capacity building activities on core competencies for implementation of SPS measures undertaken
Policy briefs developed and disseminated to stakeholders to support decision making
Outlook Report for trade in animals and animal products
African Positions on draft Chapters of WOAH on priority animal health issues coordinated and presented at the Specialist Commission meetings and the General Assembly of the WOAH
Dialogue platform to exchange views and comments on WOAH standards among the Africa Region and the Region of the America’s operationalized
Final Technical Report on Project Implementation.

Academic Qualification

At least an advanced University Degree in veterinary medicine, veterinary public health, epidemiology or relevant animal health related field. A PhD degree will be an added advantage.

General experience

At least 7 years of proven experience in public and/or private sector animal health services at national, regional or international levels;
At least 7 years’ experience working on management of priority transboundary animal diseases in the different regions of Africa particularly ECOWAS region;
At least 7 years’ working knowledge of the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) standards and the WTO SPS Agreement;
At least 7 years working knowledge of evaluation and assessment of various aspects of veterinary services using tools such as PVS, JEE etc

Specific Experience

Experience in delivering capacity development interventions for veterinary services in key competency areas for prevention and control of transboundary animal diseases based on WOAH standards;
Proven knowledge and experience on harmonization of disease prevention and control especially in cross border areas with focus on the ECOWAS region;
Proven record of familiarization with and participation in policy processes for adoption of instruments, initiatives and development of recommendations by ECOWAS and AU Policy Organs
Experience in formulating regional and continental animal health strategies and frameworks;
Demonstrated experience in the principles and practice of risk analysis as a tool for facilitating safe trade in animals and animal products
Proven working knowledge and experience on livestock values chains development;

Skills and Competencies

Demonstrated experience in establishment and implementation of sanitary agreements/protocols and undertaking technical negotiations to facilitate safe trade in animals and animal products;
Diplomacy and good interactive skills necessary for dealing with senior officials in Government, Regional Organizations, and donor/development organizations;
Proven record of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals;
  • Medical
  • Healthcare