What should I do if I got a job offer, and they need my answer soon but I’m still waiting for another interview in my dream company?
  • Osayande Itua

    Best answer

    I'll suggest you accept the job offer, by so doing would have access to the terms and conditions, and other welfare/fringe benefits; by the time you... get your dream company job, you would have a better opportunity to weigh both before you conclude. more

  • Accept the job and build yourself career wise, you can use this a s bargaining tool for better terms of service for your dream job

  • Accept it,give your best and build yourself for more opportunities.

  • As they say, a bird at hand is worth two in the bush! Take up the available one while you await the dream one for in the long run, no knowledge is... waste and no time will be lost  more

  • You should go for the one you have now

  • Accept the jo, wait for the dream job is also a working experience.