how to create and plan a project
  • Creating and planning a project involves defining objectives, setting scope, identifying stakeholders, creating a detailed plan with allocated... resources, establishing communication channels, managing risks, monitoring progress, adapting to changes, and evaluating the project upon completion. Effective planning ensures project success by aligning tasks with goals, managing resources efficiently, and responding to challenges proactively. more

  • Critical events chains (the vents sequence needed from the beginning to end result that in summary take the longest time to complete) and possible... bottlenecks in workflow need to be identified so all other activities are subordinated their completion priority. The final stage is confirming that the result fulfills the ramifications of product definitions, time and budget, creating documentation and releasing the project team with proper thanks and agreed to gratifications.  more

  • One needs to identify where one currently is - in the terms of resources, financing, knowledge, know-how - and when and where one wants to get by... fulfilling the project - in terms of completely as posssible defined result. One needs then to fill the identified gaps that block the project fulfillment or give up on the project. Next, one needs to identify stages of fulfillment of the project to set the correct sequence of fulfiling them, resources and financing needed in each stage and respective partial results and how long it shall take for each to be reached, appoint for them stage leaders and the main leader responsible for coordinating all the stages fulfillment - they are responsible for completing the respective working teams. There shall be time and financing buffers set - either one in the end of the time of the whole project or several, one in the end of each stage - in case of unexpected deadline delays or budget overruns. Critical events chains and botlenecks are crucial. more