The Specialist will have the following key responsibilities:

Advice task teams and clients in the public and private sectors on the Bank’s ESF and Operational Policies, especially OP 4.03, social risks management and social benefits optimization across sectors throughout the project cycle.
Provide technical and operational support to clients in operationalizing the Bank’s social standards, focusing on land acquisition and involuntary resettlement which includes where applicable, livelihood restoration, stakeholder engagement consultation and inclusion, grievance redress mechanisms, Indigenous Peoples (IPs) and cultural heritage.
Undertake social due diligence and prepare Environmental and Social Risks Review Summaries (ESRS) for new projects and relevant social section of Project Appraisal Documents, Project Operational Manual and/or Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Risk Management Manual, and complete necessary administrative activities used by the Bank to track and monitor social and environmental performance of projects.
Contribute to SSI-led analytical and operational engagements, policy dialogue in Kenya, and social risk management, including engagements with internal and external clients on SSI business opportunities.
Provide technical support to government agencies implementing Bank financed projects in due diligence, preparing and implementing social risks management plans in accordance with the Bank’s ESF/policy requirements. These include legal documents such as the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), social assessments, stakeholder engagement plans (SEP), labor management procedures (LMP), plans for inclusion of historically underserved traditional local communities, resettlement action plans (RAP), livelihood restoration plans (LRP), environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA), gender based violence risk assessment and action plan with a focus on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH), and environmental and social management plans (ESMPs) as determined by the needs and impacts of a project, and Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM).
Provide timely, expert technical reviews of social assessment products and other E&S instruments prepared by clients for other Bank Global Practices, such as energy and infrastructure, Water, Health, Urban Development, private sector development, and others as needed. In this regard, provide timely feedback and suggestions to clients on measures for ensuring such instruments are in line with the Bank’s Environmental and Social Standards.
Participate in project preparation, appraisal, and supervision activities of project implementation, including operational missions and providing inputs related to social performance of projects into the mission Aid Memoirs (Ams), and support the resolution of emerging issues to ensure results on the ground and project implementation progress.
Advise task teams in integrating gender considerations in the project design and implementation.
Ensure timely reporting on SSI activities, including ESF, proactive monitoring, management, and preparation of relevant social risks management briefs.

Policy and analytical work:

Contribute to dialogue on the implementation of the Environmental and Social Framework with government officials, development partners, civil society, and other stakeholders, and coordinate the Bank's relations with clients on social development.
Participate in portfolio reviews on social sustainability and social risk management as required.
Make recommendations on strategies and policy options for counterparts in local and central government agencies.
Contribute and provide support to practice teams responsible for the preparation of policy notes, Systematic Country Diagnostics (SCD), Country Partnership Frameworks (CPF), Country Policy and Institutional Assessments, Development Policy Lending (DPL), sector studies, and research and policy development activities.
Conduct and contribute to formal and informal analytical advisory activities and research work on key social development issues, notably related to local governance and service delivery, gender mainstreaming, and land property and tenure rights.
Maintain active engagement with a broad range of key stakeholders, identifying potential partnerships and new opportunities for engagement around social development aimed at advancing social development in general and social risk management in particular.
Work as an active member of the Country Office and Country Team/Unit.

Capacity building:

Work closely with ENB colleagues to enhance the capacity of the client countries to implement the Bank’s environmental and social framework for handling project risks and enhancing the sustainability of World Bank financed projects, especially in FCV contexts.
Supervise the work of consultants and technical specialists to ensure consistency and conformity to Bank standards.


Reports to Practice Manager, SAES2.
Works under the mentorship of Senior Social Development staff based in Nairobi, Kenya and under the general direction of CMU country coordinator, based in Nairobi.

Selection Criteria

At least a Master’s degree in Social Sciences (i.e., Development Studies, Social Anthropology, Sociology, Gender and Development, International Development, Business Sustainability Management, and related subjects).  
A minimum of 5 years of direct professional experience in managing social and environmental risks in infrastructure projects in energy and extractives sector, water sector, finance, competitiveness and innovation (FCI) sector, transport and roads, urban development, large scale agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa and/or elsewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa, . 
Knowledge and demonstrated competence in operationalizing the global sustainability frameworks of International Finance Institutions (IFIs) such as the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework, IFC’s Environmental and Social Performance Standards, the Asian Development Bank’s Safeguards Policies and Standards and standards of other Development Partners. This includes experience in managing the following thematic issues in projects settings: social impact assessment of projects on different populations, land acquisition and involuntary resettlement, resettlement planning and livelihood restoration, stakeholder engagement, consultation and inclusion, complaint and grievance redress mechanisms, community health and safety, social investment interventions, etc. Ability to innovate and strategically address these issues, balancing development imperatives against sustainability challenges, and remaining client-focused.
Experience in working in Fragile and Conflict and Violence (FCV) affected areas is an added advantage.
Demonstrated ability to translate analytical work into policy advice and substantial, practical recommendations.
Ability to present complex social risks and sustainability issues in a simple way to people of different technical backgrounds.
Proven ability to engage effectively with Government, private sector, project beneficiaries and civil society.
Professional traits and willingness.
Excellent interpersonal, problem-solving skills, and ability to think innovatively and strategically to find solutions to complex development problems.
Very high level of energy and initiative, and proven ability to multi-task.
Readiness for frequent travel within Country duty station and the AFE region.
Proven ability to work in and actively contribute to teams and champion a positive team dynamic.
Experience working in a multicultural setting.
Knowledge of the local language(s) in-  Kenya or Somalia.
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Kiswahili
  • Project Management