Please If you have a toxic job that pays you as much as N450k per month, will you ever consider quitting that job?
  • Hell no I wouldn't. People earn lesser money in really toxic environments but still manage

  • No only if and only there angered zero tolerance to Froude and NO HARM principle is maintain

  • I concur with the contributor who says it depends on very many factor under which one operates. Sometimes what you call toxic might be taken or judged... the other way round. It would also depend among others the ability to what extent one is exposed to the opportunities, what the goal one has set for what period and for what intention, many we can count. Yet Toxic environment as has also been mentioned with also one of the participant that it is always very unhealthy. There is some shows in different form where they explain finding meaning in life has a lot motivating factors. Put people in harsh environment and you will find varied level of coping which determine the how healthy one can be and for how long. Thanks for this presentation. It at least makes the mind think if not given a rash  more

  • Sure! I will definitely quit

  • I'm interested