What do you do when a customer keeps making corrections to the design again and again?
  • when customer keeps making correction to the design we assess complain, we find the solution at the first, if it's not at our level we must orient to... the other staff who is able to solve it more

  • Also, I always asked clients to send me screenshots or links to websites that they admire. It truly simplifies the design process!

  • Put boundaries into your contract. "We limit the number of iterations for corrections. Please run your content through an app like Grammarly or... something similar, before sharing. There is an additional cost for proof-reading and/or editing."
    Be clear what your charges are and how many times you are willing to make corrections.

  • the problem is that we always overfocus on making designers; that doesn't help but the clients overfocus on details so details and simplicity maters... alot  more

  • The customer is not impressed with your work, Its value for money.. so do a nice job that impresses the customer

  • I check at the vitality and frequency of the customer in my/our store and asses the opinion.
