Project and Study Summary Table

Consultancy Name

Tax, Audit, & Financial consultancy



Location (country region/s)

FCT (Abuja), Nigeria, North East (Yobe & Borno) & North West (Sokoto, Kano, Jigawa)

Consultancy Language


Mission administering the Consultancy

Action Against Hunger Nigeria

Responsible ACF HQ

Action Against Hunger - France

Assessment Type

Financial Consultancy

Consultancy Period

 See ToR


Rationale for the Project

Action Against Hunger is leading the global fight against hunger and malnutrition amongst the most vulnerable population in northern Nigeria since 2010. We achieve this through an integrated, multisectoral programme approach delivering lifesaving assistance addressing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), nutrition and health, food security and livelihood and social protection needs of internally displaced persons, refugees, migrants and host communities. The organisation is at the fore to ensure households and communities are free from hunger by empowering community people to engage in food security initiatives to promote nutrition, access healthcare for the treatment of all forms of malnutrition. Our actions promote access to clean and safe water; enhance capacities for resilience and resilient livelihoods; promote system strengthening and domestication of policies to promote conflict-sensitive governance approaches as well as support to rebuild and restore the dignity of vulnerable individuals and communities occasioned as a result of natural causes or conflict. Action Against Hunger thrives as a result of the enabling environment and close partnership with the Nigerian government. We continue to make incremental impact in the lives of people through close coordination with international partners, civil societies, non-governmental organizations, media and private sector to change the way hunger is addressed, to reverse the hunger trend in Nigeria.
With the selfless services of 375 staff on the frontlines in Borno, Yobe, Kano, Jigawa and Sokoto states and a coordination office in Abuja, we remain committed to breaking cycles of hunger through continuous evidence-based advocacy, nutrition and health initiatives, WASH programs and long term food security initiatives.
In 2020, the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 1990 was repealed and a new version was introduce as CAMA 2020 (“the Act”). . It also introduce the Corporate Affairs Commission (“CAC”) as regulator.
The new enacted Act leads to the registration of iNGO such as Action Against Hunger to as Nigerian legal entities to comply with the regulation.
2.1 Rationale for the consultancy:
On 15th December 2022, the Board of Action Against Hunger in France agreed to the creation of a CLG in Nigeria to continue our operations in Nigeria and to comply with the CAMA legislation. This project is aimed at ensuring Action Against Hunger full compliance to this new regulation.
2.2 Objectives of the consultancy
Part I : Designing new financial process and training

Audit of our current financial process and recommendation on processes to be implemented for the new entity “CLG” at local level.
In collaboration with the HQ finance team (and HQ external chartered accountant), recommendation on financial processes to be implemented between the CLG and ACF France. This review will include risk analysis on potential tax impacts for AAH in Nigeria and for the CLG. This analysis will also include recommendation on transactions to be booked in the new entity “CLG”.
Training of the local finance team on legal requirements in terms of (non-exhaustive list) tax declaration, social tax and every other legal obligation for the CLG.

Part II: Support on accounting

Ensure regulatory watch on accounting principles and tax laws which could have an impact on the new entity “CLG”.
Support the mission in the production of annual financial statement and Tax declaration & Tax Clearance certificate.
Depending on local accounting principles and upon request of finance team, prepare annual financial account in French GAAP for consolidation purposes at HQ level. Prepare all relevant supportive documentation for annual audit of consolidated accounts at HQ level by auditors.

The service provider will propose separate fees and planning for the two parts of the mission.
FCT (Abuja), North East (Yobe & Borno) & North West (Sokoto, Kano, Jigawa)
The consultancy will be carried out by a national consultant(s) with the following profile:

Duly registered with a recognized professional body
Proven consultancy experience in similar contexts of not less than six years;
Knowledge and practical experience in respect to the Nigeria and internal context of similarnature and specifically in auditing, financial systems etc;
Significant field experience in similar consultancy of humanitarian / development projects;
Good communications and workshop facilitation skills and experience;
Good quality report with clear and practical recommendations
Understanding of majordonor environment andrequirements in Nigeria policy and practices
Ability to manage the available time and resources and to work to tight deadlines;
Independence from the parties involved;
Familiarity with the context of the humanitarian situation in Nigeria will be an added advantage.
  • Consultancy