The primary objective of this assignment is to provide high-quality sign language interpretation services during the launch event. The sign language interpreter will facilitate communication between deaf  and/or hard-of-hearing participants, ensuring their full inclusion, participation and engagement at the meeting. The sign language interpreter will serve an important role of ensuring that:

The deaf and /or hard of hearing participants can fully understand and participate in the discussions, making the meeting inclusive.
Facilitate clear and effective communication among all participants, ensuring that everyone’s perspectives and inputs are understood and considered.
Allow deaf and/or hard-of hearing participants to contribute equally, ensuring their ideas, concerns, and feedback are heard and valued.
Support to maintain the flow of the meeting by ensuring all participants can follow the conversation without interruptions or misunderstandings.

Scope of Work and Terms of Reference

Pre-Meeting Preparation:

Review meeting agendas, documents, and any other relevant materials to understand the context and content of the launch.

During the meeting:

Provide real-time sign language interpretation of spoken communication into sign language and vice versa.
Seek clarification from speakers when necessary to ensure accurate interpretation.
Assist in facilitating questions and answers from deaf or hard-of-hearing participants.


Gather feedback from deaf and/or hard-of-hearing participants regarding the interpretation services provided.
Provide a brief report on the interpretation services delivered, including any challenges encountered and recommendations for future meetings.

Key Deliverables and Outputs.

Provide a brief report (1 page) on the interpretation services delivered, including any challenges encountered and recommendations for future meetings

Required Qualifications, skills and Competencies.

Certified sign language interpreter with recognized qualifications.
Minimum of three years of experience in interpreting, particularly in formal settings such as meetings, conferences, or seminars.
Proficiency in the specific sign language required (e.g American Sign Language, British Sign Language).
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  • Languages