The tasks of the consultant are:

Mobilize resource and partnerships for waste pollution action communication;
Build #BeatWastePollution communication within the larger #BeatPollution communication platform;
Maintain and update UNEP IETC website and as necessary upload information and documents in the website;
Carry out social media communication as it relates to IETC;
Coordinate launch and communication of latest UNEP science and evidence on waste pollution, including the launch of the related publication to the Global Waste Management Outlook 2024;
Collate and coordinate communication of best practices, case studies, and stories of leadership to inspire action for waste pollution, which will also be accommodated in the UNEP waste knowledge sharing platform;
Coordinate communication for the observance of the Zero Waste Day;
Develop networks and outreach mechanisms to amplify communication on waste pollution action, including UNEP’s collaborating and supporting organisations such as Institute of Global Environmental Strategies and Global Environment Centre Foundation;
Backstop regions and countries to communicate on waste pollution action communication from the global perspective;
Identify and guide integration of communication and messaging on waste pollution action communication in global events;
As requested, organize public awareness events to communicate waste related information;
As necessary, organise design of relevant UNEP publications and format them in accordance with the UNEP Publication Policy.

Qualifications/special skills

Education: Graduate degree in the field of environmental management, geography/anthropology, journarism, communication, environmental economics, environmental policies and strategies, and other environmental areas.
Professional Experience: At least 2 years of professional experiences in communication on environment, waste communication and outreach, waste good practices information management and other waste related fields.

Deadline : Sep 23, 2024
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