For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-

Served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Chief Superintending Engineer, (Irrigation Water Harvesting and Storage), CSG 7, or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider Public Service;
A Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines;- Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering, Soil Water and Environmental Engineering, Environmental and Bio-systems Engineering, Biomechanical and Processing Engineering or Soil and Water Engineering from a university recognized in Kenya;
Be a member of relevant professional body;
A Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programmes (SLDP) lasting not less than six (6) weeks from a recognized institution; and
Demonstrated a high degree of professional competence, managerial, administrative capability in work performance and exhibited a thorough understanding of nationalgoals, policies and objectives.

Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:-

Formulating, implementing, and reviewing policies, strategies, guidelines, procedures and frameworks on water harvesting and storage, and groundwater exploitation for irrigation;
Formulating, implementing and reviewing programmes and projects pertaining to irrigation water harvesting and storage, and exploitation of groundwater;
Mapping and designating areas ideal for irrigation water harvesting and storage development;
Providing technical support and capacity building to stakeholders and counties on irrigation water harvesting and storage;
Mobilizing resources for implementation of water harvesting and storage projects and programmes;
Mobilizing resources for flood control;
Forming partnerships in support of water harvesting and storage activities including exploitation of ground water;
Establishing databases and information on irrigation harvesting and storage;
Undertaking technical audits and assessments on development and management of water harvesting and storage infrastructure;
Monitoring and evaluating implementation of programmes and projects on irrigation water harvesting and storage including exploitation of groundwater; and
Promoting use of efficient technologies and construction techniques in irrigation water harvesting and storage development.
  • Engineering
  • Technical