Kericho administration to support agriculture for jobless youths
BURETI, Kenya, Jan 14 - The County government of Kericho is working on modalities to support local jobless youth with capital to venture into agribusiness enterprises.

The county governor Dr. Eric Mutai said that the region is endowed with great agribusiness potential, hence bringing the youths on board would increase small holder production.

Consequently, this would have a ripple effect on household incomes, now that unemployment remains a serious challenge countrywide.

"We know there is a huge problem of unemployment in our county and Kenya at large. The only way to go is through agriculture. I propose we give some of our unemployed youths capital to do agribusiness and bring about the much anticipated economic growth in the county," said Dr. Mutai.

Addressing residents during the opening of the Kericho County Agricultural exhibition held at Chelilis Primary School Thursday, the governor said agriculture is the key to unlocking the local economic growth.

"As a county government, in order to change the economy of our people, we must work on some budget for agriculture and trade, because these are the key departments that can turn around the lives of our people," he said.

The governor also identified horticulture, pyrethrum and coffee as potential agribusiness ventures, adding that youths will be supported with capital and markets for their agricultural products.

"We will support our youths with capital so that we put them into groups to do cultivation of F1 tomatoes, Hass avocados, pyrethrum as well as coffee, and we also look for markets for them. This will turn around the lives of our youths and their families. We shall create people who are self-employed in agriculture," he said.

Meanwhile, the county government has so far distributed tea, pyrethrum and coffee seedlings to over 2,000 farmers in the area, amid plans to incorporate more farmers.

"We have distributed 500 tea seedlings to 60 households, in Londiani sub-county, while some other farmers have also benefited from pyrethrum and coffee seedlings," he said.

During the occasion, more than 20 exhibitors showcased their best, with the event bringing together farmers, stakeholders, agricultural promoters and various non-governmental organizations in the sector across the county.

The two-day exhibition themed, Promoting Technologies, Innovations and Market Linkages in Agricultural Sector was organized by the county government of Kericho in conjunction with other key stakeholders in the county agricultural sector.