Arrests of individuals allegedly linked to State Capture welcomed - Cabinet
4. Kenya State Visit

4.1. Cabinet welcomed the successful State Visit to Kenya by President Cyril Ramaphosa, at the invitation of his Kenyan counterpart, Dr William Ruto.

4.2. The visit included a Business Forum focusing on trade and investment between Kenya and South Africa. The visit also resulted in the signing of instruments on cooperation in correctional services, human settlements, audio-visual co-production, and on building the capacity of the State with the National School of Government.

4.3. The two leaders discussed multilateral, economic, regional and continental issues. Kenya is South Africa's largest trading partner outside the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, making South Africa the biggest seller of goods to Kenya on the continent. South Africa exported over R6-billion worth of goods to Kenya in 2021.

5. Severe weather conditions

5.1. Cabinet called on the public to exercise caution during unfavourable weather conditions, particularly thunderstorms. Government and the South African Weather Service will continue to provide information on severe weather based on current observations and predictions.

5.2. People are advised not to walk, swim or drive through fast-moving flood water. Do not try to cross a flooded area because you could be swept away by the strong currents. Always ensure that your children are safe and they are able to travel safely. -->

6. Group of Twenty (G20) Leaders' Summit

6.1.President Ramaphosa participated in the 17th G20 Leaders' Summit held in Bali in the Republic of Indonesia from 15 to 16 November 2022, which brought together world leaders in a collective effort to find solutions to a wide range of global challenges. The envisaged solutions include increasing multilateral cooperation for the recovery of the global economy, to bring stability to the global financial system, to promote long-term sustainable growth and to strengthen global economic governance.

6.2. The theme of the summit held under the G20 Presidency of Indonesia was: "Recover Together, Recover Stronger".

6.3. As part of our nation's engagement, President Ramaphosa participated in the working sessions on health, food and energy security as well as held several bilateral meetings with key trade partners.

6.4. Cabinet welcomed the deliberations at the summit, which underpin our own national priorities of reducing poverty, unemployment and inequality. -->

7. Skills Development and Training

7.1. Cabinet welcomed the official launch of a 4IR micro-laboratory at the Goldfields Technical and Vocational Education and Training College in Welkom, Free State on Thursday, 10 November 2022. This contributes towards skills development, innovation and entrepreneurship, as the country can provide new, better and faster solutions to our challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment.

B. Cabinet decisions

1. Biannual performance reports

1.1.Cabinet approved the biannual performance progress reports for the period 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022. In addition to capturing the biannual performance progress, the reports also provide a mid-term review of the priorities of the 2019-2024 Medium Term Strategic Framework.

1.2. The reports are compiled according to the five clusters namely (i) Justice, Crime Prevention and Security; (ii) Economic Sectors, Investment, Employment and Infrastructure Development; (iii) Social Protection, Community and Human Development; (iv) Governance, State Capacity and Institutional Development, and (v) International Cooperation, Trade and Security.

1.3. The reports provide an analysis of the key indicators of the seven adopted priorities of government using data collected from the departmental reports, statistics from Statistics South Africa and reports from the academia. The information is analysed against the National Development Plan: Vision 2030.

1.4. Cabinet appreciated the remarkable progress reported in some areas that showed performance that exceeded the set-out targets. However, it expressed concern at the slow progress reflected in some of the reports. Cabinet approved the proposed interventions to be implemented to fast-track areas that showed a slow progress.

1.5. The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation will soon convene a roundtable discussion with the media to unpack these reports.

2. Policy measures to restrict trade in scrap metal to limit damage to public infrastructure and the economy

2.1 Cabinet considered and approved the comprehensive package of measures to address the damage to public infrastructure and the economy by restricting trade of waste scrap and semi processed metals.

2.2 This follows the gazetting on 5 August 2022 for public comment of the "Draft Policy Proposals on Measures to Restrict and Regulate Trade in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Waste, Scrap and Semi-Finished Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal Products to Limit Damage to Infrastructure and the Economy", by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Competition; and consideration of the extensive public comments received.

2.3 Details of the measures to be implemented will now be processed for publication in the Government Gazette by the relevant Ministries and a detailed media release containing details of the measures will be released by the GCIS as soon as the necessary legal work has been finalised.

2.4 South Africa will also engage with the SADC, African Union and the Southern African Customs Union to ensure a coordinated approach to fight this crime collectively as a region.

C. Upcoming event

1. Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium South Africa (SIDSSA)

1.1. Infrastructure South Africa, in partnership with GIZ, a German development agency, will host its third SIDSSA in Cape Town Century City from 28 to 30 November 2022. This year's symposium will focus on green hydrogen as an important growth sector in the country's investment strategy.

1.2. The symposium will bring together decision-makers, financial institutions, academics and international authorities. The event will afford the country the opportunity to showcase some of the large and low-cost world-class green hydrogen production hubs.

1.3. The demand for green hydrogen-based products such as ammonia and synthetic jet fuels is rising. The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) in South Africa has been researching green hydrogen with a focus on green mobility and the use of platinum group metals.

1.4. Cabinet approved the Hydrogen Society Roadmap earlier this year. The roadmap is one of government's strategies and policy direction aimed at bringing together a variety of public and private stakeholders and institutions around a common vision on how to use and deploy hydrogen and hydrogen-related technologies, as part of the country's economic development and greening objectives.

1.5. In South Africa, hydrogen is extensively used in the chemical and fuel-refining sectors, but it is currently produced mainly from non-renewable sources such as coal and natural gas.

D. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and security clearance.

1. Ms Phindile Baleni as Director-General (DG) in The Presidency and Cabinet Secretary (Contract extended by five-years).

2. Dr Philemon Mphathi Mjwara as DG at the DSI (Contract extended by one year).

3. Cabinet concurred with the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition with the following appointments

4. Board of the South African Bureau of Standards:

a. Dr Sandile Bethuel Malinga (Chairperson);

b. Mr Tumisang Tsehlo;

c. Dr Rudzani Nemutudi

d. Ms Deidré Penfold.

e. Dr Nandipha Madiba

f. Ms Gloria Mnguni

g. Dr Ron Josias and

h. Dr Mukondeleli Grace Kanakana-Katumba

5. Board of the Companies Tribunal

a. Judge Dennis Davis (Chairperson)

b. Ms Minah Tong-Mongalo (Deputy Chairperson)

c. Ms Daiane Terblanche

d. Ms Hlaleleni Kathleen Dlepu

e. Prof. Clement Marumoagae

f. Mr Joshua Sesha Kadish

g. Mr Richard Bradstreet.

h. Mr Fulufhedzani Shane Mudzunga

i. Ms Nomagcisa Cawe

j. Mr Brian Jennings and

k. Dr Alli Chicktay

6. Dr Mashilo Boloka: Interim Chief Executive Officer of the Film and Publication Board.

Appointed to the six member Board of the International Association of Internet Hotline (INHOPE). INHOPE is a global body set up in 1996 in the Netherland to protect Children Against Sexual Abuse Material.