We have a customer who wants to renew website design. Our designers prepared a proposal with a great design concept, but the customer declines all our ideas as he has his own vision. We think that his vision is outdated. How should we proceed with this customer?
  • Wanja Mwangi

    Best answer

    You should decide whether you are ready to work with such a customer at all, if yes, then implement his wishes and move to the next project

  • Our perceptions differ,what you see as outdated the customer sees as something good,the consumer is always right

  • Do what the customer want, Go with the title that the "Customer is right"

  • Brainstorming with the customer and reason along but convince where necessary if not buy and work on the customer idea

  • You should decide whether you are ready to work with such a customer at all, if yes, then implement his wishes and move to the next project

  • I would arrange a meeting to discuss customer's wishes in detail and find the best possible solution
