Our company is thinking about entering the Kenya advertising market. Do you think we need to hire a local sales rep, or our current English-speaking sales reps could perform okay as well?
447 votes
  • Sales
  • sales
  • Sales Manager
  • business development
  • Yvonne Gerald

    Best answer

    You could have a kenyan sales rep and bring on board one of yours as well. The kenyan one knows the local market best and would work hand in hand... with the other rep and introduce them to the kenyanarke more

  • Just employ us..

  • A blended mode of both would be advantageous

  • Both would work to balance external and internal communications and management.
    I am available .

  • need to hire

  • Both, let them work as a team. Your reps can collaborate with the local sales reps to come up with different entry strategies and the elements of... inclusion. more
