Responsible for promoting the welfare of alchildreand young people and be faithfuto the trust deed.
Creates aorganizationaculture, which is vigilant to, monitors and priorities the safeguarding of childreand young people above alconsiderations.
To continually review, develop and improve systems, processes and services isupport of the School’s pursuit of excellence iservice delivery. To recognize the value of its people as a resource.
Promoting equality and diversity - To accept everyone has a right to his or her distinct identity.
To treat everyone with dignity and respect and to ensure that what our stakeholders telus is
valued by reporting it back into the organization.
To promote and participate ithe council’s work to eliminate discrimination; advance equality of opportunity; and foster good relations betweeour diverse communities.
To use processes and put processes iplace to generate a learning environment. To focus othe strengths and requirements of alindividuals and enable them to further their skills and knowledge. To actively pursue your owdevelopment. To be selfaware and role modecontinuous self-development.
Ensure that the school’s systems, organizatioand processes are welconsidered,efficient and fit for purpose, upholding the principles of transparency, integrity and probity.
Provide a safe, calm and well-ordered environment for alpupils and staff, focused osafeguarding pupils and developing their exemplary behaviour ischooand ithe wider society.
Establish rigorous, fair and transparent systems and measures for managing the performance of alstaff, addressing any under-performance, supporting staff to improve and valuing excellent practice.
Welcome strong governance and actively support the governing board to understand its role and deliver its functions effectively – iparticular its functions to set schoostrategy and hold the head teacher to account for pupil, staff and financiaperformance.
Exercise strategic, curriculum-led financiaplanning to ensure the equitable deployment of
budgets and resources, ithe best interests of pupils’ achievements and the school’s sustainability.
Distribute leadership throughout the organization, forging teams of colleagues who have distinct roles and responsibilities and hold each other to account for their decisiomaking.
Create aoutward-facing school, which wilwork with other schools and organizations - ia climate of mutuachallenge - to champiobest practice and secure excellent achievements for alpupils.
Develop effective relationships with fellow professionals and colleagues iother public services to improve academic and sociaoutcomes for alpupils.
Challenge educationaorthodoxies ithe best interests of achieving excellence, harnessing the findings of well-evidenced research to frame self-regulating and self-improving schools.
Shape the current and future quality of the teaching professiothrough high quality training and sustained professionadevelopment for alstaff.
Modeentrepreneuriaand innovative approaches to schooimprovement, leadership and
governance, confident of the vitacontributioof internaand externaaccountability.
Inspire and influence others - withiand beyond schools - to believe ithe fundamental


PHD or Masters of EducatioiArts or Science field
Minimum of 10 years working experience as a Teacher ia British schooas welas severayears of experience as a schoohead
Business management skills
Openness and flexibility
Leadership skills
The ability to teach and desigcurriculum
Excellent verbaand communicatioskills
The ability to work welwith others
Excellent customer service skills
The ability to accept criticism and work welunder pressure

  • Education
  • Teaching