Job Purpose
The licensing and seaborne trade officers are responsible for assisting in coordinating and implementing strategies towards orderly development of an efficient and effective framework for provision of optimal commercial maritime services.
Duties and responsibilities

Work with IT personnel to develop business rules for data analysis for subsequent automation of the processes,
Compile data for Kenyan Imports and Exports captured from Cargo Manifests;
Mine data from Primary and Secondary sources;
Validate data to discard irrelevant information for cargo destined to DR Congo (OGEFREM);
Sort out cargo manifest data related to OGEFREM;
Prepare and send shipment lists to shipping lines related to OGEFREM;;
Prepare freighted lists on OGEFREM;
Produce statistical reports for cargo destined to D.R.Congo ( OGEFREM);
Analyse and interpret results using standard statistical tools and techniques;
Produce concise data reports for clear visualizations for the industry;
Assist in maintaining records and data of licensed maritime service providers;
Assist in maintaining records and data of approved service providers related to SOLAS VGM for containerized cargo;

Person Specifications

For appointment to this grade, a person must have: -

Bachelor’s degree in Maritime Studies, Port Management, Shipping, Transport Economics, logistics, Business Management/Administration or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
Proficiency in Computer Applications;
Fulfill the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution;
  • Logistics