Provide information to clients on HIV Testing Service (HTS) delivery as a means of creating demand for uptake
Mentor and offer technical support to the hospital staff to offer PITC to their patients at their respectful Health Service Delivery Points.
Carry out pre and post-test counseling to individuals / patients eligible for HIV testing services in MJAP supported Health facilities to minimize missed opportunities and maximize the HIV yields
Provide information to clients/ patients on Septrin prophylaxis and distribute it to eligible HIV positive clients
Screen all patients who come for HIV testing for pulmonary T.B
Work with linkage facilitators/ physically escort the HIV positive individuals to care and track linkage outcomes for inter-facility referrals
Provide Assisted Partner Notification(APN) services to HIV NEWLY identified clients/patients and make them elicit one or more sexual partners for HIV testing services
Test children and eligible house hold members of HIV positive clients
Compile timely reports accordingly(weekly, monthly and quarterly)
  • Health