Job seeker shares the 'awkward' rejection email they received months after applying
A brilliant example that sometimes rejection is protection.

When it comes to job hunting, you have got to have a lot of patience, resilience, and maybe even a dash of humor. Because let's face it, scouring the Internet for the right listing, then going through the arduous and impersonal application process is taxing at best, and downright dehumanizing at worst. Being able to laugh at some of the absurdity of it all might be the one thing keeping your sanity intact on the worst of days.

Or better yet, laugh at someone else! Thankfully, someone recently shared a pretty funny rejection email they received from a job they applied to a whopping four months prior (according to Newsweek). It wasn't funny just because of the egregiously late response, but for the, ahem, head-scratching use of words on said email.

The email, which this person shared on Reddit, stated:

"Thank you for your application for the Compliance Manager position. After careful consideration, we've made the decision to not move forward with another candidate at this time. We appreciate your interest in...and wish you success in your job search."

"Typo...or awkward invitation to move forward?" the OP quipped, also writing, "So, you're not moving forward with another candidate? When should I expect my welcome packet?"

Down in the comments, folks were quick to playfully offer "suggestions" for the OP's reply

"You're welcome. Sucks for that other candidate though. I'll see you guys on Monday."

"Me: That's funny, because I'm not interested in not moving forward as well! I'm glad that my salary requirements of $205K+ full benefits + full WFH were amenable to a forward-thinking organization such as yours."

"Great, thank you. I just put in my notice effective immediately. When do I start?!"

"Thank you for an update. As a sign of appreciation I also decided not to move forward with other company."

Others made their best attempts to translate what the email was actually trying to say.

"Your resumé was so awful that we have decided we don't actually want to hire anybody ever again."

"Your application has filled us with a terrible ennui and have gone fishing."

"Congrats. Neither of you get the job."

"We have made a difficult decision not to hire anybody else but you 🤣"

"They saw on your resume that you listed 'attention to details' as one of your skills and they wanted to really test you on that."

Still others simply poked fun at this employer's faux pas, finding it to probably be a sign that this applicant dodged a bullet.

"Careful consideration was given, but apparently NOT careful enough to catch the grammatical errors."

"HA HA HA, proofreading is your friend. You should respond that you wish them success in their future job search since the most basic of job functions is severely lacking on their part."

Perhaps what's resonated with people about this story the most is that it comes at a time when more people than ever can relate to waiting in perpetuity for a response to a job application, which can be delayed for a variety of reasons -- a high volume of other candidates, multiple interview steps, internal changes, or the worst: the listing being fake to begin with, which is a rising issue.

To combat this, the general wisdom seems to be to get better at discerning which jobs are worth applying for, and, of course, to keep applying. That said, maybe sharing experiences like this can also be helpful. It can certainly make things feel a little less lonely.
  • When one door closes another will be opened either for good or for bad.
    so, it is good to judge critically between the two open doors.
