Is it possible to minimize or eliminate all project risks? How?
  • Ruth Musiime

    Best answer

    Risks can be reduced by following the mitigation hierarchy. It's next to impossible to eliminate all the risks. We actually end up having some... residual risks instead. more

  • Risks, I think, can only be minimized. I am not sure of total elimination because as humans, we cannot control certain things that are natural, such... as 'Natural Disasters, Accidents and Unforeseen Circumstances'. However, with good strategic plans and preparations put in place, whatever risk you are truing to avoid or reduced can be achieved. more

  • You can do risk assessment and get a good understanding on how to deal with it.

  • they are four ways, avoiding them, accepting them, reducing them, and transferring them. Deciding which approach to use for each risk isn't an exact... science, and you'll have to use your judgment and expertise to determine which is best. more

  • Possibly you can minimise risks by creating preventive measures through early planning, developing critical thinking and risk control strategies.

  • Risks can be reduced by following the mitigation hierarchy. It's next to impossible to eliminate all the risks. We actually end up having some... residual risks instead. more
