How do you typically explain leaving your current job during a job interview? 🤔
  • Kigozi Dennis

    Best answer

    I’m looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow professionally. I’ve learned a lot in my current role, but I believe it’s time to take on new... responsibilities and further develop my skills in areas that your company specialises in. more

  • I’m looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow professionally. I’ve learned a lot in my current role, but I believe it’s time to take on... new. more

  • Am looking for a new opportunities and challenges in position to the bigger responsibilities, assignments, and missions too that can save the lives... of others who are left behind and not reached around the world that needs the greatest commitment and honesty to address the humanitarian needs of the disadvantaged communities and peoples of the world as a whole as I have a potential to do so even in the most toughest working scenarios. more

  • am looking for new challenges and opportunities since i have leant a lot in my current job as I believe in taking up the new opportunities and career

  • I'm looking for new experience in my career!So I've learned and contributed a lot in my current job!I hope it's time to start a new job.

  • Tank you for this job ,I have a nowlegde and skills for perform