International Alert is seeking the services of a Research Firm/individual to carry out Conflict and climate vulnerability Assessment in Benue and Sokoto States. This is part of the deliverables of the Powering Peace through Climate Action: Pioneering approaches to build peace through inclusive and intersectional climate action in Kenya and Nigeria Project.

The project is a response to the urgent need to act on escalating climate security risks. The project will be doing that by aligning climate action with peacebuilding approaches in climate-vulnerable and conflict affected contexts in Nigeria. Taking a pioneering and practice-based approach, this project will build understanding of policymakers and practitioners on two important perspectives.  Firstly, the project will be testing what has until now remained a hypothesis, namely, how climate adaption can effectively be mobilised as a neutral entry point to bring groups of people together who conflict with each other. The project will be doing this by for example encouraging joint analysis of the climate and conflict issues by different and divided groups and support them in developing shared Local Peace and Adaptation Plans. Secondly, the project will unpack how climate adaptation policies and action can become more sustainable through inclusive and conflict sensitive approaches for example by building local government’s knowledge on climate and conflict risks and bringing them together in platforms with marginalised communities to encourage principles of inclusivity and collaboration in informing climate actions. 
Climate shocks and stresses negatively impact conflict across Sub-Saharan Africa by stacking on top of issues like political and societal marginalisation, weak governance, and existing conflicts. These dynamics are very present in Nigeria, climate shocks and stresses are interacting with different fragilities.
Both Benue State in North-Central and Sokoto State in North-West where this project will be implemented, see climate change adversely impacting communities and their livelihoods. As a result, climate-related conflicts are on the rise. These conflict-affected regions are very vulnerable to climate shocks and stresses but see a lack of knowledge and capacity among local government to address these issues in a joined up and conflict sensitive way.
Key questions should allow for an Assessment of:
How the project will increase localised understanding of conflict impacts of adaptation policy and action to inform on the importance of inclusive and conflict sensitive approaches.
Using community-led mapping, focus groups and desk research, with field visits by the consultant across 2 states of Benue and Sokoto states. The Conflict and climate vulnerability Assessment would entail a deep consultative process involving direct and indirect beneficiaries as well as other stakeholders. At the local and state level, the evaluation will be done by engaging with individuals and institutions including government agencies involved directly or indirectly with the project.

Contract Period

The contract is for fifteen Days (15) days starting from the 10th of March 2023.
Required profile for consultant:
The consultant (She/he) to be recruited should have the following experiences.

A good understanding and practical experience of development work including advanced skills in Social Research, Project Impact Evaluation, Climate Change and Conflict, particularly within the North-West and North Central regions of Nigeria.
Degree in the field of Social and Development Work, Social Research, Evaluation, or other relevant Social Science subject (Masters/Ph.D. or Professor preferred) 
Have at least a minimum of 7 years’ experience in carrying out such an assignment and capacity for impact evaluation (a report of such work done in the last 2 years is a required evidence)
Experience in developing tools for Project Needs Assessment
Excellent facilitation and writing skills (keeping it simplified)
Ability to apply a range of primary and secondary research methods including participatory methods.
An excellent team worker

Roles and Responsibilities
The section below outlines key roles and responsibilities to be assigned to the two main parties at the Conflict and climate vulnerability Assessment process;
International Alert Country Team:

Provide technical oversight to manage and support the overall Conflict and climate vulnerability Assessment process
Monitor and ensure that the Assessment process is followed as per the agreed overall approach, methodology, and timelines.
Provide technical input and quality assurance at all stages of the Assessment process.
Review the quality of the draft reports and provide timely feedback to the consultant.
Provide Country Sign off on the Assessment by the Program Manager at International Alert Nigeria who will confirm reports satisfactory before balance payments are made


Work closely with the Program Manager, partner organization on all the Assessment processes.
Contribute to the design of the Assessment Inception Meeting to agree on the overall approach, methodology, framework, questions, methods, and tools for data collection and analysis.
Conduct desk review and data collection.
Produce consolidated Needs Assessment Report.
  • NGO/Non-Profit