Activity and days.

Review documents, secondary data including previous formative research and media analyses, and existing SBCC strategies and materials - 3 days
Assess SBCC methods and approaches currently used at Ipas/implementation of the shifting gears framework in Ipas programs, existing gaps through holding consultation sessions with Ipas staff, champions, community members, CSOs and other partners. Findings to inform final design of the strategy. 3 days
Analyze the assessment and prepare report - 1 day
Develop an SBCC Strategy in consultation with Alliance staff, partners, and other key stakeholders including program participants 10 days
Pretest and pilot materials developed with key stakeholders and target audience recording the feedback for incorporation into the final strategy - 5 days
Write Communication Plan outlining message themes and/or specific wording of messages, primary and secondary audiences, recommended communication channels and media, and roles and responsibilities for implementation. 1 days
Conduct an orientation training of trainers on the newly developed SBCC strategy to Ipas staff, champions, and community members 2 days
Write/Develop M & E Plan setting benchmarks for success of the SBCC strategy, for example message coverage, uptake of key behaviors and services, appropriate use of services and products. The strategy should recommend specific methodologies and tools that can be integrated into existing project M & E system and roles and responsibilities for implementing M & E for SBCC Strategy- 2 days
Write brief reports for each trip to the field outlining activities completed and stakeholders who participated in the process of development. 1 days
Write brief reports for each trip to the field outlining activities completed and stakeholders who participated in the process of development- 1 days.

Required Skills And Qualifications

Previous experience developing project/program-level SBCC Strategies
Theory driven approach to SBCC
Previous experience in the region
Previous experience with the technical content
Ability to use secondary data to conduct a specific contextual analysis and identify gaps that need to be filled in order to develop an SBC strategy.
Familiarity with and ability to adapt pre-testing and communication planning tools
Familiarity with and ability to adapt M & E tools and methodologies for gauging the effectiveness of SBC Strategies
Qualitative/participatory research and analysis skills. Past experience with using research data to target messages to different primary and secondary audiences through appropriate media and channels
Collaborative working style
Ability to produce deliverables in a results-oriented, time-sensitive environment
Excellent communication, writing, and organizational skills
  • Data Science
  • Research