Is competition in the workplace good or bad?
  • Frank Mbalire

    Best answer

    It depends on which type of competition is referred to. For me I believe that a health competition makes employees more productive and strengthens... team work. more

  • To a larger extent it's good to help pull up some employees who're lagging behind then to a smaller extent it undermines work colleagues who feel they... aren't good enough  more

  • Healthy competition is very okay. It keeps team members on toes and creates a transparent system of career growth. However, unhealthy competition... ruins team work and work morale. This is especially in cases where one person will seem to compete in order to have a special place in their boss.  more

  • Is very good

  • It depends on which type of competition is referred to. For me I believe that a health competition makes employees more productive and strengthens... team work. more

  • is very Good
