
I am a development professional with knowledge and experience in formulation, and coordination of social transformation processes, including work on the nexus between development, and conflict, Institutional Capacity Development, Peacebuilding, security, conflict transformation, Democracy, Good Gov...


  • Social (Qualitative)Research
  • Conflict Analysis/Resolution
  • Training and Capacity Building
  • Community Engagement and Advocacy
  • Area Based Development
  • Project Management
  • Institutional Capacity Assesement/Development
  • English and Kiswahili


Edwin Mang’eni

Work experience
  • Responsibilities:
  • 1. Lead the investment planning process
  • Conduct participatory project identification and planning exercises to identify the economic advantages of the area
  • Conduct thorough research on the economic potentials and needs of the local community in the targeted areas.
  • Mobilize local stakeholders for the planning process and identify local hosts (stakeholders in the local government of the location that support the process) and champions (business owners that assume leadership of the planning).
  • Identify potentials, needs and suitable measures through interviews with all relevant stakeholders in a participatory, on-site planning process steered by the local stakehokders
  • Support the development of a local coordination structure which will participate in the implementation of the projects.
  • 2. Lead the project planning process
  • Develop investment plans for three locations that lay down suitable measures as well as their implementation modalities
  • Organize a workshop with concerned national and local governments to present the plans in view of obtaining approval and buy-in;
  • Participate in the selection process of local sub-grantee or project implementing partners;
  • Conduct periodic review with project implementing partners, community and government authorities;
  • Support IGAD in presenting the plan to KfW for No-Objection.
  • 3. Ensure conflict-sensitive/do-no-harm approaches
  • Develop location-specific Peace and Conflict Assessments (PCA) once project locations are selected.
  • Develop a security concept for Fund Management Unit (FMU) staff travelling to selected Locations.
  • Closely monitor the conflict dynamics in the region to regularly update the Security Assessment (at least once a year).
  • Based on the location specific Peace and Conflict Assessment (PCA), ensure that unintended negative impacts (“do no harm”) are assessed during all steps of programme implementation.
  • Manage the RMF’s complaints’ mechanism and facilitate the resolution of complaints that may arise.
  • 4. Gender Sensitivity:
  • Ensure the following;
  • Gender-sensitive approaches are applied and that the RMF empowers disadvantaged part of the beneficiary group
  • RMF is applying participatory approaches by ensuring that all relevant stakeholders and members of the target group are heard in the planning processes.
  • All parts of target group benefit from the RMF and its interventions, especially disadvantaged groups.
  • Complaints mechanism of the RMF is open to issues of gender-based violence and refers victims to respective support services.
  • RMF activities do not create any risks of violence or abuse.
  • 5. Reporting and learning
  • Participate in regular project progress reporting process
  • Facilitate cross learning between the different project locations
  • Compile project best practice for disseminations and further replication
  • Achievements:
  • Successfully led the Area Based Development planning process for the Togwajale Cross Border Area between the Somalia Region of Ethiopia and Somaliland
  • Led the formation of and Capacity building for the Local Coordination Committees
  • Undertook the Peace and Conflict Assessment (PCA) for the Cross Border areas of Ali Sabieh (Ethiopia-Djibouti border), Moyale (Kenya-Ethiopia border), and Togwajale (Ethiopia-Somaliland border). These PCA reports are to date used in the decision-making process within the Funds Management Unit (FMU)
  • Designed tools for capacity assessment of local stakeholder
  • Designed and deployed template for rapid stakeholder mapping
  • Designed and deployed reporting tool on Conflict and its impacts on RMF Interventions in all cross-border areas of implementation.
  • Integrated Gender and Youth sensitive strategies in RMF interventions through capacity building and joint planning
  • Filed timely quarterly reports and contributed to bi-annual reports of the RMF-FMU
  • Led strategic engagements between the RMF, IGAD, respective Local Authorities and line ministries in RMF targeted IGAD member states with clear deliverables/action points and timelines.

Edwin Mang’eni

Work experience
  • Capacity Development Officer, Peace and Conflict/Deputy Cluster Coordinator: South Omo (Ethiopia) -Turkana (Kenya) Cluster, UNDP (EUTF funded) - Support for Effective Cross Border Cooperation and Collaboration Initiatives.  at   United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • Responsibilities:
  • Provides high-quality technical/programmatic support to the UNDP Regional Service Centre in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, UNDP Kenya Country Office and the UN Delivering as One programme, a partnership between the UN and the County Government of Turkana.
  • Provide coordination service to EUTF Cross Border Partners, in their collaboration arrangements with UN Agencies, Sub-Regional Intergovernmental organizations, Civil Society, local governments, sub-national administrations, other EU-funded cross-border projects and other development partners.
  • Supports strategic planning and implementation of project activities on Capacity development, Prevention of conflict and national/regional cohesion for sustainable peace.
  • Policy Advisory and Knowledge Services on the Peace, and Development nexus from a regional and cross border perspective.
  • Leading local project meetings and planning forums with local/cross Border development partners.
  • Results/Achievements:
  • Provided technical Support to the emerging partnership between, The Ministry of Interior of the central Government, Kenya, the County Government of Turkana-Kenya, and Civil Society in establishment of a conflict early warning and early response platform (internal and cross border) to monitor and respond to local and cross border conflict dynamics.
  • Led the Team at UN-Delivering as One (DaO)/Cross-Border Office based in Lodwar, Turkana County-Kenya in responding to field office operational challenges by consistently engaging the, the UNDP Regional service Centre for Africa in Addis Ababa ( leading the EUTF Funded Cross Border project), the UNDP Country Office in Kenya and The Resident Coordinators Office in Nairobi (where the DaO mandate falls)
  • Facilitated the compilation and release of weekly updates on Covid 19 Pandemic situation in the Cluster and its impacts on programming hence informing project activity changes to ensure efficiency and effectiveness
  • Facilitated project engagements with the County Government of Turkana and the County Coordinators Office in Kenya, and the Zonal and Wareda Administration within the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR) in Ethiopia and ensuring their knowledge, support and participation in project activities in the county/zone and across the borders.
  • Led engagements with the Private Sector (Through the Chamber of Commerce and Industry- Turkana County Chapter) and Civil Society Organizations/actors in Turkana County and in the South Omo Zone (Ethiopia) in participating in project activities. This led to formal periodical information sharing paving way to project conception and proposal development such as the Peace and Development Project proposal by St. Paul’s Community Network (SAPCONE) in Turkana County and the County Chapter of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • Supervised two international consultants undertaking assignments for the UNDP/EUTF SECCCI Cross Border Project on Cross Border Capacity Needs Assessments and Cross Border Development Planning in the 3 clusters i.e South Omo-Turkana (Ethiopia/Kenya), Moyale Cluster (Kenya/Ethiopia) and Mandera Cluster (Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia); Sept 2020 to Feb 2021.
  • Moderated discussions on the Thematic area of Conflict and Natural Resource Management during the FAO/IGAD/CILSS, Horn of Africa-Sahel Knowledge Share Fair, October 2020.
  • Participated in developing new strategies to have the project respond to the Covid19 Pandemic in the Cross-Border areas of Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia.
  • Supported the launch of the UNDP Africa Borderlands Centre in Lodwar in February 2021 by Co-Facilitating the local UN Strategy Team that saw venue identification, logistics, security arrangements, and Cluster level invitations.

Edwin Mang’eni

Work experience
  • Responsibilities:
  • Support administrative functions of Danish Demining Group, Kenya Country Programme in Liaison with DRC/DDG County Office Administrators.
  • Provide leadership in engaging external resource persons (consultant, conference facilitators) and ensure timely reporting in Liaison with the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Office and the DRC/DDG Human Resource Office
  • Supervises field level offices (in Lodwar-Turkana County and In Mandera, Mandera County) in delivery of the mandate of DDG Kenya through innovative programme approaches to respond to the local governance, peace and security context.
  • Support Programme development, fund raising and implementation to respond to the country’s needs within the mandate of DDG Kenya
  • Lead the engagement and networking initiatives between DDG Kenya and Other like-minded institutions including line ministries and state departments to develop collaborative approaches towards issues of Conflict, Peace, Security and development in Kenya.
  • Support capacity building and collaboration initiatives with the state, interstate sub-regional institutions and local /regional NGOs
  • Results/Achievements:
  • Strengthened partnership between DDG/DRC and the administration police Unit in implementation of the capacity building programme on effective community policing with support from the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DECAF)
  • Enhanced the collaboration initiative with the Border Management Secretariat (The Border Control Agency in Kenya) and facilitated DRC/DDG Support towards capacity building in Border management through the US State Funding
  • Led preparation and hosting of the Borderlands Working Group Learning Conference, a partnership between DDG-Kenya, Pact Inc and the Rift Valley Institute (RVI).
  • Oversaw research and learning within DRC/DDG and partners on thematic issues related to borderlands peace and security dynamics within the borderland areas of Kenya.
  • Led the project proposal development and engagement as part of the Reducing Insecurity and Violent Extremism in Northern and Coastal Regions of Kenya (REINVENT) Programme Consortium.

Edwin Mang’eni

Work experience
  • Responsibilities:
  • Lead design and implementation of Pastoralism and Conflict Sensitivity Toolkit;
  • Effectively work with team of (Regional Pastoral Livelihood Resilience Project) RPLRP, Consultants, IGAD-Conflict Early Warning and Response Network (CEWARN) and member states.
  • Provide support to the RPLRP-Regional Coordinator and other RPLRP specialists in integrating conflict sensitivity into proposed activities at regional and national levels;
  • Playing a coordinating role across the IGAD member states and liaising with national RPLRP coordination unit for implementation of conflict M&E toolkit;
  • organize and coordinate knowledge exchange activities with RPLRP, national governments, and other interested partners.
  • Work with pastoral NGOs and facilitate capacity development interventions.
  • Design and deliver studies including perception surveys, conflict analyses, and trainings on conflict analysis and conflict sensitivity.
  • Results/Achievements:
  • Three (3) Tools to guide Conflict Sensitive Development programming developed i.e 1. Conflict Sensitivity programme appraisal checklist and Practical guidelines for Conflict Sensitivity in Project Implementation, 2- Reference guide for construction and management of livestock market, 3- Reference guide for construction and management of slaughterhouses
  • 163 people including IGAD staff, Line Ministries (in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia) and partners trained in Conflict Sensitive Development and execution of the conflict sensitivity tools
  • Two Knowledge exchange visits/tours held in Djibouti (hosted by IGAD) and in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger hosted by Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control (Le Comité Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel- CILSS, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
  • Two studies on perception survey on pastoralism; and on Media and pastoral communication finalized and launched

Edwin Mang’eni


Edwin Mang’eni

Work experience
  • Achievements/Results
  • Analyze Conflict and its implication on agricultural production and natural resource utilization and management in Puntland, Somaliland and South-Central Somalia. This led to the process of formulating programme strategies to respond to threats presented by conflicts.
  • led FAO Somalias efforts towards understanding conflict dynamics in Somalia and implications on the on-going resilience programme aimed at promoting sustainable livelihood through adoption of new approaches that enable communities to with stand shocks brought about by conflict and natural disaster.
  • led FAO in adopting Conflict Sensitive programming by designing mechanisms for monitoring conflict impacts, developed and advocated for adoption of a conflict sensitivity framework to guide development and emergency interventions in Somalia
  • Facilitated initiative by FAO that effectively engaged local partners in Capacity building through training to strengthen he level of governance within partner institutions as a strategy for sustainability of FAO interventions in Somalia. This saw the training of 25 organizations including NGOs and state departments for Agriculture and Livestock, Departments in charge of youth, women, trade and labor affairs, on institutional governance, leadership, accountability, bookkeeping, Advocacy, and communication among communities in Somalia. This saw the strengthening of sector associations in the Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries sectors.
  • Advocated for adoption of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) as a strategy towards better management of public infrastructure and sustainability. This saw 5 municipal councils adopting 6 public private partnership projects.
  • Supported research within FAO Somalia especially in terms of methodology development, data collection and analysis processes.
  • Engaged in strategic planning and programme formulation and supporting efforts in reporting
  • managing implementation of the livestock sector component of the KFW funded resilience Programme in Geddo region of Somalia

Edwin Mang’eni

Work experience
  • I developed a Community Training Strategy and Training Manual on Human Rights, Non-Violence Advocacy and Alternative Dispute Resolution in Natural Resource Management. This led to increased civic awareness on land tenure issues leading to effective engagement between the state and communities/stakeholders

Edwin Mang’eni

Work experience
  • Director of Programmes, Africa Peace Forum (APFO), Nairobi-Kenya and the Country Coordinator-Kenya (1st July 2008 to 31st Dec 2009) for the Inter Governmental Authority on Development’s Conflict Early Warning and Early Response Network (IGAD /CEWARN)  at   Africa Peace Forum (APFO)
  • Achievements/Results
  • Advocated for the creation of the conflict analysis unit of the National Steering Committee on Peace Building and Conflict Management and was appointed chairperson in 2008. The unit analyzed 8 conflicts across the country and undertook 12 mediation missions in conflict areas between 2008 and 2010 resulting in increased government/civil society collaboration in conflict resolution.
  • In collaboration with other peace advocates initiated a guide paper on peaceful disarmament increasing the potential for adoption of a peaceful disarmament policy by the state administration in conflict prone pastoral areas with a high influx of small arms
  • I proposed the creation of and managed the rapid response fund set up to respond to conflict in Kenya and oversaw a disbursement of more than 250,000 USD in small grants in 2010 to respond to 8 violent conflict. This led increased effectiveness in response to violent conflict.
  • I was part of the team that developed the National Conflict Early Warning System to complement CEWARN which led to the creation of a sophisticated online platform (internet and SMS based) for monitoring and reporting on conflict.
  • Represented civil society in the East Africa Action Network on Small Arms, and in global arms trade treaty dialogue advocacy campaigns which contributed to gains leading to a global arms trade treaty.
  • I led a team of 15 staff in developing innovative programmes such as Peace Research and ICT for Peace and increased the funding base at APFO from USD 130,000 annually to USD 210,000

Edwin Mang’eni


Edwin Mang’eni

Work experience
  • Achievements/Results
  • I increased the level of donor funding to the Justice and Peace programme by 300% from an annual budget of USD 17,000 to USD 52,000 leading to increased annual clientele from an average of 65 to 310 cases/visits.
  • Facilitated mediation process between Pokot and Marakwet communities (pastoral and Agro-pastoral communities) in Kerio Valley and initiated youth peace dividend projects to consolidate peace in the area. This saw a sharp drop in conflict incidents from an average of 15 violent attacks per year to around 5 between 2004 and 2006.
  • Trained more that 120 paralegals on legal education leading to legal assistance to more than 115 legal cases being registered in local courts for adjudication and 89 cases referred to local community level arbitration mechanisms. The process increased local community’s confidence in the national judiciary.
  • Oversaw Diocesan emergency response to support victims of Politically instigated Violent Ethnic Conflict in Rift Valley Kenya where more than 25,000 people received emergency support in form of food, temporary shelter and medical supplies.
  • Led the community’s resettlement programme. This saw the resettlement of 365 families on land procured through support from Donors to resettle victims of ethnic conflict and persons displaced by arbitrary disposal of large-scale farms by multinational cooperation’s
  • Trained 250 members of local authorities in north-rift region on Human Rights, Governance, Constitutionalism, Elections, Democracy, Rule of Law, and the Children’s Act, which led to more open governance and an invitation to the public to scrutinize efficiency in these institution

Edwin Mang’eni

Work experience
  • Mobilized more than 10,000 members of the community over two years to receive civic education on Human Rights, Governance, Constitutionalism, Elections, Democracy, Rule of Law, and voter education contributing to increased levels of public awareness
  • Led the programme in gaining access to and documenting populations (45,000 people) in need of humanitarian assistance in areas affected by inter-ethnic conflict in the clamor for democracy in coastal Kenya leading to effective assistance.

Edwin Mang’eni
