
  • Banking
  • Data Science
  • Education
  • Finance
  • Management
  • Product management
  • Project Management


Kaaria Lucy

Work experience
  • Leading and execution of the organizational strategy
  • Professional Training
  • Coaching
  • Mentorship

Kaaria Lucy

Work experience
  •  Leading and managing social developmental research from research design, to execution and analytics and report writing for various clients;
  •  Working with various segments such as small holder farmers, women, youths, rural population, refugees, communities among other marginalized groups in helping clients targets them with better services and products through provision of quality data with insights and recommendations;
  •  Developing knowledge management and collaborative learning strategies, routines and tools; training staff and partners on the value and proper implementation;
  •  Designing and laying out quality control strategies and mechanisms for research projects to enhance realization of quality data;
  •  Coordination, supervising and monitoring of research projects implementation to ensure standards are adhered to throughout the project cycle;
  •  Proposal writing and leading other fundraising activities for business development;
  •  Capacity building project partners and team;
  •  Dissemination of data in various forums globally.

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