
  • Administration
  • Agriculture
  • Business Development
  • Data Science
  • Management
  • Project Management
  • Supply Chain


Mustapha Sule

Work experience
  • Agribusiness development
  • Client engagement.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of both on and off-site projects.
  • Agricultural market analysis and survey.
  • Agricultural research and development.
  • Providing clinical and critical agricultural value chain advisory.
  • Collecting, cleaning, storing, analysing and managing data.
  • Providing both administrative and managerial assistance to the MD.

Mustapha Sule

Work experience
  • Specifically, monitor and evaluate the whole project implementations based on the project deliverables and milestones.
  • Conduct relevant on and off-field training to Training Assistants (TAs).
  • Liaise with the Training Assistants (TAs) rendering on-field and off-field trainings to farmers
  • Conduct field visits for farm assessment, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Monitor inputs distribution, follow up farmers to use same inputs, and report on eventual use vis-à-vis quantity distributed per farmer
  • Collect field data on all stages of production, maximally utilising ACAP e-extension devices and other relevant means where applicable
  • Relay advice and information on good cotton production and harvesting techniques to farmers by conducting on-field and off-field extension service deliveries to farmers.
  • Liaise with the Training Assistants (TAs) to adapt improved farming and extension practices to suit local conditions and needs.
  • Liaise with the TAs to design inclusive and explicit yearly project plan and implementation strategies.
  • Promptly provide relevant interventions to address potential field threats such as pest and disease infestations using integrated pest management approaches, and shall promptly report same to the LTs for advice and concerted effort.
  • Ensure farmers adhere to pesticide and fertilizer application regimes and all good cotton production practices.

Mustapha Sule

  • Agricultural Extension
  • Rural Development
  • Rural Sociology
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Agribusiness
  • Crop Production
  • Animal Production
  • Plant health
  • Project Planning and Management
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Human Resources
  • Extension Administration

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