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  • Agriculture
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musyoka kituku

Work experience
  • Provide support to logistics operations and activities, following standard processes and facilitating, directly or indirectly, the effective delivery of food assistance to beneficiaries.
  • Provide technical support and guidance in implementation of the project’s objectives
  • Create complete/accurate actionable documents to be used to move supplies in line with system and process requirements.
  • Support implementation of community-based natural resources-related activities
  • Provide training to the conservancies on technical aspects based on need;
  • Support communities to gain access to information, resources, other relevant stakeholders, and opportunities that will likely empower them to claim their rights and manage natural resources more sustainably
  • Ensure that enumerators have all the data collecting tools necessary to accomplish the process's goals and that they are approved for use before they start using them.
  • Carry out all the data collected about the plan and objectives.

musyoka kituku

Work experience
  • August, 2021 - December, 2021
  • Parttime
  • In coordination with the ILRI team, monitor the implementation of activities through regular field visits and assessments to program quality and impact.
  • Conduct Research on land use planning at inter-county and county and make recommendations for continuous improvement.
  • Train critical actors on the use of tools for conservation, sustainable management, and restoration of forest ecosystems and degraded lands; and work with the Programmes team to develop community sensitization and information material, protocols, and approaches.
  • Supported in the conduct of daily field experiments from a technical perspective
  • Collected samples from and recruited respondents from households in Taita Taveta for the ESSA experiment.
  • Using ODK, I collected data on the livestock and crop production systems as well as the issues that households in Taita Taveta county confront.
  • Data processing and guarantee correct labels to record in preparation for data processing
  • Helped farmers in Taita Taveta County learn about ways to improve their crop productivity and livestock production by teaching improvement tactics.
  • Helped farmers with coping techniques for the issues they indicated and consulted project stakeholders throughout the process.
  • Managed the enumerators by providing them with guidelines tailored to the stakeholders' needs to accomplish the research objectives.

musyoka kituku

  • September, 2015 - November, 2021
  • Fulltime
  • Agricultural economics and rural development

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