
  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Project Management
  • Teaching
  • English and Kiswahili
  • Somali
  • Borana
  • Amharic


Ibrahim Shukura


your experience is awesome and you really contribute your quoter in humanitarian work . Congratulations.


nasra muktar

Work experience
  • Meal officer at   ACF

nasra muktar

Work experience
  • March, 2020 - September, 2022
  • Fulltime
  • 1. Support planning and implementation of monitoring and evaluation activities on effectiveness of all food assistance interventions (e.g., beneficiary needs and status, food security status, Programme modalities, implementation challenges, etc.)
  • 2. Supports the Sub-Offices and Programme unit with routine monitoring of Programme activities (implementation of baselines, post distribution monitoring, on-site monitoring, and other M&E studies, ensuring that data captured in the M&E databases is accurate.
  • 3. Contribute to the analysis of outcome data and recommend improvements to Programme interventions and to enhance WFPs ability to demonstrate outcome focused results.
  • 4. Within the specific area of responsibility, prepare a range of reports and data analysis (e.g., food assistance needs, resource utilization, Programme status, performance) and highlight trends/issues ensuring deliverables adhere to corporate standards and quality control. Specifically, this entails contributing to the monthly Sitrep produced by the Sub Office/Field Office, as well as collating and reviewing the monthly and quarterly Programme progress report submitted by cooperating partners in order to identify problems and bottlenecks of ongoing projects.
  • 5. Provide guidance to support staff, acting as a point of referral and assisting them with analysis and queries.
  • 6. Ensure compliance with WFP’s corporate policies, criteria and procedures with respect to monitoring of food assistance projects.
  • 7. Work in close collaboration with internal counterparts and external partners to strengthen the quality and consistency of monitoring and evaluation activities in the field.
  • 8. Act in an assigned emergency response capacity as required to meet emergency food assistance needs.
  • 9. Develop, share and monitor the implementation/accomplishment of monthly activity monitoring plan in line with M&E monitoring plan tool
  • 10. Perform other tasks as required.

nasra muktar

Work experience
  • ❖ Management
  • 1. Responsible for managing closely the Program field staff and following up the progress of their work-plan and achievement against the master work plan to ensure timely completion of planned project activities
  • ❖ Planning and Implementation
  • 1. To spend 30% of time in field for different project activities in targeted schools & communities under EGEP-T.
  • 2. Coordinate with National Project Officer for effective implementation of the project activities as per the work plan and project objectives
  • 3. Assist National Project Manager in preparing quarterly work plans and prepare monthly work plans based on quarterly work-plans Under the guidance of National Project manager, work with schools and Moe’s Regional/District Education Officers on the selection of and verification of teachers for teacher training scholarships.
  • 4. Follow up with the selected teachers at school level to ensure they are teaching and applying the lessons they have learnt.
  • 5. Work closely with REO/DEO and CECs on the identification, selection and verification of severely marginalized girls, as defined under EGEP-T’s marginalization criteria, for scholarships.
  • 6. Work closely with school head teachers and teachers to identify and provide remedial classes to low performing students in literacy and numeracy.
  • 7. In close coordination with National Project Manager, facilitate training of CECs on roles and responsibilities, Child Protection, SDPs, and conflict resolution.
  • 8. Support and capacitate CECs to develop Schools Development Plans (SDPs) that have activities which promote and target girls’ education
  • Coordination
  • 1. In close collaboration with Ministry of Education in Mudug and schools head teachers, and Community Education Committees (CECs), roll out the project activities.
  • 2. Develop, maintain and improve mutual and beneficial relationships with key stakeholders and provide capacity building through advocacy (including government officials, schoolteachers and community leaders) to ensure successful implementation of the project)
  • Communication
  • 1. In consultation with the National Project Manager, Behavior Change Communications Coordinator and Ministry of Education’s Regional/District Education (REOs/DEOs) Officers, organize awareness raising campaigns, graduation ceremonies, initiate community dialogues and convey key messages to promote girls’ education using audio and video channels and local medias.
  • 3. Closely work with Socio-Behavior Change Communication Officer and schools’ female mentors and Gender Focal Points to provide life skills and career guidance support for girls transitioning from ‘education’ to ‘life’
  • 4. Coordinate with REO/DEO and schoolteachers about teacher incentives and maintain proper documentation.
  • 5. Facilitate Community Dialogues and ‘men and boys’ debate on promoting girls’ education and gender inclusive education and effective transition of girls from education to Life Work closely with schools’ head teachers, female mentors and Gender Focal Points on the establishment of boys’ education forums (boys’ clubs) and strengthening girls’ education forums (girls’ clubs)
  • 6. Work closely with the Socio-Behavior Change Communications Coordinator to come up and implement plans for conducive learning environment for girls in schools.
  • 7. Provide regular follow up and support to teachers, children & CECs on other activities through meetings; Monitoring Ensure close coordination with M&E Officers for feedback to enhance the quality aspects of the project activities.
  • 8. Working with M&E department on facilitating FGDs and KIIs with girls at schools and uploading data online among others.

nasra muktar

Work experience
  • 1. Provide support BORESHA initiatives in compliance with best practices and DRC and donor regulations, while upholding rigorous project cycle management standards.
  • 2. Support in designing and conducting needs assessments to inform program design.
  • 3. Support the design and refinement of DRC’s BORESHA activities and develop detailed work plans and budgets for all related activities. Activities will include but are not limited to initiatives related to resilience and community-managed disaster risk reduction, Cash for work: Vocational, technical and Life Skills training targeting youth and Women Cross- to create Employment Opportunities.
  • 4. Support the timely and quality delivery of all BORESHA reports and monitoring and evaluation requirements to ensure project quality, relevance and accountability to DRC's beneficiary populations.
  • 5. In collaboration with Livelihoods and resilience team leader, accountability officer, and M& E team promote accountability in adherence with DRC standard operating procedures.
  • 6. Capacity building on partners including local government line offices.
  • 7. Conduct periodic monitoring and evaluation of project activities with collaboration of project team and consortium MEAL coordinator and country M& E team.

nasra muktar

Work experience
  • October, 2018 - February, 2019
  • Fulltime
  • .. Before the interview verify the identity of the case with bio-Registrar and BIMS.
  • 2. Conduct registration interviews with persons of concern,
  • 3. Ensure individual registration data is complete, accurately recorded and up to date in accordance with countrywide Ethiopia registration dataset.
  • 4.Ensure enrolment and use of biometric information for identity management.
  • 5.Participate in ensuring access to individual documentation.
  • 6.Ensure effective liaison with functional units for follow up on identified protection cases.
  • 7.Ensure safe keeping of individual registration records including manual records.
  • 8.Participate in anti-fraud and PSEA messaging and information campaigns
  • 9.Perform refugee’s home visit if necessary.
  • 10.In case of litigation, refer the case to the litigation Desk for further assessment.
  • 11.Identify persons with specific needs and ensure timely referral to protection follow-up as required.
  • 12.Collaborate with protection staff and/or partners in the delivery of assistance and programming, including provision of identity and entitlement documentation

nasra muktar

Work experience
  • 1.Provide the overall coordination of the refugee camp biometrics verification procedure.
  • 2.Ensure adherence to all relevant standard operating procedures, such as procedures for food and NFI collection checking, issuance and maintenance of IT equipment, security and maintenance of the premises.
  • 3.Liaise between WFP, UNHCR and ARRA (Ethiopian government counterpart) in the refugee camp and food distribution sites. Ensure agent actions are taken when there are developments obstructing the smooth verification of the process by liaising with appropriate ARRA and UNHCR staff.
  • 4.Held meetings with ARRA and UNHCR staff and refugee community workers at the end of each distribution cycle to assess how the verification process has progressed and agree on remedial actions to improve in the next cycle.
  • 5.Monitor and report on the process and perform any other assigned duties

nasra muktar

Work experience
  • SGBV Officer at   PAPDA
  • .Report writing
  • 2.Planning and management
  • 3.Provide psychosocial support to survivor and Refer cases to UNHCR
  • 4.Record and manage the data of GBV cases.
  • 5.File cases and keep it by showing confidentiality

nasra muktar

Work experience
  • Prepare weekly and monthly report and submit on time.
  • Staff management and general supervision of the learning institution.
  • participate stakeholders meeting.
  • Conduct meeting for teacher and training of teachers on teaching methodologies
  • Train Education staff on their roles and responsibilities

nasra muktar

  • January, 2010 - December, 2010
  • Fulltime
  • community development, social work, community health,education, urban and rural migration

nasra muktar

  • December, 2009 - January, 2010
  • Fulltime
  • Basic soft ware
  •  The internet and the web
  •  Digital life style
  •  Computer security privacy and basic hardware
  •  Introduction to microcomputer
  •  Microsoft windows
  •  Microsoft word
  •  Microsoft excel
  •  Microsoft access
  •  Microsoft PowerPoint
  •  Keyboarding(typing master)

nasra muktar

  • January, 2006 - November, 2009
  • Fulltime
  • Maths, Chemistry, biology, Business studies, History Kiswahili

Ibrahim Shukura


your experience is awesome and you really contribute your quoter in humanitarian work . Congratulations.


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