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10 Ways to Improve Your Brain Fitness

Brain fitness has basic principles: variety and curiosity. When anything you do becomes second nature, you need to make a change. If you can do the crossword puzzle in your sleep, it's time for you to move on to a new challenge in order to get the best workout for your brain. Curiosity about the world around you, how it works and how you can understand it... will keep your brain working fast and efficiently. Use the ideas below to help attain your quest for mental fitness.

1-Play Games

Brain fitness programs and games are a wonderful way to tease and challenge your brain. Suduko, crosswords and electronic games can all improve your brain's speed and memory. These games rely on logic, word skills, math and more. These games are also fun.
You'll get benefit more by doing these games a little bit every day. Spend 15 minutes or so, not hours.


Daily meditation is perhaps the single greatest thing you can do for your mind/body health. Meditation not only relaxes you, it gives your brain a workout. By creating a different mental state, you engage your brain in new and interesting ways while increasing your brain fitness.

3-Eat for Your Brain

Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats. Focus on fish oils from wild salmon, nuts such as walnuts, seeds such as flax seed and olive oil. Eat more of these foods and less saturated fats. Eliminate transfats completely from your diet.

4-Tell Good Stories

Stories are a way that we solidify memories, interpret events and share moments. Practice telling your stories, both new and old, so that they are interesting, compelling and fun. Some basic storytelling techniques will go a long way in keeping people's interest both in you and in what you have to say.

5-Turn Off Your Television

The average person watches more than four hours of television every day. Television can stand in the way of relationships, life and more. Turn off your TV and spend more time living and exercising your mind and body.

6-Exercise Your Body to Exercise Your Brain

Physical exercise is great brain exercise too. By moving your body, your brain has to learn new muscle skills, estimate distance and practice balance. Choose a variety of exercises to challenge your brain.

7-Read Something Different

Books are portable, free from libraries and filled with infinite interesting characters, information, and facts. Branch out from familiar reading topics. If you usually read history books, try a contemporary novel. Read foreign authors, the classics, and random books. Not only will your brain get a workout by imagining different time periods, cultures and peoples, you will also have interesting stories to tell about your reading, what it makes you think of and the connections you draw between modern life and the words.

8-Learn a New Skill

Learning a new skill works multiple areas of the brain. Your memory comes into play, you learn new movements and you associate things differently. Reading Shakespeare, learning to cook and building an airplane out of toothpicks all will challenge your brain and give you something to think about.

9-Make Simple Changes

We love our routines. We have hobbies and pastimes that we could do for hours on end. But the more something is 'second nature,' the less our brains have to work to do it. To really help your brain stay young, challenge it. Change routes to the grocery store, use your opposite hand to open doors and eat dessert first. All this will force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again.

10-Train Your Brain

Brain training is becoming a trend. There are formal courses, websites, and books with programs on how to train your brain to work better and faster. There is some research behind these programs, but the basic principles are memory, visualization, and reasoning. Work on these three concepts every day and your brain will be ready for anything.

Sanusi Ladan Abubakar
Dutsinma writer's League
Dutsinma katsina state
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15 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is a condition where writers experience a temporary halt in the creative process. Serious writer’s block can be straightaway intimidating. If you are a writer for a long time, you must have already suffered from it and know how dreadful it might get if not given any attention to. It is so agonizingly common in the world of writers that it does... not require any introduction. In general sense, writers suddenly come to a standstill with their writing and find themselves inadequate with expressions. The only good thing is it is a temporary phase and things get better after a while.
When there is no easy or sure fix to this situation, writer’s block can last from a week up to 2 months or more. Writers of all calibers and times have got a taste of writer’s block and have tried different remedies to cure this inertia of the brain. Let’s look at the most reliable 15 ways to overcome writer’s block:

1-Create an Outline

A clean and clear outline keeps your ideas focused on the topic and helps you generate valuable ideas related to your subject.

2-Read More Widely

Reading is a universal remedy for all sorts of emotional troubles. Writing is not an exception. Reading helps recover the balance of mind and supplies inspiration for writing. Read random articles- who knows which idea sits on you? And writing comes as the reaction of reading. So, reading is a big savior.

3-Breakthrough the Restriction

Sometimes writers feel restricted out of the need of having to write on a particular topic and they feel like their ideas are exhausted- there is no new perspective to offer. Or there is no newness in the subject. Old and contemporary authors have dined out on it. Do not worry! It is a common feeling. Try to write about something else.

4-Generate Inspiration from Words

Sometimes you look at a word and its meaning inspires you so much that you think of a whole new situation. It is a personal experience. When my teacher first taught me the phrase ‘Put us up’. She explained with an example of friends being caught up in a storm and asking shelter from a dweller of a village nearby. Every time I hear the word, I remember the same story.

5-Think of Your Original Motivation

If there is a particular motivation that got you writing in the first place, consider going back to it. Like some people write to put a stop to traditional injustices, some want to break even social inequalities, some write to expose political misconducts. If you have a similar experience, reinstate your reason by imagining instances of cruelty and insensibility around you and get to write.

6-Start Anywhere You Feel Like

Don’t think about the chronological sequence. Better something than nothing. Remember, you are not in your usual writing form. You can stitch them seamlessly with your writer’s dexterity when your fecund imaginations are back.

7-Brainstorm for Key Words

The most widely used technique is brain-storming for fitting words and ideas. When you have sufficient ideas to start with, get to writing.

8-Call a Buddy

According to some writers, conversion with a friend can cure writer’s block. You are bound to mention all the important points around a topic in a conversation. Thus, if you dry up, conversation with a friend can let your creative juice flow again.

9-Write First, Edit Later

Editing takes away your focus from the plotline and hampers the progression. Hence it should be done when you are done with writing your plot.

10-Glimpse of Your Previous Write-ups

This reminds you that you are a strong writer and can write on any topic under the sun. Self-appreciation replenishes your self confidence, much-needed in a creative process.

11-Set a Timer

Sometimes, compulsion creates motivation. Remember that moment in the exam hall when the last 10 minutes are left and you have a whole answer to write? That last ten minutes in the exam hall is perhaps the most productive moment of one’s life. Try that technique here also. Set a time to yourself and see the result.

12-Read Quotes to be Inspired

Quotes represent concentrated philosophy of the speaker and reading those mighty words can motivate us cognitively. Looking at a series of life-changing ideas lifts us above the ordinary enabling us to see things in a different dimension. This technique works the best for me.

13-Go for a Change

Most people have experienced this but yet surprisingly are unaware of the fact that a change in the environment has an incredible influence on your emotional experience. Environment has a great role in getting you to write. Many writers travel frequently and extensively to find new inspiration for writing. Try changing your work location or go for a vacation to generate curiosity and appreciation in your mind for that very place. This will help you in writing.

14-Eliminate Background Noise

It goes without saying that a calm environment is what you need for writing. It helps you see the imprints the daily occurrences have left on your mind. And you can put them to paper.

15-Write Before Going to Bed

Whether it is about figuring out the right career or sorting a relationship dilemma, decisions taken prior to bedtime turn out to be wiser than the others. Writing is no exception. Many authors, writers and bloggers choose to set a writing slot between 10 pm and 3 am as they feel the most productive during this time mainly because of the quietness in the environment. Psychologically, at night, human intelligence reaches the climax of our wakeful state and this condition can give impetus to your creativity. However, the benefit is twofold as writing in the way of organizing your thoughts calms your mind and ushers a good night’s sleep for you.
Even though, some people say that there is nothing called writer’s block- It is a myth. But, those who have suffered from it know how viciously awful it is. But, if you try the above tricks, you can get past your writer’s block or at least can write more prolifically as these methods are tried and tested by aspiring writers and professionals alike.

Sanusi Ladan Abubakar
Katsina State Writer's League
Katsina Nigeria
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9 Tested Ways to Become a Successful Writer

Different people want to become successful in different ways. Some people want it out of writing. Writing can be an art form, sometimes, it is a protest medium. In whichever way you define it, writing is one of the best ways of self-expressionism; of speaking your mind. No wonder, many people want to become successful writers. The traditional model... of becoming an author or writer goes through the offices and slush piles of traditional publishers, where a writer, after pouring out all his talent into a manuscript, waits in anticipation, to receive a positive response; his dreams of becoming a best-selling author passes like flashing images in front of his eyes. However, the publishing industry has changed a lot overtime, and its not all that rosy anymore. Rejections are common and emergence of true talent through this process, is a matter of luck. Therefore, writers are becoming autonomous with every passing day. Writers want the world to know what they are thinking, hence, besides, books, blogs, discussion forums, vlogs and many other things are being included in the field of writing. You can be successful whether you are a book author, a blogger, a social content creator or a freelance writer. In the world of fiction and academic books, writers are emerging as self-published authors and book marketing for self-published authors is an important discussion when it comes to becoming a successful writer.

Here are 9 sure-shot ways in which you can become a successful writer:

1-Define Success for Yourself

To become a successful writer, you have to know what is the definition of success for you. Every person is different and each one has a different objective or end goal when he starts writing. For some, selling the most copies of his book can mean success; for others, letting the world know about his ideas, can mean success and hence for him, the number of viewers or readers he gets, via any medium, defines success. Again, for many writers, winning an award in the literary field can mean success while for many others, just completing a good manuscript can mean becoming successful as a writer. You must know, what is your concept of success in order to set yourself in a realistic, attainable path.

2-Be Ready to Evolve

When we start writing, it is common to get excited or blocked, either of the two. You need to make sure that you are in the right direction. During the brainstorming process, you don’t want to finalize your draft, because most of the things you jot down now may not be your best ideas. Also, don’t just keep thinking fruitlessly, try to write something. Writing something is better than writing nothing, because finishing the manuscript is your first step to success. Use a page or a blank document to type your initial ideas, but remember this is just a rough page to work your stream of consciousness. Write whatever comes to your mind. After sometime, you will find yourself coming out with creative ideas. But don’t get obsessed with your first ideas; do not finalize them. When you are open to changing and updating your writing from time to time, it means you are thinking through; your brain’s working and you are evolving as a writer. Later thoughts can be better thoughts, especially in writing.

3-Read Successful Authors in Free Time

It goes undeniably, that you have to read in order to write. Not everyday, your brain will pour out fountains of imagination and best-selling ideas. Use those moments to read; especially, authors who have been successful; who have understood the market needs. You can read their books, or their blogs and stories to understand their journey. This may also provide some answers to your own questions. Reading regularly helps develop your vocabulary and concepts too.

4-Distribute Your Writing through Various Channels

Whether you have written an article, a research paper, a blog or a book, it needs to be circulated right? If people don’t know about it, how will they read it? Many writers think, its not their job to publicize a book, but that’s a wrong notion. You have to use the right channels to distribute your writing and that is one of the important strategies of book marketing for self-published authors. Distribution in one channel will not generate that amount of audience as it will do for a book which is distributed through various channels, and that is why digital distribution of a book via Ingram and the like are so popular today.

5-Reach out to Your Readers Personally– Again, like book distribution through multiple channels will encourage book sales, book marketing is another aspect you will want to work on if you want to be a successful author. Even before, your book is published, start talking about it on social platforms. You can also attend literary conferences and seminars to talk about your writing. Bookstores and book fairs are best places to reach out to common people whom you are viewing as your prospective audience. Talking about something on a regular basis, makes it visible to the buyers and who better than yourself to talk about your own book!

6-Get Your Book to Reviewers

To consider yourself successful, you need feedback from the readers. Though digital platforms are well equipped to let readers communicate directly with authors, through comments and product reviews, building an initial credibility gives an author a strong foothold. So, the next responsibility as an author, will be to find professional reviewers for your book; a person who is authorized and qualified to rate your book and give his/her expert opinion. If a book critique or literary reviewer, or even another prominent author, says your is good, you get readers and buyers instantly. You can find reviewers who will be interested in reading your book, on various platforms today; Amazon too, have contacts of such professional reviewers. Try connecting with them over email or social networking sites and request them to go through a copy of your book (which of course you will provide them as a complimentary benefit)

7-Revise Your Work with a Reader’s Perspective

It is often common to overlook errors when you are processing your thoughts through writing; you choose to go with the flow and while writing, the constructive ideas may seem perfect in the context of your book. However, these ideas may or may not come together holistically into your narrative. When you revise your work, make sure you read out your manuscript loud to yourself; this is when you are likely to spot mistakes in your writing, when something is not sounding correct.

8-Proof-read and Edit

Very important part of writing is the proof-reading or editing part. Sometimes, you have to have multiple attempts on your editing before you can fix all the problems. You can use a professional editing service to proof-read your manuscript, or you can get help from a mentor. In fact, make someone else read your work in the editing stage to know their perspective, because proof read doesn’t always mean only grammar or spelling.

9-Self-discipline Yourself

Make a schedule for your day’s work. Prioritize your schedule and follow it to maintain all your works within that. Practice writing everyday. If you give a long break, you may not have any more ideas emerging at all after that. So to keep the flow and continuity, write a bit everyday; keep that half-an-hour or an hour each day, in your schedule for writing. That way, you can keep motivating yourself. Book writing and book marketing for self-published authors are essentially difficult tasks to achieve on your own, but if you are on schedule, you can make the impossible, possible.
Success stories are great to read, but even better if you have one of your own. Being a self-published writer with a book on public platform is success in itself. You can work on the above tips to accelerate the promotion and sales of your writing. The strategies that you develop for yourself help you to become a successful writer.

Sanusi Ladan Abubakar
Interim chairman
Katsina state writer's League
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6 Major Health Benefits of Sex

Sex can relieve stress and anxiety by triggering the release of "feel good" hormones including oxytocin. These hormones promote relaxation and can help relieve feelings of anxiety.
Sex not only boosts your hormones and other brain chemicals—but it also reduces levels of stress hormones.
It's also important to note that sex with a partner isn't your only option.... In many cases, solo sex can relieve stress and have other health benefits too.
Sexual activity and orgasm can relax your body and release many hormones that are supportive of overall health and wellness. Similarly, sex can boost dopamine, a neurotransmitter sometimes called the "feel-good chemical" because it reinforces feelings of pleasure.

Increased Oxytocin

Oxytocin is known as the "love hormone" because it is released during physical touch, as in affectionate touching and sex between adult partners, as well as during pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding.
The physical closeness of sex, along with orgasm, delivers oxytocin. This hormone can relieve pain. among other positive effects—including stress relief and improved trust and mood.

Increased Endorphins

Endorphins are neurotransmitters, not hormones, but they are also released during sexual activity (as well as other physical activity, such as running, and in response to pain). Like oxytocin, they can relieve stress and improve mood.

Reduced Cortisol

Just as it can boost hormones with positive effects, sex seems to decrease levels of adrenaline and cortisol, known as "stress hormones."3 The body produces these stimulating hormones in response to stress, and elevated levels can lead to a "fight or flight" response. While this can be necessary and helpful in a temporary, emergency situation, having too much cortisol all the time is not healthy for your brain or body.
Sexual activity seems to be one way to release stress by reducing cortisol. One study looked at women’s heart rate and cortisol levels as a measure of stress response and found that they exhibited less of a stress response after "positive physical contact" with a partner. Emotional support alone didn’t have the same effect.
These findings suggest that having sex can lead to less of a stress response during challenging situations, which is a good thing.
In addition to flooding your body with hormones that can help you feel less worried, anxious, and stressed, sex also has a number of other important health benefits. Some other stress management components of sex include:

Sex As a Mood Booster

Sex can serve as a positive distraction, taking your mind off stressful thoughts. This, in turn, can improve mood both in the moment and beyond. For example, a study of married couples found that having sex was associated with a positive mood at work the following day.
However, it also showed that work-family strain and conflict reduced the likelihood of sex.5 This may be something to be aware of if you are experiencing frequent work-life conflict.
Because sex can boost mood, you might wonder if it might also help combat symptoms of depression. The relationship between sex and depression is complex, since depression symptoms and treatments can both play a part in decreasing libido.
While more research is needed, a 2021 study did find that people who had an active sex life during the COVID-19 pandemic had significantly lower scores on measures of anxiety and depression.

Sex for Better Brain Function

In addition to helping your body and mood, sex may also help keep your mind sharp. Research has found that adults aged 50 and over who had sex more frequently had better performance on memory tests.

Sex for a Stronger Relationship

Sex also strengthens feelings of intimacy with a partner, which can reduce stress and improve overall mood.8 People who have a supportive social outlet, including a strong intimate partnership, tend to manage stress better, live longer, and enjoy increased overall health.

Sex As a Workout

Depending on your level of enthusiasm, you can burn a lot of calories during sex, and gain the stress management benefits of exercise as well. Research into the energy expenditure of sexual activity suggests it is moderate in intensity and burns about 150 to 200 calories per hour.9 That's comparable to walking, swimming laps, and downhill skiing,

Sex for Better Sleep

Research shows that sexual activity promotes better sleep—specifically, having sex may help you fall asleep faster, and the quality of your sleep may be better too. Once again, hormones may play a role. Increased oxytocin and prolactin (which can surge after orgasm) and decreased cortisol are all associated with both sexual activity and improved sleep.
The sleep-promoting benefits of sex are another way that sexual activity contributes to stress relief. Chronic stress can interfere with sleep, and sex can help counteract those effects.

Sex for Cardiovascular Health

Another benefit of sex is that it may help improve your heart health. Research has found that men who have sex twice a week have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Is it safe to have sex if you have heart concerns? According to the American Heart Association, as long as you are safe to exercise without heart problems in the range of three to five metabolic equivalents (METs), then you should be safe to have sex. METs are a measurement used to estimate the energy expenditure required for an activity.
If you have existing cardiovascular problems, always talk to your doctor first before engaging in sexual activity or strenuous physical activity.
How Often Should You Have Sex?
How often do you need to have sex to reap these health rewards? Weekly? Daily? The right frequency of sex varies for each person, but once a week is often cited as the ideal.

Sanusi Ladan Abubakar
Interim chairman
Katsina state writer's League
Katsina. Nigeria
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