
  • Engineering
  • Healthcare
  • Marketing
  • Product management
  • Project Management
  • Repair and maintenance of biomedical devices
  • biomedical engineering
  • MATLAB Programming
  • Microsoft Office
  • Excellent report writing and presentation skills
  • ISO 13845
  • Quantitative and Qualitative data analysis
  • R programming
  • Python


Vishnu Rangachari

Work experience
  • Validated the safety and financial viability of over 100 CTL Amedica products for FDA and future clients use by conducting 5 years of post-market surveillance analysis and collaboration with the internal regulatory department
  • Pushed 5 products pending release for FDA approval by completing design control paperwork
  • Increasing visibility of CTL Amedica's spinal cage product to physicians through a finite element analysis study
  • Empowered internal sales team and surgeons with simplified scientific concepts to enhance patient consultations and product use.

Vishnu Rangachari

  • August, 2021 - December, 2022
  • Fulltime
  • Specialized in Medical Imaging

Vishnu Rangachari

  • I studied biomedical engineering with a focus on medical imaging along with a minor in engineering mathematics

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